War God Supreme

Chapter 3295: Layer 4

"How's everything going?"

Li Lingtian leapt forward, and came to the side to let a few people beside him.

"A total of more than 30,000 people have been lost. Most of the people who died are the third- and fourth-order realm of the domain master."


Soon, let them give Li Lingtian a detailed introduction.

Hearing that, Li Lingtian could not help but also took a breath.

But he did not think too much. In the war itself, there will be death and injury, which is unavoidable.

"Master, when will we leave here?"

Several people at Mo Shifeng suddenly asked and looked up at Li Lingtian. It is not just them, most of them have no good feelings for this place. After all, this place has devoured the lives of many of their brothers!

"It's time to leave."

With a sigh, Li Lingtian's thoughts moved, and he controlled the God of War's oath, and broke the space directly.


Strong space fluctuations erupt, and in an instant, the entire space is broken, and numerous cracks appear in the space.

"Click! Click!"

The crisp sound also rang in the ears of Li Lingtian and others.

The strong force of spatial fluctuations soon enveloped Li Lingtian and others.

By the time Li Lingtian responded, they were already in a huge space.

The eyes are full of gray stone walls. Looking forward, a passage extends forward, without looking at the end, obviously long.

On both sides, at every distance, a pearl of night will be placed, emitting a faint light, illuminating the entire space.

"Move forward!"

Li Lingtian knew that this should be the passage to the fourth floor area, immediately waved his hand and led everyone forward.

Everyone is not weak, and soon came to a huge stone gate.

On both sides of the stone gate, there are two huge stone statues.

There were two samurai stone statues, one angry general with a sword, and the other a spearman with a Zhuangsu face.

"Hi... These two stone statues look so realistic!"

Suddenly seeing the two stone statues, Mo Shifeng, Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu, couldn't help but sigh.

Only Li Lingtian frowned, and he remembered that Yang Zhichao once said that there was a guardian at the passage to the fourth floor.

Taking a closer look at the two stone statues, Li Lingtian took a breath of air, and he could sense it. Within the two stone statues, there was a weak fluctuation of power.

With his right hand raised, Li Lingtian told everyone to stop advancing. He just took Wan Tianyu and stepped forward slowly.

When everyone saw Li Lingtian being so careful, they were all very careful. They knew that Li Lingtian's observation ability was extremely strong, and he must have found some clues.

As Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu approached slowly, the two stone statues and their silent eyes suddenly flickered into the light.



The two stone statues shuddered suddenly, and the orbs in their eyes glowed.

"No, these two statues are resurrected!"


In an instant, everyone was panicked.

Several people in Li Lingtian stepped back quickly, and looked up, but they saw the two stone statues, as if they were living people.

In their eyes, a strange light flashed.

"Those who break into the tunnel without killing, without amnesty!"

The dull drinking sounded like thunder, and burst into the ears of Li Lingtian's people.


'call! ’

The sword was sharp, the spear swept, and the breathtaking momentum exploded.

These two stone statues are truly the sixth level of the domain master!

"Sure enough, this is the guardian!"

Li Lingtian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Several people in Wan Tianyu were shocked at first, and then they all reacted. Seeing that the two guardians were only the sixth-order realm of the domain master, they immediately became furious.

"Good guy, but the sixth-order realm of the district, dare to pretend here!"

Wan Tianyu several people rose furiously and shot.

Their strength, under full-strength shots, is in no way inferior to some masters of the seventh order of the domain masters. In addition, they are crowded. Under these shots, the two stone statues have almost no counterattack power. It was destroyed by a strong force and fragmented!


After the two stone statues exploded, the stone gate in front of them also shivered.

But it was only a moment of effort, and that stone gate was pushed outward.


In the clear sound, the stone door opened wide, revealing the scene outside the stone door.

That is a curtain of light.

There are many images in the light curtain, but the picture looks extremely distorted.

"This is the space-time tunnel!"

With a frown, Li Lingtian immediately waved: "Everyone will follow me in!"

As the voice fell, Li Lingtian took the lead and rushed into the space.

After rushing in, Li Lingtian just felt his head dizzy, and when he reacted, he already appeared in an open grassland.

"Oh, uh!"

At the same time, behind Li Lingtian, space cracks appeared from time to time, and one figure after another was spit out.

"Huh, fortunately, the place is more open, otherwise, it really can't accommodate so many people."

Li Lingtian turned around and watched the crowd showing up, and could not help but look dignified.

There are too many of them. If they have been acting together, the goal is too big.

Moreover, it is also easy to fight the grass and startle the snake, in case those from the Dragon Wars galaxy notice that they are crowded and hidden, it will be troublesome.

This Jade Dragon Holy City is so big, if they hide it, they can't find their people.

Therefore, Li Lingtian had the idea of ​​wanting to act separately.

Just when Li Lingtian was contemplating, Wan Tianyu also leaned over.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Mo Shifeng saw Li Lingtian frowning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ directly asked.

"It's okay, I just want everyone to take action."

Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed slightly and said softly: "Wait a moment, Lin Han and they all came out, you call him!"


Wen Yan, several people at Mo Shifeng looked at each other, but they were surprised. This is good. Why did they have to split up again?

However, since Li Lingtian said so, they believed that Li Lingtian naturally had his own ideas, so he didn't ask too much.

I have to say that there are too many of them. After waiting half an hour, all of them came here.

The originally empty grassland was suddenly crowded.

Lin Han and Bian Rang and others, just arrived, were shouted to Li Lingtian by Mo Shifeng.

"Master, what do you ask?"

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