War God Supreme

Chapter 3293: 1 sword


In the crisp sound, the sharp blade of the God of War oath immediately cut through Li Lingtian's skin!

The crimson blood flowed out suddenly, immediately contaminated on the sword body of the God of War oath.


"Guru! Guru!"

As the sword body was stained with blood, the sword of Oath of War suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

At the same time, the blood on the sword seemed to boil, and kept making the sound of "Guru! Guru!"


The blade of the God of War's oath flickered, and the next moment, all the blood on the sword was absorbed into the sword.

At the same time, Li Lingtian only felt his head suddenly dizzy, and within the sword body, an endless force suddenly erupted, rushing into Li Lingtian's body.


Almost instantly, Li Lingtian's own realm has already reached the ninth peak of the domain master!

One step away from the master of the half-step world!

The momentum in Li Lingtian's body, like the rough sea, erupted continuously.

"His... what's the situation?"

"My God... such a strong force!"

When everyone saw this scene, they were all shocked.

Yang Zhichao was full of relief and laughed.

He gambled right, the God of War oath, really recognized Li Lingtian's blood! Choose to recognize Li Lingtian as the main!


The Nine-Headed Hell Dragon also felt the change in Li Lingtian's body momentum, and quickly hovered around, nine pairs of eyes as large as Tongling, staring at Li Lingtian with death, and his eyes were filled with a cloudy look, killing intent!

But at this time, the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon didn't dare to act rashly. He could sense that Li Lingtian's strength had become very powerful. If it hurriedly shot, it might fall here!

However, the nine-headed **** dragon did not dare to do it, but it does not mean that Li Lingtian did not dare to do it!

At this time, Li Lingtian, after gaining that strength, his confidence burst, without any hesitation, he raised the oath of God of War in his hand.

"Sinner, die!"

The golden light flashed in his eyes, and Li Lingtian suddenly fell.


As the sword fell, a sword blazing with golden light suddenly burst out of the air and stormed towards the nine-headed **** dragon!

At the same time, an imaginary shadow suddenly appeared after Jian Qi.

It was a general wearing a golden light armor. Although the whole body was covered in armor, it gave a very majestic feeling.

Even if Mo Shifeng, Liu Banxian and others were far away, after seeing it, they couldn't help but took a sigh of relief, his face full of shock.

"Good beast, you were lucky enough to escape your life. Today, I must ask you to drink and hate it!"

As soon as General Jin Jia appeared, he shouted loudly, and then he raised his hands high, exactly the same movement as Li Lingtian, and fell sharply.

After General Jinjia made this gesture, the golden sword qi suddenly burst into a whistling sound, and the sword qi between the sky and the earth suddenly became sharper and colder.


I don't know why. The nine-headed Hell Dragon felt panic. All eighteen eyes were filled with horror. He quickly turned around and wanted to escape.

However, even if it wants to run away, how can its speed be comparable to that of Jianqi?


But in the blink of an eye, the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon hadn't had time to turn around, and that bitter sword gas had already come to it.


Suddenly there was a soft sound, and at the next moment, the golden light of the sword gas flew over the body of the nine-headed **** dragon.


Suddenly, the body of the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon was stiff in place, even the head and tail that had been shaking all the time, stagnated.

"Click! Click!"

A slight voice sounded, and a series of weak cracks suddenly emerged from the body of the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon.


A fresh breeze blew through, and at the next moment, the cracks on the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon instantly expanded, and in an instant, they fell apart and completely burst.

But it was just a few breathing hours, and the nine-headed **** dragon, which had been between heaven and earth, turned into fly ash and dissipated into the air.


"Great, these nine-headed **** dragons are finally dead!"

"Hahaha! Master Li is mighty! Long live Master Li!"

After seeing the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon die, everyone froze for a moment, then they screamed wildly. Their faces are full of ecstasy.

The Nine-Headed Hell Dragon's suppression of them was too strong, and they have made them desperate. Now it is naturally very exciting to see the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon beheaded by Li Lingtian.


However, Li Lingtian hadn't had time to be happy yet, but his body suddenly softened and fell directly from the air.


The sharp oath of the **** of war fell, and the sword body instantly submerged into the land. Li Lingtian also held the sword handle and knelt on the ground.

At this time, Li Lingtian only felt that his own strength was extremely weak.


After a few coughs, Li Lingtian smiled helplessly, and he had already reacted. This should be the price of the taboo power he used!

"The price is too small."

Li Lingtian frowned, quite surprised.

The oath of the God of War only brought him the increase, not to say that it was not powerful, and let him kill the nine-headed Hell Dragon directly with a sword, but the price was actually only a moment of weakness. This price is indeed too small!

"Hahaha, Brother Li!"

Just when Li Lingtian was shocked by the God of War's oath, Yang Zhichao also came over.

Yang Zhichao's face was full of relief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Incoherently said with excitement: "I really haven't misunderstood you, you really inherited the general's sword!"

"Great General's Excalibur?"

Hearing this, Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows and asked softly, "You mean, this oath of God of War is actually a weapon of the general?"

"Not bad!"

Yang Zhichao shouted: "The God of War's oath was the weapon used by the general in those days, from the general's micro-end period to the peak period, and later, with the killing testimony, successfully entered the world's treasure level! "

"The God of War's Oath is also the only treasure in the world that is used by the General!"

"World's treasure! It is really the treasure of the world!"

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but his pupils contracted violently. He really made no mistake. The God of War's oath is the treasure of the world.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Lingtian frowned slightly, and he was surprised again.

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