War God Supreme

Chapter 3133: Song family ancestor


Hearing Li Lingtian's ridicule, Yali killed her face with a red face, then raised her head sharply, glaring at Li Lingtian with a variety of styles, and extended her right hand, which was directly twisted around Li Lingtian's waist.

"Hi... Hey, my waist!"

Li Lingtian suddenly screamed out.

No matter how high his realm is and how strong his strength is, the fat around his waist cannot be defended!

"Okay, no more!"

Li Lingtian quickly looked right, and Shen Sheng said: "This time, I got the inheritance of Xuanwu within the ruins, so I will delay so long!"

"Three hard workers, guarded here. And Zhu Yan, you have worked hard."

With that said, Li Lingtian's eyes were full of apologies.

"It's okay."

Yali killed Chang Chang with a sigh of relief, and said softly: "As long as you have nothing, it will be fine."

"Oh, my strength is so strong, how could something happen?"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and Li Lingtian asked, "Oh, by the way, how many days did it take to inherit this time? Let's go back!"

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​it is only two days to accept the inheritance this time."

Wan Tianyu Shen Sheng said: "However, there is not much time left for the knockout. Let's go back early."

"Now the remains of the Four Elephants and the Beasts have been explored. If you have a harvest, you can wait until you go back and retreat. Or enter the elimination battle and then retreat."

"If it delays the elimination, it will be troublesome."

After hearing this, Li Lingtian nodded and said, "That's right, let's go back."

With that, Li Lingtian waved his hands, the power of time and space in his body bloomed, and he immediately outlined a portal.

After stepping into the portal, Li Lingtian and his team of four people and one beast appeared around the nebula debris area.

Turning his head and glancing at the ruins of Xuanwu in the unopened state, Li Lingtian couldn't help but hesitate.

At this time, the group of people must be still in the ruins of Xuanwu, but they don't know how many of them can survive...

Realizing that Li Lingtian suddenly stopped at the same place, Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian were suddenly surprised.

"What's wrong, Brother Ling Tian, ​​don't you go yet?"

Wan Tianyu frowned slightly and asked directly.

"Huh...I'll stop the ruins."

Li Lingtian shook his head slightly, Shen Sheng said: "Otherwise, I am afraid this group of guys, none of them will survive!"

Hearing the words, Wan Tianyu was surprised for a moment, and his face gradually showed a moving look.

He understood that the reason why Li Lingtian was willing to close the ruins at this critical juncture and save the group of people was all because of him. Otherwise, with Li Lingtian's character, he would never waste time here.

"Brother Ling Tian...I..."

Wan Tianyu was just about to speak, but was stopped by Li Lingtian.

"Okay, stop talking."

With both eyes slightly closed, Li Lingtian's thoughts moved, and his hands began to move rhythmically.

This technique was learned from the inheritance of Xuanwu ruins, and followed Li Lingtian's hands. The fragment of the nebula that sealed the entrance of the Xuanwu ruins suddenly burst into a bright, dazzling and dazzling light.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


The forces of space all came together, burst suddenly, and a space crack also appeared in the air quietly.


A scream of sorrow sounded, and at the next moment, nearly a hundred figures suddenly flew out of the cracks in space.

After this group of people came out of the cracks in the space, due to excessive shock and the squeeze of gravity in different spaces, they couldn't bear it, and they immediately passed out.

Seeing this scene, all four of Li Lingtian sighed slightly.

Hundreds of the original people, even now, have not even reached one hundred people, and most of the surviving people are still seriously injured.

It is estimated that Li Ling shot a few minutes late, and those of them will also die.

"Huh... This ruins of Xuanwu are really dangerous!"

Several people in Li Lingtian frowned, finally understanding why Bai Hu said that the Xuanwu ruins were dangerous.

It is estimated that, apart from Li Lingtian and Zhu Yan, no one can come out of the Xuanwu ruins safely.

"These people have been rescued, and we should go."

Li Lingtian turned to look at Wan Tianyu and smiled, "Tianyu, now, you don't have to worry about them anymore."


Wen Yan said, Wan Tianyu suddenly coughed awkwardly, but when he was about to speak, Li Lingtian was already laughing and making Zhu Yan bigger.


Amidst the unbearable sound, Zhu Yan's wings fluttered, and he took Li Lingtian and the four of them toward the Holy City of Storm and hurried away.

But Li Lingtian did not know that, at this time, in the storm holy city, it was a huge storm!

The Song family ancestor sensed it after Song Haiming's death, but he didn't know exactly who killed Song Haiming.

Although it is said that he left a back hand in Song Haiming's body, Li Lingtian is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and directly discarded that back hand. Therefore, even with the strength of the Song ancestors, it is impossible to know who killed Song Haiming. .

But it happened that Song Haiming had told him before going out that he had gone with Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang to find the remains.

So, the angry Song ancestors quickly rushed to Jushalou, Sen Luo, Chen and other places!

The ancestors of the Song family were extremely strong, and the people of the Three Sects did not dare to resist, and directly handed over the three of Chen Mouliang.

However, Chen Mouliang and the three of them already regarded Li Lingtian as a brother, so even under such oppression, they did not confess Li Lingtian.

In an instant, the Song family ancestors were completely angry.

However, after the rage, the Song family ancestor thought of another possibility!

"Huh... even if it is like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are not willing to say it, it is impossible, is my grandson killed by Wan Tianyu?"

The voice of words was full of cold chill.


After hearing this, Chen Mouliang's face changed, and he quickly shook his head and said: "Among us all, Brother Wan and Song Song have the best relationship. Several times, he reconciled. How could it be him."

"Since it wasn't him, it was my grandson who several of you shot and killed together?!

"By the way, it seems that Wan Tianyu's kid didn't come back, could it be that several of you joined forces to murder my grandson and Wan Tianyu?"

"If this is the case, when Wan Kun comes, the three of you will be in trouble!"

With the words of the Song family ancestors falling down, the leaders of the three forces of the Chen family, Sen Luozong and Ju Shalou all changed their faces!

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