War God Supreme

Chapter 3272: White fog, unknown fear


The loud roaring sounds quietly rang in the ears of several people in Li Lingtian!

"what sound?"

Suddenly hearing these voices, the faces of Li Lingtian and others suddenly changed dramatically.

Suddenly turning his head and looking in the direction of the sound, everyone was surprised to find that some white mist was dissipating at a very fast rate.


In the slight noise, the white mist quickly dissipated, and some large black bodies were also vaguely reflected in the eyes of Li Lingtian and others!

"No, there is something in the white mist!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows and flew directly to the edge of the city wall.

Upon seeing this, everyone followed.

Closer, they just saw that there were many black shadows in those white mists.


"Roar~ Oh!"

The strong momentum constantly erupted from there.

"It's all monsters!"

In an instant, everyone's complexion turned pale.

They can feel that the monsters inside, the strength base is all about the third order of the domain master.

Although this strength is not usually taken into account by them, it is a beast tide! Among the beast tide, there are many giant beasts, don’t look at them as only the realm of the third order of the domain master, but even a master of the seventh order of the domain master, I dare not say that I can protect myself in the beast tide with my own strength. Safety!

All of a sudden, everyone was in a panic.

Even Mo Shifeng and some of them quickly ran behind Li Lingtian and quickly asked, "Brother Ling Tian, ​​what should we do now?"


As soon as the eyeball turned, Li Lingtian gritted his teeth and said with a deep voice: "The narrow road meets the brave! Victory! Today, we can't flinch! Isn't it just some giant beasts, that's what killed them!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian's eyes burst into cold eyes, and the terrible killing intention made everyone around Li Lingtian tremble.

Li Lingtian's strength is simply not what they can compete with!

"By the way, Mo Shifeng, Liu Banxian, Tianyu, three of you go to the other three city walls to see if the white mist there has dissipated!"

"It would be easier if it dissipated here!"


Wen Yan, Wan Tianyu. Liu Banxian, Mo Shifeng and others were all surprised, and for a moment, they reacted.

Yes, this is a city. Since the white mist has dispersed below the city walls, the hidden monsters in it gradually appear. What about the remaining cities?

In case the white mist around it is full of monsters, how should it be?

The more you think about it, the more fearful you are.

If there are too many monsters, it is difficult to resist with their strength!

Even Li Lingtian was afraid to think deeply!

Suddenly hit a Ji Ling, three talents Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian came awake, then said yes, then quickly rushed to the distance.

They flew to the three north and south walls.

Looking at the figure of the three gradually away, Li Lingtian's face also dignified.

As for the others, they looked at Li Lingtian's eyes with a look of fear.

"Leader... If this time, it was really a beast tide, how should it be?"

Those who had just surrendered to Li Lingtian were all startled in their hearts and moved closer to where Li Lingtian was.

"What else? Of course, a **** way!"

Li Lingtian's eyes turned, suddenly turned around, his eyes looked like a torch, staring closely at the white mist outside the city wall!


The white fog is still dissipating, the speed of dissipation is getting faster and faster, but how much fog is outside, even if the speed of dissipation is fast, it is difficult to dissipate in a moment.

However, the unknown is the most terrifying thing. It is this kind of unknown that has turned into a cloud and enveloped everyone!

As the white mist gradually dissipated, the behemoth inside became clearer, and the fear in everyone's heart was increasing!

After a quarter of an hour, several broken sounds reminded one after another.

"Adult! Lord Palace Master!"

"Brother Ling Tian!"

Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu hurried back, and the words were full of rush.


Li Lingtian turned his head abruptly and turned to look, but he saw Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian's faces full of tension.

"Sir, great things are not good!"

Liu Banxian rushed in front of Li Lingtian. Before he could wear a few breaths, he hurriedly shouted: "The big thing is not good! The southern wall, the white mist is also gone!"

"So is the north!"

Wan Tianyu also gasped and shouted: "The white fog on the north side is dissipating quickly! Moreover, the white fog has a very strong corrosive ability. I threw the chaotic treasure into it, and didn't even hold on for three breathing times. , It was corroded into air!"


Wen Yan, including Li Lingtian, was all taken aback in surprise.

The white fog on the east, south, and north walls has all disappeared. Obviously, the white fog on the west has definitely disappeared!

I just don't know what kind of beast is hidden in the white mist!

Are the strengths of those monsters all third-order domain masters? Are there any fourth-order behemoths?

They don't even know about these things. Therefore, they are very nervous.


Li Lingtian took a deep breath, his eyes rolled, and then suddenly shouted: "Wan Tianyu, Li Debin, you two, take the person to the north! Lin Han, Liu Banxian, you two take the person to the south!"


Wen Yan, four people including Wan Tianyu, looked at each other and then clenched their fists.

"Remember, if the monster within the white mist really launches an impact, it must be blocked! If it can't be blocked, all of us must die!"

Li Lingtian suddenly stared at the four people, and Shen Sheng said: "Hoo, now the outside world can still come in. It is also our vitality. We must support it, you know?"


Four Wan Tianyu clenched their fists, and then led others one after another, rushing towards the north and south walls, respectively.

Almost they just left, Mo Shifeng came back.

"Palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No big deal!"

Mo Shifeng looked stern, and when he ran to Li Lingtian, he was already breathless.

"Mo Shifeng, needless to say."

Li Lingtian knew that the white mist must have dispersed in the west, and Shen Sheng said immediately: "Zhang Shihan, Mo Shifeng, the west wall, I will hand it to you!"

"If you can't keep it, then we will die together! The lives of hundreds of thousands of brothers will be given to you!"


Mo Shifeng was stunned for a moment, he did not know the news of the south and north.

"Sir, we will not let you down!"

Zhang Shihan clenched his fists, and Shen Sheng said it.

"Okay, go. The speed should be as fast as possible. The white mist is about to disperse, and the giant beast inside should appear!"

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