War God Supreme

Chapter 3306: Fighting


"Goddess dances!"

The halberd broke through the air, and the sharp halberd blade was like a blade, bringing up a gust of wind and attacking Li Lingtian.

"not good!"

Realizing the strength of the offensive, Li Lingtian did not dare to confront it. He immediately jumped back and made a move with his right hand, extinguishing the purple electricity flashing purple thunder, and the sharp spear pointed to the halberd blade!



With the halberd blade and the gun head hitting together, the sky and earth changed color suddenly, a violent force, which was mixed with thunder, burst and burst.


The surging shock wave will immediately surround the audience, and all have flew out!

Even those people's realm has reached the seventh order of the domain master, but in the aftermath of the battle between Li Lingtian and Duan Muzhen, they still feel terrified.

Subsequently, they transferred their targets to Liu Banxian and Yali killing the three.


Just when Li Lingtian and Duan Muzhen confronted each other, Wan Tianyu and they were fighting with everyone!

"Good strength!"

After a collision, Duanmu really couldn't help but stunned. In this collision, he didn't take advantage of anything cheap, which really surprised him!

You know, his realm is two levels higher than Li Lingtian!

But even so, Li Lingtian can still draw a tie with him, which makes him very excited. What he most desires is to be able to meet a strong opponent. Now, this opponent, will he come to the door soon?

"Hahaha, come again!"

After the reaction, Duanmu Zhen laughed loudly, then lifted up, waving the halberd in his right hand, the sharp halberd blade, brought the surging power, and attacked Li Lingtian crazy.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian shook his slightly tingling arm, but his shoulders were shaking, and the next moment, Qianyan Shengyi broke out!


Countless wind blades broke out and instantly turned into a wind wall, intercepted before the halberd blade.

At the same time, Flame of Extermination turned into a giant dragon, roaring, circling, rushing towards Duanmuzhen.



The sudden dark clouds in the air threw out the exterminator purple electric lance, which turned into a cold mountain, and suddenly slammed into Duanmuzhen.

Above the spear, the thunder light bloomed, the cold light was fierce. Not only that, the thunder in the sky was like raindrops, and it continued to fall and slash towards Duanmuzhen.

"Come well!"

"Total Annihilation!"

In this regard, Duanmuzhen's halberd swept through, spiritual power exploded, and the original power of many ice laws spread out with it.

It turned out that the power of law understood by Duanmuzhen was ice!

"Click! Click!"

As the cold air filled, the air in the air was almost frozen by the air.

Not to mention those thunders, which were directly frozen into a lightning-shaped ice sculpture by the breath of ice.

Even the God of Destruction, Purple Electricity, was almost frozen in the air.

"Drink! God Flame! Burn me!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian immediately burst into tears, and then the flame of extinction exploded!


The blazing flames, the blazing flames, instantly wiped those cold breaths away.


The corner of his mouth slightly raised, and Duanmu Zhen's eyes looked contemptuous, and he sneered aloud: "Diaomu Xiaojier!"

As the voice fell, Duanmuzhen's right hand made a blue light.

As the blue light dissipated, the things inside were reflected in Li Lingtian's eyes.

Well, it was a silver small porcelain bottle.

"Unlimited holy water, give me out!"

With a soft drink, Duan Muzhen's right hand opened the small silver porcelain bottle.

At the next moment, a stream of water slowly tilted out of the small porcelain bottle.

Strange to say, it seemed that the current was quite tiny, but when it flowed out, it turned into a vast ocean, directly submerging Li Lingtian.

As for the flames of extinction, it even sounded, "Puff! Puff!" It sounded without a moment of effort and turned into nothingness.

Li Lingtian was surrounded by the current. I don’t know why. Li Lingtian felt a little bit cold in his heart. He was sure that Duanmuzhen still had a trick!

"Frozen world!"

Sure enough, Duanmu Zhen saw the water and put out all the flames, immediately flipped his right wrist, and his halberd slashed to Li Lingtian.

At the same time, the chilling coldness constantly erupted from the halberd.

"Click! Click!"

As the cold spread, the water in the air suddenly turned into frost.

The speed of the frost spreading was extremely fast, and it quickly covered Li Lingtian with a thunderbolt.

But after all, Li Lingtian had already been mentally prepared. Although he was not surprised, his body rose from the moon, his hands were waving, and the light was tremendous, which directly separated his connection with the current.


Almost Li Lingtian just flew out of the water, and the water flowing under him turned into ice!

Those ice layers are so brilliant, Li Lingtian just glanced at them, and I'm sure that those ice layers must be extremely hard!


Realizing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but change his complexion and suddenly took a breath.

He never imagined that this Duan Mu really strength, Duan is so powerful!

I am afraid that even an ordinary domain master ninth-order master may not be able to clean up Duanmuzhen!


Seeing Li Lingtian's successful detachment, Duan Muzhen was also quite surprised. With a raised eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitched violently.

"You guys, really can't treat you with the sixth order vision of the domain master!"

"With the strength you have shown, the ordinary eighth-level realm of the domain master will not be your opponent at all!"

"Hehe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thank you for the compliment."

Li Lingtian raised a brow and did not start again, but looked carefully at Duanmu Zhen.

Duan Muzhen didn't shoot again. Ning Shen looked at Li Lingtian for a moment and sighed: "It's hard to imagine that at the lower level of the Holy League, there can still be people like you!"

"Huh? There are more people like me. It's just that you haven't known it before."

Li Lingtian sneered aloud: "It's not good to say, if I were in your galaxy, I am afraid that I am now a strong player at the level of the master of the world!"


Suddenly, Duanmuzhen was silent.

Although he wanted to refute what Li Lingtian said, he knew that Li Lingtian was right.

At the lower level of the Holy Alliance, those galaxies are located in extremely poor environments, and the aura and the laws of heaven and earth are lacking in the original power. Under that kind of environment, Li Lingtian can have such achievements. Achievements!

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