War God Supreme

Chapter 3282: Defeat

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The breathtaking sword gas penetrated the body of the ghost wolf cavalry at a very fast speed. However, a shocking scene appeared!

Those ghost wolf cavalry, after being penetrated by the cold sword energy, did not even show any wounds, and even the speed did not decrease, just like those sword energy penetrated, just some shadows!

"His... how could this be the case!"

Seeing this scene, everyone's face was terrified, even Li Lingtian was nervous, and took a breath.


But the people did not dare to fall behind, and they exploded into full force, and the offensive of the sky and the ground fell, and they oppressed towards the group of ghost wolf cavalry.

However, after the offensive fell, the ghost wolf cavalry still rushed toward the city wall at a constant speed.

There was no trace of an attack on them.

In other words, the attacks of the masses fell on them and had no effect at all!

This is really terrifying!

"God, what the **** are these?"


"Devil, will this be the devil?"

All of a sudden, everyone on the city wall panicked.

Standing next to Li Lingtian, when he saw this scene, he frowned, whispering, "What's going on... Why do I see this, I have a familiar feeling... Hey, these wolf cavalry, are they What the hell? Can it be immune to harm?"


Li Lingtian's strength is so strong that he can naturally hear the murmur of Bian Rang, and can't help but raise his eyebrows. In this way, the memory of Bian Rang has not been extracted, but suppressed.

It seems that the secret person doesn't want to hurt Bianrang.

But this made Li Lingtian surprised. If everything that happened in front of him was controlled by the secret person, why didn't he choose to kill it?

If this suppresses his memory, making them unable to resist the beast tide, the final outcome is also death! Since all of them are also deaths, why bother with such a big deal? Could it be that it was just to see how they looked when they were in desperation?



Just when Li Lingtian was meditating, those ghost wolf cavalry were already near the city wall, only a few feet away from the city wall.

At this time, the decaying cavalry above the ghost wolf had already shot, and the spear was raised high in his hand.

Although the spear has decayed, the power contained in it cannot be underestimated!

At the same time, although everyone knew that their attack would not work, they still did not give up, and continued to attack, and the offensive of the sky was scattered.

But those ghost wolf cavalry did not encounter the slightest obstacle.

"Stop it all!"

Li Lingtian immediately responded, and then shouted: "Those who have understood the original power of the Thunder Law will give me all the shots. The rest of them will retreat and restore their strength!"

With that said, Li Lingtian stepped out first, his right hand raised, and the extinct purple electricity suddenly appeared in his hand.

With the spear waving, the sky was suddenly clouded.


"Click! Click!"

The dark clouds, lightning flashes and thunder, just an instant, there are dozens of purple thunder, splitting out of thin air, and fell into the group of those ghost wolf cavalry.



It must be said that Thunder is the most restrained of ghosts, evil spirits and other aspects of this power, but in an instant, those ghost wolf cavalry who could previously ignore the attack were turned into fly ash under the shower of Thunder.

"God, the wolf cavalry are not invincible!"

"Hahaha, it's still great adults!"

"Blink away! All the people who have understood the original power of the Thunder Law, come here!"

Suddenly, all the people on the city walls who understood the original power of the Thunder Law began to release their own Thunder Power.

In order to maintain lethality, they use only the purest thunder power!



All of a sudden, this area turned into a sea of ​​thunder. Those ghost wolf cavalry, unable to take a step at all, turned into fly ash.

Seeing this scene, everyone laughed excitedly, and they could feel that this time the beast tide was shocking and stable again.

However, they had Li Lingtian who wanted to understand this and resisted the impact of the beast tide.

But for the other three cities, I don’t know why. The six of them, Wan Tianyu and Mo Shifeng, did not have any one. They saw that the ghost wolf cavalry were ghosts, and they didn’t even think of using the power of Thunder's original law to fight them.

Therefore, in half a quarter of an hour, those ghost wolf cavalry rushed to the wall below.

The next moment, the group of ghost wolf cavalry attacked at the same time.


The decaying spear suddenly struck the seemingly hard wall.


I don’t know why, after the stabbing spears hit the city wall, there was no situation where the spears that everyone wanted to break up. On the contrary, the decaying spear heads, like the sharpest blades, suddenly disappeared. Among the walls!


The next moment, with the spear turning, the originally hard wall suddenly shattered.


Thousands and even tens of thousands of ghost wolf cavalry attacked together. Almost all the city walls were stabbed by decaying spears. In an instant, the city walls collapsed!


"No, everyone will retreat!"

Wan Tianyu and others hurriedly greeted people to retreat. For a time, all the people who were still alive retreated back into the inner city.

And those who were crushed by the collapsed wall were not so lucky, and the ghost wolf cavalry, who was galloping directly, trampled on their feet.



Their body ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is under the attack of the ghost wolf cavalry, just like a watermelon, it collapses directly!

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu and others were all screaming and could not help killing the ghost wolf cavalry, but they also understood that they are not opponents of the ghost wolf cavalry!

So, they can only retreat with pain!

The same scene, at the same time, happened on the three walls of North, South, and West!

The ghost wolf cavalry, almost in a destructive and destructive manner, completely disintegrated and shattered the original strong wall!

Even the east wall where Li Lingtian was located felt the huge vibrations in the other three directions, so that the east wall was unstable.

"No, did it happen in three other directions?"

With a cold look, Li Lingtian turned around and stared into the distance.

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