War God Supreme

Chapter 3134: Press

The leaders of the three forces of the Chen family, Sen Luozong, and Jushalou suddenly changed dramatically.

If it is just a Song family, they don’t have to be too scared, at most let their children admit a mistake, and compensation can be solved.

But if it provokes the Song family and Wushangmen at the same time, then it is troublesome!

"A few of you, wouldn't it really contradict Wan Tianyu and Song Haiming?"

The three men's eyes turned, and they quickly looked at Chen Mouliang, with a look of consternation in their eyes.

"Father, how is it possible!"

The three of Chen Mouliang said quickly: "We have a good relationship and how dare we make trouble in the debris area of ​​the nebula? As for Brother Wan, he has not returned because he and several others have discovered new ruins. After they have explored the ruins, they will return."


Wen Yan, the father of the three Chen Mouliang, was relieved at the same time, as long as Wan Tianyu was fine.

After all, although Wan Kun’s strength is not as good as Song’s ancestors, Wan Kun’s strength is just to restrain them, so they would rather face Song’s ancestors than Wan Kun.

"It seems... there are others!"

The ancestor of the Song family raised his eyebrows, and also heard the voice of the three Chen Mouliang's words. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he suspected that he was on other people's bodies.

Song Haiming has the treasure he specially made in his hand. Unless there is a master who has reached the fourth level of the domain master, otherwise, Song Haiming will not have a major event.

That is to say, the ancestors of the Song family knew long ago that with the strength of Chen Mouliang, they couldn't kill Song Haiming at all. The reason why he came over was because he wanted to get news from Chen Mouliang's population.


At this time, Chen Mouliang and the three of them also understood the thoughts of the Song family ancestors and immediately glared at the Song family ancestors.

"Looking at your expression, it should be the person who went to explore the remains with Wan Tianyu and killed my grandson."

Sensing that Chen Mouliang's expressions changed, the Song family's ancestors suddenly became cold, and said unkindly: "Originally, I was just guessing. Seeing you are so nervous, it seems that there are 9 out of 10!"

"You guys are friends with my grandson. It's okay to see him killed, but now, you still cover others and want to deceive me!"

As the ancestors of the Song family fell, Chen Mouliang and others' faces also changed drastically.

"Huh, this time, I will give you a few lessons. You are afraid to forget my reputation as Song Tiandao!"

"Drink, slash!"

Said, the ancestor of the Song family jumped sharply, and his right hand was like a sharp heavy knife. Ling, yet without losing his domineering knife, suddenly shot out of his arm!


The crimson knife resembled a giant dragon, swinging his body, opening his **** mouth, and slamming at Chen Mouliang. In a moment, the faces of Chen Mouliang and Chen Mouliang turned pale. No trace of blood!

Song Tiandao is named after the Tiandao, relying on this handy sword skill, powerful, even if it is the strongman of the sixth and seventh order of the domain master, in front of this trick, there is no guarantee that he can survive safely and unharmed!

And Chen Mouliang, they are only the second-level strength of the domain master, just feel the anger of the knife, but they are so frightened that they can't move at all.


The knife was billowing, and Chen Mouliang's hearts were filled with despair, his eyes full of fear.

"Leave people under the knife!"

The fathers of Chen Mouliang's three men were shocked, and they couldn't help but panic.

They also did not expect that Song Tiandao, as a senior, would be so shameless that he shot three younger generations!

In a panic, the father of the three Chen Mouliang also shot at the same time, and his body flashed, and then came to the three Chen Mouliang, and then the three Chen Mouliang only felt a flower in front of them, their bodies were just thrown aside .



It was also at this time that the overbearing knife air had already collided with Chen Mouliang's three fathers. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion when the collision occurred.

The surging shock wave suddenly spread out and swept out!



As the madness of the sword exploded, the surrounding walls and floors were all cracked, and then splashed out!


Seeing this scene, the onlookers suddenly shocked, and they took a breath of air.

"Good! This is the strength of Song's ancestors... In this case, is Brother Ling Tian dangerous?"

All of a sudden, Chen Mouliang and the three of them were worried for Li Lingtian.

The strength of Song Tiandao is really too strong! Even though Li Lingtian showed enough talent, they were not confident.


As the dust scattered, a sharp cough sounded suddenly.

Everyone was shocked, and quickly looked up, but they saw that Chen Mouliang's father, all of them were solemn, coughing violently.

In their hands, they each hold a treasure, shining with its own light, which contains a strong power.

"Song Tiandao!"

After coughing, Chen Mouliang's father, Chen Shihai, was suddenly furious and roared and shouted: "I respect you as a senior. I didn't use all my strength before, but you ruined my mansion too much!"

"Not bad!"

The other two also said in a deep voice, "You only know that just a few of them did not take action against Song Haiming. If other people took action, the strength of the few of them is still too low to help, why do you have any reason? Blame them!"

"If you linger like this anymore, then we're welcome to blame us!"

Wen Yan said, Song Tiandao couldn't help but squint his eyes. He also knew that he only shot at Chen Mouliang, which really stimulated them.

But he couldn't control himself just now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ died after all, but his grandson!


With a light breath, Song Tiandao said in a deep voice: "Okay, I don't have to worry about it. Just let them tell the name of the man and tell me who killed my grandson. I don't blame the previous things! "

Hearing Song Tiandao's words, Chen Shihai and three people couldn't help but turned their heads to look at Chen Mouliang.

They also don't want to affect Song Tiandao's relationship with one person alone.

However, it was Chen Mouliang who shook his head in response to them.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shihai and three people couldn't help but sink suddenly.


The eyeball turned, Chen Shihai jumped up, came directly to Chen Mouliang three people, Shen Sheng shouted: "Tell me, who is the person who killed Song Haiming?"

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