War God Supreme

Chapter 3271: Settle

"Why, is this trying to sneak away?"

As Li Lingtian's cold voice fell, Huo Zhiji's body was quietly stiff.

Suddenly turned around, Huo Zhiji looked at Li Lingtian awkwardly.

"What's wrong, this brother, is it possible that you disagree with me as the leader? Or disagree with the idea of ​​alliance?"

Li Lingtian glanced at Huo Zhiji, and said unkindly: "Even if you don't approve, you can say it well, why should you go so hurriedly?"


After hearing the words, Huo Zhiji quickly said, "How could I disagree, but I suddenly remembered that there is one more thing, about the alliance, you say it first, I don't care too much!"

"Cough, please forgive me to leave one step first!"

With that said, Huo Zhiji turned around and left quickly.

"Oh, don't rush, go, leave me your head first!"

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but blinked in his eyes. He had already seen it. Huo Zhiji wanted to leave here.

As Li Lingtian's words fell, everyone was surprised and turned their heads to look at Huo Zhiji.

Huo Zhiji was also trembling in his heart, but he turned around and saw Li Lingtian didn’t do anything. He couldn’t help but startled slightly, and he said: “Strange, Li Lingtian didn’t mean that he wanted me to leave the head? Why didn’t he shoot? If you didn’t shoot, , I'm leaving!"

When his thoughts moved, Huo Zhiji was ready to urge his whole body to leave here.

However, almost as soon as he was about to mobilize his whole body of energy, a cold flash suddenly flashed around his neck.


The power of space blooms, and at the next moment, the sharp dagger stabs Huo Zhiji's neck.

The crimson blood suddenly burst out, and a good head flew out of thin air!


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but take a breath, his face full of surprise.

A figure appeared quietly beside Huo Zhiji's body, with blood on his dagger.

"Who is this person? How did she appear here?"

"Good strength! That is the seventh-order domain master of the domain master, so she was assassinated!"

"His...is this man Li Lingtian and his group?"

With the appearance of the figure, everyone shuddered in their hearts, and they were all terrified. They dared not go to see Li Lingtian anymore.

"His...is this man Li Lingtian's? Even the seventh-order master of the domain can assassinate... I said, Li Lingtian's strength is very strong, it seems that this alliance is imperative!"

Lin Han suddenly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he just left without impulse, but waited here.

It seems that it is really worth it!

"Huh, I said it all. I have something to say and I want to leave here..."

Li Lingtian said with a sigh: "This kind of action is really abnormal. I have to suspect that you have betrayed us and want to turn to the Dragon Wars Galaxy to ventilate those guys! So, I can only execute you..."

"Yali kills, go back."

As Li Lingtian's voice fell, Yali nodded slightly, and her figure was hidden in the space again.

At the same time, the flames of God of Extinction emerged quietly, and a blazing fire suddenly ignited, and Huo Zhiji's body was completely burned to ashes, and disappeared in the air with the wind.

Seeing this scene, all the people around the audience shuddered suddenly.

That person is really Li Lingtian's men!

"His... That man is so strong, the seventh order of the domain master is under his hand, and he will die in one move. If we dare to defy Li Lingtian, wouldn’t he die?"

For a while, everyone dared not resist Li Lingtian anymore.

Li Lingtian has also firmly settled the position of the leader!

This time, Li Lingtian divided all the people into four factions according to the galaxy. Each faction has about ten thousand people.

Li Lingtian served as the lord and led four factions. Under him, there were also six deputy commanders, responsible for three other factions besides his direct leadership.

The six people were Lin Han, Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, Mo Shifeng, Li Debin, and Zhang Shihan, the sixth-rank peak of a domain master.

That Zhang Shihan was a person specially selected by Li Lingtian. He could see that there was a special power hidden in his body. Once that power broke out, there was no need to fear the master of the seventh order of the domain master. If he is present, even if he meets the Dragon Battle Galaxy, don't worry.

The six men, a team of Lin Han and Liu Banxian, a pair of Wan Tianyu and Li Debin, a team of Mo Shifeng and Zhang Shihan, respectively led the three factions.

Just in every faction, there are people who can contend with the seventh-order strong of the domain master!

Everyone was frightened by Li Lingtian's prestige and did not dare to resist. Therefore, these arrangements were quickly ordered.

Not only the high level, almost everyone in the galaxy is disrupted by half.

In this way, their original leader's control of the team has weakened a lot.

After everyone was familiar with the latest arrangement, Li Lingtian turned his goal to the fog outside.

"Everyone, everyone must have seen the mist outside?"

Li Lingtian sighed: "We are too many people, and for some time, there have been people who will come here abruptly. If you go on like this, the entire hidden city will explode greatly. Therefore, We can no longer stay in this hidden city!"

"We must look beyond the Yincheng!"

"Outside the hidden city?"

"It's all dark mist outside the hidden city, will there be danger inside?"

"Hiss... would this be too risky?"

As Li Lingtian's words fell, everyone was suspicious, but they all felt that Li Lingtian's plan was a little risky.

However, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian didn't care what the group of people thought, and continued to say in a cold voice: "If we continue to stay in this hidden city, we will only fall into endless chaos, and Conflict broke out, killing each other, it is better to let us go out!"

"Maybe, beyond the white mist, is the road to the fourth floor of the Yulong Holy City!"


It is said that everyone couldn't help but also moved. The reason they came here is to go to the fourth floor of the Jade Dragon Holy City!



However, just when Li Lingtian encouraged everyone, he did not notice which white mist gradually disappeared outside the city walls.


The loud roaring sounds quietly rang in the ears of several people in Li Lingtian!

"what sound?"

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