War God Supreme

Chapter 3289: 9 Head Hell Dragon

The strong storm suddenly started, and the entire hidden city shook.

"what's the situation?"

"What happened?"

All of a sudden, everyone in the inner city also reacted, including Li Lingtian and others who were meditating and adjusting interest rates, all awakened.

"No, something big is happening outside!"

Li Lingtian felt slightly, his face suddenly changed dramatically, and then his body rose into the sky, and he quickly flew into the sky above the hidden city.

"Everyone, follow me to the East Wall!"

With the spread of spiritual power, this voice spread throughout the hidden city!

Soon, all people in the hidden city rushed to the east wall with anger.

Li Lingtian raised his head slightly, but saw thunderclouds in the distance, lightning and thunder, and his heart suddenly became dull.

Indistinctly, he could feel that there was a very strong power in that thundercloud!

That kind, even him, has no confidence to contend with.

"Damn, if you can give me another period of time to break through to the seventh level of the domain master, then there is a chance!"

Li Lingtian was very depressed. This time, the time left for him was too short. His current state is still the sixth-order peak of the domain master. There is no way to complete the breakthrough.

But time does not wait for others, he must rush over, otherwise, Yang Zhichao alone, it is difficult to solve this crisis.

Fly quickly to the east wall.

The closer they were, the more repressive breath that Li Lingtian felt, that is, the more violent.


Thunder in the air bloomed and kept falling.

Fortunately, Li Lingtian also has a strong control over the Thunder, so some Thunder can't hurt him.

Coming to Yang Zhichao, Li Lingtian hadn't spoken yet, and Yang Zhichao said with a deep voice: "Brother Li, next time, I'm afraid I will hand it to you!"

"This time, I was wrong... Huh, this guy's strength is very strong. In my current state, I am afraid I am not an opponent..."

Speaking of which, a bitter look appeared on Yang Zhichao's face.

The first few shocks let them solve it, so this time they thought it should not be too difficult, but they did not expect that this time the last wave of siegeers had not appeared, they were given such a big deal. pressure!

He even has a little doubt that the man's strength has reached the ninth level of the domain master! ?

"What? But if you can't solve it...I..."

Li Lingtian could not help but frown. He had seen Yang Zhichao's move before to solve the general eighth-level ghost wolf cavalry general who was close to the domain. He thought he would not be Yang Zhichao's opponent, but now, Yang Zhichao put his hope on his What kind of ghost is this?

"That's different..."

Yang Zhichao said helplessly: "I am also a ghost, so I could easily deal with those masters who were also ghosts. But this time, our enemy is not a ghost, but also not a living person. Therefore, he has the ability to deal with me. , And I couldn’t do much harm to him.”

"So, now, I only have my hopes on you!"

"Huh... that's what it is!"

It is said that Li Lingtian was relieved. It was for this reason, but even so, Li Lingtian was under great pressure.

Based on the current momentum alone, Li Lingtian can tell that the enemy is extremely powerful. If he can’t use all his strength and let everyone work together, he may not be the opponent of that person.



Among the loud thunder, a roaring noise quietly sounded.

At the beginning, the sound of that roar was still quite low. Li Lingtian just heard a few of them vaguely, and their ears moved slightly.

However, very quickly, the loud roaring sound was continuously coming out from the air!

"Roar roar!"

That kind of roaring sound, as if from the Nine Nether Hells, gave a chilling feeling.

"The enemy is coming!"

Li Lingtian and others looked at each other and all looked up into the air.

At this time, the thunder cloud in the sky was completely suppressed.

Countless thunders continue to erupt, giving people a strong deterrent, making people dare not act lightly!



Suddenly, a thunderstruck across, and then the thundercloud in the air dispersed, and a huge figure appeared quietly in the air.


As the huge figure appeared, the deafening roar sounded.

The sound wave spread, and everyone couldn't help but looked ugly, covering his ears, even Li Lingtian's few people frowned.

Looking at it, through the thundercloud that gradually dissipated, a black dragon with nine heads and feet appeared suddenly in the eyes of everyone!

"His...Nine-headed dragon?"

"My God! What monster is this? There are nine heads?!"

In an instant, everyone was shocked in their hearts, and their faces were full of fear.

"It's this monster!"

Yang Zhichao's complexion was also dignified.

"What monster is this?"

Hearing this, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows. He could hear Yang Zhichao's words. Yang Zhichao absolutely knew the details of the monster!

Knowing yourself and knowing each other can only be a battle!

Therefore, Li Lingtian asked directly.

"This is the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon!"

Yang Zhichao said with a bitter smile: "This was the monster from the Dragon Wars galaxy that was beheaded by the general. I didn't expect it to be resurrected!"

"Be careful. At that time, it had the realm of the world. Even if it died so long now, its strength must be very strong!"

"Lord of the world..."

Hearing the words, Li Lingtian could not help but twitched the corner of his mouth suddenly, and his heart suddenly prayed: "God bless you, I hope it is lower now!"


Among the deafening roars~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The thunder around the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon is almost gone.

Of course, the Thunder did not disappear, but it was contained within the body of the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon, and the Thunder power contained in its body was not weakened in the slightest.

If you despise it because of this, it will definitely die miserably!

After absorbing the thunder power into the body, the nine heads of the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon began to shake.

Afterwards, its eighteen eyes as big as a giant cow flashed a faint blue light, and looked at Li Lingtian and others.

Being stared at by it like this, everyone's heart, without exception, is all a little nervous.


The light in his eyes gradually became cold. At the next moment, the nine-headed **** dragon shook his body abruptly, and his nine heads were like gods and demons fluttering, all with **** mouths open, biting away to Li Lingtian and others!

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