War God Supreme

Chapter 3281: Ghost Wolf Cavalry

Seeing the improvement of Yali's killing strength, Li Lingtian nodded with satisfaction, and said softly, "Yes, we will take action together next."

"Brother, rest assured, I won't let you down!"

Yali nodded heavily, and she was very concerned about Li Lingtian. She secretly made up her mind that she must play well and absolutely cannot disappoint Li Lingtian.

Looking around, the white mist is still slowly dissipating, and a new wave of beasts is still in the making.

The atmosphere was suppressed over the entire city wall, not as before, and there were jokes.

Everyone now feels the strength of the giant beast and feels the pressure. Therefore, they are no longer as easy as they used to be. They understand that maybe they will be eaten by the giant beast in the next moment!

Realizing this kind of atmosphere, Li Lingtian couldn't help frowning, he felt very depressed, and wanted to disperse this kind of division, but he knew that this kind of atmosphere now can make everyone more powerful. Strength comes.

Breaking the cauldron and sinking into the water, fighting against the water, perhaps, can let them inspire the stronger power under the desire to survive!

So, the whole city wall is covered with a sad, depressed atmosphere.


Half an hour later, the white mist finally dissipated completely. Suddenly, the loud wolf howling sounded suddenly in the space.


As the howling wolf fell, everyone also clearly saw that many giant wolves galloped from a distance.

"No... these, it seems to be wolf cavalry!"

However, when the giant wolves stayed close, all the people were surprised to find that there were many people on the giant wolves.

Those people, all dressed in worn armor, with weapons in their hands, are also decaying. Quite a sense of age.

"His... what's the situation?"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but change his face slightly, his face full of seriousness.

"This seems to be a ghost..."

Bian let his eyes narrow, his face dignified.

"Ghost? How is it possible, but this is a beast tide, how can there be ghosts?"

It was said that Li Lingtian was shocked for a while, and then quickly denied: "Will the soldiers have only empty shells? Only those wolves are the ones we have to deal with!"

"Do not!"

Bianrang Shensheng said: "I have seen a ghost cavalry dispatched just like this."


Suddenly, Li Lingtian hesitated in his heart, how could this good beast tide appear ghosts?

It stands to reason that ghosts are ghosts, and giant beasts are giant beasts, and the two cannot be in stable contact.

"Strange... what the **** is going on... why, do I feel something is wrong?"

Li Lingtian's brow furrowed, however, just as he was about to continue his contemplation, he kept his hands clasped in his head, and howled continuously.

"Ah, it hurts!"

"My head!"

"What's wrong? Would you be okay?"

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian hurriedly reached out to hold the side, and Yali was also surprised.

Soon, Bian Rang no longer shouted, but what made Li Lingtian strange is that after regaining his headache, Bian Rang never mentioned the ghost cavalry.

With a frown, Li Lingtian couldn't help but ask: "Bian Rang, didn't you say that these are ghosts? Is there any evidence? Or, do you have any special understanding of them?"

"Ghost? What ghost?"

However, hearing Li Lingtian’s question, Bian Rang was stunned, blinking, and asked suspiciously: “What ghost? I don’t know?! Master, did you hear it wrong? I’ve never I don’t know about ghosts!"

"what's the situation?"

Seeing this scene, Yali immediately exclaimed with exclamation: "Don't you still say that this is a ghost? Why don't you recognize it now!"

"I said? Stop it, it's impossible!"

Side let quickly shook his head.

Li Lingtian's complexion suddenly became solemn, and his heart was full of doubts.

"His... It seems that this matter is really ridiculous! As I said earlier, his face was dignified, obviously he took it very seriously, but in a blink of an eye, he was in severe pain, and it was impossible , What is there in this place, are they controlling them?"

"Horrible, who the **** is he in control of all this? Why is he only shooting at others, and... the ghost must be one of the important clues to crack this ghost place, otherwise he would not do it like this Obvious changes make Bianrang forget everything about ghosts!"

"Also, this guy is able to control and let it be so far away. It shows that his strength is extraordinary, and he is definitely better than me. But why does he only control other people, but not me? This guy, what is it? Get together?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian pondered, and her thoughts changed sharply, constantly thinking.



As he pondered, the ghost wolf cavalry quickly approached the city wall.

"Brother Tian, ​​look carefully, those wolves are ghosts too!"

Suddenly, Yali slapped her fingers to the ghost cavalry and exclaimed: "The wolves are not like the previous giant wolf, the hair is close to the body, the order is clear, and reasonably speaking, the hair moves so fast, the body should be Will fly, but they are not!"

"And, they have no shadow!"

"No shadow?"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows sharply, looked carefully, and immediately took a breath.

If that's the case, those giant wolves don't have shadows, and at that speed, their hairs don't move at all, which shows that they are not entities, but ghosts!

"His... There is a ghost wolf cavalry in the beast tide, which is simply a big joke!"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and it was also at a loss. The beast tide was difficult to deal with, but if it was to deal with ghosts, it would be much easier. However, it was so difficult to keep it down before. Is it so easy to return later?

"Tien~www.wuxiaspot.com~ what should we do next?"

Yali suddenly turned to look at Li Lingtian.

"What else can you do, wait for them to rush over and kill them!"

Li Lingtian's eyes were cold, and he has made up his mind, no matter whether you are a ghost or something, as long as you dare to rush over, I will dare to kill!



The ghost wolf cavalry is extremely fast, but it is only a few dozen breaths, and it is within a hundred meters of the city wall!

"Do it!"

Li Lingtian took the lead in the formation, and the sky was full of breath and sword, and whistled towards the wolf cavalry.


Those sword spirits penetrated the body of the ghost wolf cavalry at a very fast speed, however, a scene that shocked everyone appeared!

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