War God Supreme

Chapter 3292: God of War

Under one blow, the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon was blown out, and the blood was purple and black all over the sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone was excited.

Just now, they are already desperate. Their attack fell on the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon. It has no effect at all. In contrast, the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon can kill hundreds of people with every shot.

In this way, they will continue to grow, even if there are more people, sooner or later they will be polished by the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon.

But now, Li Lingtian's strong outbreak has given them hope!


The Nine-Headed Hell Dragon wailed, and next moment, around its body, purple and black gas lingered.

The Nine-Headed Hell Dragon is also completely angry, it does not allow, he was actually injured by the sixth-order ants of a district!

"Go on! Kill me!"

Li Lingtian violently shouted: "Brothers, wish me a hand!"


It is said that the people who already had hope did not dare to delay, and shot one after another.


Many chaotic treasures, as well as the original power of various laws, are overwhelming, and they all burst towards the nine-headed **** dragon.


"You...have to die!"

Suddenly, the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon roared up in the sky, even uttering words, and then his nine heads shook and opened a **** mouth.


The deep black light gradually gathered in its mouth, which contained a terrifying power.



In the roar of the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon, nine black rays of light suddenly erupted from its nine giant mouths and collided with everyone's attack, straight and fierce!


With the moment when the two collided together, a violent and loud explosion sound suddenly sounded, and the surging shock wave also broke out with an unstoppable momentum.


It was only an instant that Li Lingtian and others just felt a great force came, unable to help his body tremble, a sweet throat, and a mouthful of blood spewing out.

Not only that, their bodies flew out.


The body of tens of thousands of people was shocked by the shock wave.

It looks extremely spectacular,

However, Li Lingtian was terrified in their hearts.

Li Lingtian never thought that the strength of the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon would be so powerful!

That is simply not what they can deal with, unless, he can break through to the eighth level of the domain master. Otherwise, it will definitely die!

Not to mention Li Lingtian, Mo Shifeng, Liu Banxian, Wan Tianyu and others were even desperate.

The strength of tens of thousands of people can't even fight the nine-headed **** dragon. How can they fight?


Just as everyone was desperate, the nine-headed **** dragon suddenly shouted, hovered in a circle, and flew straight into the sky, then hovered suddenly, nine pairs of bronze bell-sized eyes, shining light, tight Stared at Li Lingtian several people.

Obviously, the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon was also seen, and Li Lingtian was the leader among the people.


The Nine-headed Hell Dragon roared suddenly, and then his body was like a cannonball with a bow, one shot, one shot, and quickly shot at Li Lingtian.

Nine heads, all with **** mouths open, bite away!

Obviously, the target of Nine-Headed Hell Dragon is Li Lingtian!

"call out!"

However, at this moment, a broken air suddenly sounded.

In the distance, a golden light, shining with dazzling brilliance, with a tendency of thunder and blindness, rushed over quickly.


With the appearance of that golden light, the breath between the whole world became dignified.

The Nine-headed Hell Dragon moved, suddenly slowed down, he just felt like a huge mountain of tens of thousands of pounds pressed on his body, heavy, unable to move.

However, Li Lingtian was not affected by the slightest.

As soon as the eyeball turned, Li Lingtian didn't have much time to think. His body twisted, like a flexible fish, quickly opened the distance from the nine-headed **** dragon.

"call out!"

Almost at the moment when Li Lingtian pulled away, the golden light was nearing the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon.


Soon, that golden light directly hit the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon.


With a loud noise, the next moment, the huge body of the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon was blasted out in a wailing sound.

After the impact, the speed of the golden light also slowed down.

Everyone looked at it and suddenly surprised.

That golden light is a golden sword!

"I'm going? Is this a sword? Is the world the treasure?"

Seeing that golden sword suddenly, Li Lingtian was also shocked.

"Could it be that the reinforcements are here?"

Li Lingtian could not help but whisper.

This sudden appearance of a giant sword with a power comparable to the world's treasure, Li Ling is subconsciously thinking that their helper appeared! This relieved him suddenly.

"Brother Li, take the sword!"

However, at the next moment, a sound suddenly sounded.

Very far away, Yang Zhichao's figure appeared. Obviously, this diseased golden giant sword was brought by Yang Zhichao.


Hearing that, Li Lingtian was stunned for a while, then raised his eyebrows, suddenly excited, and jumped forward, just before that golden sword.

At this time the speed of the golden giant sword was already much slower.

Li Lingtian just looked forward with his right hand, and firmly grasped the hilt of the golden giant sword.


As Li Lingtian grasped the hilt, he suddenly felt a special force, which spread into his body along the hilt. At the next moment, Li Lingtian felt that there was an extremely powerful force in his body, giving him a powerful feeling!

Even, Li Lingtian is confident, now he can easily clean up the nine-headed **** dragon!


In the weird fluctuations, after the golden giant sword was held by Li Lingtian again, the golden light on the sword body gradually radiated light~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian, let the **** of war's oath be recognized! "

Yang Zhichao's voice suddenly rang loudly.

"God of War?"

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but be a little stunned. The God of War oath, could it be the name of this great sword?

However, after the reaction, Li Lingtian looked at Yang Zhichao in doubt again. You just said that you want the God of War to confess the Lord, but how do you recognize the Lord?


Yang Zhichao hurriedly shouted: "Blood! Hurry up!"

As Yang Zhichao's words fell, Li Lingtian immediately swayed the oath of God of War and swiped at the palm of his hand.


In the crisp sound, the sharp blade of the God of War oath immediately cut through Li Lingtian's skin!

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