War God Supreme

Chapter 3304: Wall head grass

"Da da da!"

However, just as Li Lingtian was about to leave, a series of footsteps sounded suddenly in their ears.


Li Lingtian's face changed, he turned his head quickly, but saw a large group of people in the distance, and came close.

"Someone in front!"

Not only did Li Lingtian find each other and the other party's strength was not bad, they also quickly discovered Li Lingtian and immediately stepped forward.

Li Lingtian scanned it carefully, and found out that the group of people were all in the seventh-order realm of the domain master, and they must be the people of the Dragon Battle Galaxy. They immediately changed their faces and blurted out: "Everyone retreat!"

At this time, Li Lingtian finally understood why Liu Banxian had previously said that it was dangerous!

This group of people, there are more than 200 people, and their strength is all in the domain of the seventh-order domain, not to mention Li Lingtian. They are even a few, even if there are more than ten more masters of the seventh-order domain, they can't resist. Can only be dead!

Li Lingtian regretted that if he had listened to Liu Banxian earlier and left early, he could avoid this group of people, but now they are so close together, plus the few others except him and Yali, Perhaps you can compete with the master of the seventh order of the domain master and even defeat them, but in terms of speed, it is still a bit slower.

That is to say, if they want to retreat and escape, they simply cannot do it!

But even if you can’t escape, you can only buy escape! If you run, there is hope, but if you don’t run, you will die!

"Not my brother, kill them!"

Just when Li Lingtian and the five of them turned around and fled, those of the Dragon Battle Galaxy also recognized Li Lingtian's identity, and they immediately screamed and chased them.

In the past few days, as Li Lingtian killed more and more people, the connection between them was severed.

This made the leader of the Dragon Battle galaxy suddenly surprised. It stands to reason that their jade brand is very powerful. Even in the dense forest, within ten thousand miles, people can be contacted. Then there is only one situation!

They were killed!

It's just that a few teams have lost contact. Fortunately, if a large group of people lose contact, even those who claim to have surpassed the rest of the galaxy are nervous.

Therefore, they simply shouted all the people who could be contacted together, and planned to rush to the periphery to see what happened.

But they never imagined that it didn't take long before they went out, they really met the enemy!

So, they couldn't let Li Lingtian leave like this, and immediately caught up.

Li Lingtian and others, even if they were fast, could not compare with the hundreds of domain master seventh-order masters, but it was only half a quarter of an hour. The group of people surrounded Li Lingtian's five.

"Da da da!"

After surrounding Li Lingtian's five people in the middle, the crowd spread out, and a figure stepped forward and walked to the front of the crowd.

Obviously, that person is the leader of the Dragon Battle Galaxy.

Li Lingtian looked up and saw that the popularity was magnificent, and certainly not a mortal.

The realm of the man has even reached the eighth order realm of the domain master, which is extremely powerful.

"Jiang Wenbin?"

The man glanced, and after he saw Jiang Wenbin, his face suddenly became somber.

Jiang Wenbin's strength is not weak, he can naturally remember him, and now see Jiang Wenbin actually with Li Lingtian several people, suddenly understood, Jiang Wenbin, this is surrender to the enemy!

Immediately, the person snorted coldly: "Very good! Very good! Jiang Wenbin, you are so bold!"


Hearing the words, Jiang Wenbin couldn't help but shudder violently, his feet were soft, and he almost didn't kneel directly on the ground, cold sweat on his forehead, and the clothes behind him had already been wet by sweat.


The throat rolled, and Jiang Wenbin swallowed nervously, and suddenly shouted, "Sir Duanmu, you didn't treat me like a human before. Why did I fall today?"


Duanmuzhen's eyes were cold, and immediately said with a cold voice: "It's just that your eyes are really too bad, and it is really embarrassing to succumb to the sixth-order main ants of several domains!"

"Since this is the case, what use do I keep your dog's life?"

"Brothers, kill me!"

As the voice fell, Duan Muzhen waved his right hand, and immediately Jian Feng pointed at Li Lingtian and others.

On the surface, Li Lingtian and others seem that the realm is only the sixth order of the domain master. Therefore, Duan Muzhen didn't care about them. If he didn't see Jiang Wenbin, he wouldn't even speak.


With Duan Muzhen's order, hundreds of people attacked Li Lingtian and five others.

Seeing this scene, even Li Lingtian looked dignified and took a breath.

"Huh... There is no way out. Let's kill a blood!"

Li Lingtian took a deep breath and decided to shoot.

Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian are both fists and eager to try, they are not the kind of timid people, naturally understand the role of momentum.

Yali kills her illusory body and hides in the space.

Obviously, they are all ready.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian is also quite satisfied. He is confident that as long as Wan Tianyu and four others can hold him for a while, he can lead them out!

Big deal, just use the law of fusion that hasn't been completely stabilized!



However, at this time, Jiang Wenbin turned around suddenly, between the flip of his right wrist, a sharp dagger suddenly stab Liu Banxian!


Liu Banxian's own strength is not as good as Jiang Wenbin, coupled with Jiang Wenbin's intentional and unintentional at this time, Liu Banxian has not yet reacted, and that dagger is not in Liu Banxian's small abdomen.

In the clear sound, the red blood flowed down the closed dagger.

"Half fairy!"

"Brother Liu!"

Seeing this scene~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu were both startled and their faces changed dramatically.

Jiang Wenbin raised his lips, his face full of sinister smiles.


But Liu Banxian was not a vegetarian. He clenched his fists tightly and kicked out with a sudden kick while Jiang Wenbin was stunned.


The strength of that foot can be said to have gathered Liu Banxian's whole body strength, almost accurate, and instantly kicked on Jiang Wenbin's abdomen.


Suddenly, Jiang Wenbin flew out like a broken kite, and flew straight into the crowd of dragon fighting galaxies.

Duan Muzhen looked up at Jiang Wenbin, his eyes full of contempt.

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