War God Supreme

Chapter 3288: Breath of darkness

"Roar! I want you to die!"

Amidst the roaring roar, a giant dragon formed entirely of white mist and resembling a bone dragon suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone.

"If you want us to die, it depends on whether you have this skill!"

Yang Zhichao jumped up, his body was stained with blood, and he was fierce, like a demon.


The bone dragon turned like a steel whip and lashed at Yang Zhichao violently.

Yang Zhichao was not afraid, but he protruded with his right hand, slammed an attack, and fell.


A blade of light suddenly rushed out of Yang Zhichao and collided with the bone dragon's body.


Suddenly, a loud sound erupted at the place where the two touched, and the surging shock wave suddenly spread out.


However, that shock wave did not cause any impact on Yang Zhichao and that bone dragon.

At the next moment, this person and one dragon collided together madly, and violent shock waves erupted continuously at the places they contacted!

At the very beginning, Yang Zhichao could still take the upper hand and kept pressing the bone dragon.

But with the passage of time, the white mist on the bone dragon condensed more and more, and the power it could release was also more arrogant.

Moreover, each time it was struck, the white mist on the bone dragon would be more condensed. Later, the white mist had almost disappeared.

The dragon's body looks like a crystal white bone!

Yang Zhichao's attack fell on that bone, and also made a "dangdang" general crisp sound. In addition, it had no effect, and even the traces could not be left.

When the white mist on the bone dragon completely dissipated, the bone dragon screamed suddenly.


At the next moment, the bone dragon suddenly pulled away from Yang Zhichao and hovered in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Yang Zhichao couldn't help but frowned, he didn't know what the bone dragon was going to do.

"Dark Breath!"

At this moment, Gu Long suddenly opened his mouth, and the next moment, a dark air flow, filled with gloomy and filthy breath, spewed out instantly.


It was only an instant, that breath that covered Yang Zhichao and others.

"not good!"

Yang Zhichao exclaimed, and quickly waved his right hand, a light curtain, to wrap the people around him closer.

"Poop! Poop!"

However, Yang Zhichao can protect some people, some people who are far away, but there is no way to survive.

Almost instantly, their bodies were contaminated with filth.


"It hurts!"

In the wailing howl, the body of this group of people seemed to be splashed with bone powder and evaporated a lot of white mist.

But in just a few breaths, the group of people turned into white mist and dissipated into the air.

No bones!

"His... a vicious means!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Zhichao couldn't help but twitch in the corner of his mouth, his face full of horror.

He did not expect that the strength of the bone dragon would be so perverted!

too strong!


The bone dragon continued to roar, and the dark breaths were thicker and thicker between the shaking of the figure.


Under that attack, Yang Zhichao was also unable to resist some of them, and the surrounding light curtains became shaking.

"His... No, it must be sacrificed!"

Yang Zhichao gritted his teeth, suddenly his hands were folded, his lips started, and he didn't know what he was talking about.


With Yang Zhichao's nagging, suddenly, a bright, dazzling and dazzling silver-white light appeared between his hands.


"call out!"

A blade of light, passing at a very fast speed, instantly crossed the body of that bone dragon!


"Click! Click!"

In an instant, the bone dragon's dark breathing stopped abruptly! Its body is suspended in the air.

A clear voice sounded, and the next moment, the bone dragon's body suddenly appeared many cracks.

Seeing this scene, Yang Zhichao was relieved.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Suddenly, a breeze blew past, and the bone dragon's body was turned into sky debris, bursting apart and splashing out.


The surviving people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the air, the dark breath gradually dissipated. Yang Zhichao waited until the dark breath was almost gone before daring to spread the protective cover.

Looking around, Yang Zhichao's face suddenly became ugly.

At this time, there were only a few hundred people still alive.

Under the dark breath of the bone dragon, the lives of tens of thousands of people turned into fly ash and annihilated in the air. This shows that the strength of the bone dragon is terrible!

Fortunately, however, Yang Zhichao's hands still controlled some of the methods left by the generals, so he did not fear the bone dragon.

But then, the last opponent they will face, with him alone, there is no way to resist.


Taking a deep breath, Yang Zhichao quickly ordered people to call out the people in the other three directions.

In the final battle, they faced not thousands of horses but thousands of horses, so they could not relax or disperse their forces. They must work together to win!

Soon, someone left quickly and went to the other three directions to yell.

The rest of them were packing up the battlefield in situ, and by the way recovering their strength.

Time passed quickly, but it was only half an hour. Many people came from the other three directions.

It seems that it is because there is no reason for the bone dragon to wreak havoc in the other three directions. Although the casualties were heavy, it still survived tens of thousands of people and retained some vitality.

After the initial panic, everyone began to meditate and adjust interest rates, even Yang Zhichao was no exception.

But for a moment, the entire hidden city fell into silence.

Li Lingtian and they ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are still not disturbed, and they can enhance their strength in the inner city.

The next day, just as the people meditated to adjust their interest rates, a cloud of air suddenly flew in the air.



Suddenly, between heaven and earth, thunder and thunder, and dark clouds.

Those thunders, like long snakes, danced in the air, spreading their teeth and claws, giving a strong sense of oppression!



At the same time, a strong hurricane swept through and instantly covered everyone.


The entire hidden city was shaken by the storm.

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