War God Supreme

Chapter 3305: Jiang Wenbin's end

Duanmu Zhen looked at Jiang Wenbin's eyes, full of contempt.

But in fact, Jiang Wenbin is a traitor in his eyes!

Maybe they would have suffered so much loss before, all of them were Jiang Wenbin's ghosts!

If Jiang Wenbin has insisted on resisting, he may not be sure that Duan Muzhen will bypass Jiang Wenbin’s family in the Dragon Wars galaxy, but now, Jiang Wenbin sees that they are crowded, and actually betrayed again, which makes him feel not Shame!

As a person, how can we get to this point?

"Adult! Save me!"

Jiang Wenbin spit out a big sip of blood and hurried to Duanmuzhen's side, daring to look up at Li Lingtian and others.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian's complexion suddenly became somber.

But he didn't say anything, just supported Liu Banxian.

"Mad, these bastards, these **** of the Dragon Battle Galaxy, are really unreliable!"

But Wan Tianyu couldn't help it. He looked at Jiang Wenbin fiercely, and that kind of look seemed to eat people!


However, Duanmuzhen sneered out loud: "We, the Dragon Battle Galaxy, do not have this kind of wall grass!"


As Duan Muzhen's words fell, Jiang Wenbin's whole body just stayed in place, his face stiffened.

"Master Duanmu, what do you mean?"

The pupil shrank suddenly, and Jiang Wenbin quickly pulled Duanmuzhen's sleeve and cried out: "Adult, I was just pretending to be a surrender! I really didn't do anything sorry for us!"

"Look, I hurt them all alone!"


In Duanmuzhen's eyes, the cold light flickered suddenly. At the next moment, he saw a wave of his right hand, and a sword gas flashed out of thin air, directly piercing the space.


In just an instant, the sharp sword spirit crossed Jiang Wenbin's head.

A blood stain appeared quietly from Jiang Wenbin's neck.


The fresh wind was blowing, and at the next moment, Jiang Wenbin's head was gone with the wind, and the blood spewing from his neck was like a fountain, surging out!

However, in the face of this **** scene, Duan Muzhen's face was indifferent, with no change at all.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

From this point of view, that Duanmuzhen is indeed a decisive killer. The four of them want to escape in the siege of the seventh-order masters of hundreds of domain masters.

"I don't know how the four-level main ants in your four domains came in, and how did Jiang Wenbin surrender. I just want to know, how many of you are there, and where are the rest?"

"If you can tell me, I can reward you with a whole body! How?"

In Duanmuzhen's words, he was aggressive and strong. It seemed that several people in Li Lingtian were already mortal.


Li Lingtian immediately laughed out loud: "Duan Muzhen, you think too much! With some of you stinky tomatoes rotten sweet potatoes, still want to kill me?"

"It seems that you are obsessed?"

Frowning a brow, Duanmuzhen no longer talked nonsense, and waved his right hand to signal the crowd's shot.


"Zijin Xuanlong broken!"

"Zhenyu kill!"

All of a sudden, heavy offensive, overwhelming, falling towards Li Lingtian.

"Drink, Wanxuan Holy Fire Field!"

With a light sip, Li Lingtian rushed out immediately, and all the extermination suits appeared on his body, his hands were waving, and the Profound Fire Field of Ten Thousand Profoundly spread out, completely protecting the bodies of the four of them.


Almost instantaneously, some of the offensives continued to fall on the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire. The strong force made the defense of Wanxuan Holy Fire suddenly weak.

Not only that, Li Lingtian's complexion was suddenly pale.

In any case, the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire is closely related to him. If the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire is broken as soon as it appears, then Li Lingtian will also be extremely injured!

"Brother Li!"

"Master Palace Master!"

"Are you all right?"

Realizing that Li Lingtian's breath became languishing, Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian quickly surrounded him beside Li Lingtian.

At this time, Liu Banxian had already pulled out the dagger. His face was rather pale, and he looked very weak.

But now, the war is imminent, and he has no time to recuperate his injuries.

"I'm fine."

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian knew that he could no longer use the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo to resist damage.

Immediately, Li Lingtian burst into a scream, and spread the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire completely, including them, and wrapped Duanmuzhen and others into it.

In this way, although Wanxuan Shenghuo Realm can no longer protect them, it can provide them with some power bonus.

It's better than Wanxuan's holy fire field.

Duanmu Zhen was just about to shoot, but he was surprised when Li Lingtian took the initiative to spread the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire.

With his figure floating forward, Duanmu looked at Li Lingtian strangely and said, "Yes, it's a character. If you slow down a little, your field will be broken!"

"Huh...you are also a talent. With the domain master's sixth-order realm, you can withstand the attacks of so many domain master's seventh-order masters, and point to your talent..."

Duanmu Zhen said suddenly: "If you surrender to me, I can spare you a life, how?"

"Are you a fool?"

Li Lingtian looked at Duan Muzhen like a fool.

Hearing this, Duanmu was not angry but smiled: "Hahaha, good, good, how can someone like you surrender?"

"Now that's the case, let's fight. I'm going to see, what the **** are you, the bottom ants!"


Speaking of the last "kill" word~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Duanmu Zhen's face suddenly became fierce, and his right hand turned over, and a thick halberd appeared in Duanmuzhen's hands.

"Oh, uh!"

The halberd waved, the sharp halberd blade, and the silver awn. Breathtaking!

"Goddess dances!"

Duanmu slammed and waved his halberd, killing Li Lingtian.

Duan Muzhen is not a fool. On the contrary, since Li Lingtian just called out the field of Wan Xuan Shenghuo, he saw that Li Lingtian was extremely powerful, so he thought of recruiting Li Lingtian.

Now Li Lingtian is unwilling to surrender, and naturally he will not say much. He just wants to kill Li Lingtian directly!

In his view, as long as Li Lingtian dies, the remaining three people will have no reliance on them. At that time, it is not easy to want to clean up them?

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