War God Supreme

Chapter 3296: Separate action

"Master, what do you ask?"

It is said that Li Lingtian stared at a few people and smiled: "The previous situation is special, we can act together, but now we have reached the fourth floor area, most of the places, we have not explored, so I plan to group , Let everyone act separately."

"As for the specific implementation method, I will hand it over to you."

What a joke, so many people, if Li Lingtian is to arrange one by one, when must they be arranged?

"Separate action?"

Several people in Lin Han's heart moved when they heard Li Lingtian's words.

In the past, they have always been leaders, and now suddenly let Li Lingtian be in charge, it is indeed a bit psychologically unbalanced. Now when I hear Li Lingtian say he wants to act separately, he is naturally very happy.

However, Bianrang waited a few people, but hesitated.

"Adult, if you act separately, what do you do if you meet someone from the Dragon Battle Galaxy? Those guys in the Holy Alliance are generally stronger than us. We are probably not opponents."

As Bian Jiang's words fell, the faces of the others also became dignified.

Yes, if they meet the Dragon Battle Galaxy, they will be in trouble.


Li Lingtian said with a sigh: "Keep the distance, average one direction, and divide into 100 teams of ten. If you are in danger, you can send a signal for help!"

"Every area, there must be a 7th-level owner of the domain master to take it. This is much easier to handle. Even if you encounter an opponent of the 8th-level domain owner, you can hold on and wait for the rescue to come."

After the previous beast tide impact, although they lost a lot of people, all the people who survived have qualitative leap and improvement.

At this time, there are no fewer than 30 people who have reached the seventh-order realm of the domain master. They are united together, and even if they meet an opponent of the eighth-order domain master, they will not be unable to fight back.

"Okay, which specific directions are you responsible for, and a few of you will assign it yourself."

Li Lingtian looked at Yali killing, Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian, and said, "Tianyu, Banxian and Yali killing, three of you follow me."

"it is good!"

Yali killed the three of them. After all, Li Lingtian knew them very early, and naturally believed them more, so Li Lingtian sent Mo Shifeng, Bian Ran and others away.

Mo Shifeng and them quickly assigned their respective tasks. Everyone led their own team and spread out in different directions.

But for half an hour, this piece of grassland was empty again.

Only Li Lingtian stayed here.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​you shouted the three of us, there should be other things to do, right?"

After waiting for everyone to run out, Wan Tianyu asked directly.

Wen Yan, Liu Banxian and Yali killing was also surprised.


Li Lingtian nodded slightly and said softly, "The people of the Dragon Warfare galaxy are self-proclaimed hunters and want to hunt us. Therefore, they will definitely not be a group activity. If we act together, they will surely be happy to see so many people It’s hard to prevent them. At that time, we will want to clean them up again.

"Now break up the people, they will naturally not think too much, they will also be scattered, and take action against our people."

"Huh, all we need to do is wait for them to shoot. If they shoot one, they will kill them!"

Speaking of which, in Li Lingtian's eyes, a cold flash suddenly appeared.

I have to say that Li Lingtian's idea did indeed include those from the Dragon Wars galaxy.


Wen Yan, three people Wan Tianyu, suddenly took a breath.

At this time, they finally understood where the gap between them and Li Lingtian was. They didn't think about it, but Li Lingtian, but when he first came here, he had a strategy.

"Then what should we do now?"

The three Wan Tianyu looked at Li Lingtian in doubt.

"First familiarize yourself with the environment here."

Li Lingtian's eyes turned and smiled: "There are many opportunities within the Jade Dragon Holy City. Although our main goal is to hunt those from the Dragon Wars galaxy, if you have the opportunity, you should also look for opportunities. Can it get a bigger boost."

"Hey, yes!"

Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu also laughed.

Previously, they had gained a lot of benefits in the Jade Dragon Holy City. The realm has reached the sixth order of the domain master, and the Yali kill has broken through to the seventh order of the domain master, which is extremely powerful.

Therefore, they still have great expectations for the Yulong Holy City.

Randomly picked a direction with fewer people before, Li Lingtian and the four people set foot on the journey.

Perhaps it was Li Lingtian who had been delaying too long, or the speed of those people was too fast. By the time Li Lingtian had set off, they could no longer see people on the road.

Along the way, giant beasts popped out from time to time, and their realm was elevated to the fifth-order realm of the domain master.

This is also quite satisfactory to Li Lingtian.

If they haven’t experienced that war, it’s almost impossible for their group of people to easily cross the fourth floor. After all, there are a large number of people in their team who are all domains. It is impossible for the third-order master and the fourth-order master to want to face the giant monster of the fifth-order master safely.

But now, after that war, their strength has generally been raised to the fourth level of the domain master and the fifth level of the domain master. It is not easy to deal with those giant beasts, and it is not too difficult.

Several people in Li Lingtian did not deliberately slow down their speed. On the contrary, it was only a few hours, and they have surpassed many people.

At the same time, the environment around them has also changed.

The dense forest suddenly appeared.

In response, Li Lingtian was a little surprised, but with a deep groan, he chose to go in.

But what Li Lingtian did not know was ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When they entered the forest, there were already people who discovered them.

In a circle thousands of miles away, dozens of people sat cross-legged, and beside them, there were several corpses, crimson blood, which continuously flowed out from under the corpses.

Obviously, there has just been a war here.


Suddenly, one of the figures suddenly opened his eyes, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and showed a cruel smile on his face.

"Brothers, wake up, ready to start!"

"Hey! There are prey again?"

As his words fell, the rest of them opened their eyes and showed a cruel smile.

"Good! This time the prey is a little guy of the sixth order of the four human domain masters! Hey, kill them!"

Speaking of which, the man couldn't help but stick out his tongue and licked it at the corner of his mouth.

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