War God Supreme

Chapter 3324: Ice Gun


The chilly snow stormed Li Lingtian and killed them!

"Trick and worm!"

Li Lingtian was not afraid, his right hand raised, and Wan Xuan's holy fire was burning.


The flame burned and instantly burned that snowflake into water vapor.

However, at this time, the huge snow female bird also flew into the air.

Originally, the height of the huge female bird was nearly a hundred feet high. Now I fly again and it looks even higher, giving Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong a special sense of oppression!

When I looked at it, I saw the huge female bird, with blue light flowing all over, crystal skin, and it looked like the goddess.

But the chill in his eyes chilled people's hearts.

"Anyone who breaks into the ice goddess without permission, kills without amnesty!"

As Li Lingtian looked at the huge female bird, a cold voice, like a thunderous thunder, suddenly blew into this area.

"Ice goddess?"

Suddenly hearing that sentence, Li Lingtian was stunned.

Just kidding, this is the ice goddess' forbidden place?


The guardian of the goddess of ice and snow, but they will not care about Li Lingtian, they are stunned and unstunned. His two hands are wielding a blue sword, but he has several sword qi cut through the air and cuts towards Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong!


The sword qi broke into the air, but it was the cold that rumbled out.

That cold air was extremely strong, and instantly brought a layer of ice in the air!

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian shuddered in his heart, dared not be touched by that cold air, and quickly flashed his body, avoiding the attack of sword air and cold air.

I have to say that although the coldness was extremely strong, the speed was slower after all.

With Li Lingtian's reminder, even Ma Zhong can avoid the cold invasion.

"Oh, uh!"

For a moment, the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow continued to wield his long sword, sending out sword after sword.

After a while, it seemed that Jian Qi could not hurt Li Lingtian and the others.

The cold light grew stronger in the eyes of the ice goddess guardian.

"Ice Gun!"

With the sound of a drink falling, the guardian of the ice goddess waved a sword, and behind him, a long gun flashed blue light, and suddenly rose into the sky!


At the next moment, the blue light spear burst into an endless cold, and rushed to Li Lingtian with a sudden thunder.

This time, Li Lingtian didn't even notice the attack of the blue light lance. When he responded, the ice gun had already come to him!


Li Lingtian has no way to dodge, but can only forcefully collide with the ice gun!

"Not good! Be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Ma Zhong also exclaimed, but at this time, there were several sword qi attacks in front of him. He couldn't help Li Lingtian at all.


Almost at the moment when the ice gun hit Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian felt a great force coming out. The next moment, his body, like a broken kite, quickly flew out.

At the same time, a cold air also invaded Li Lingtian's body along with the ice gun.


As soon as the cold air invaded, the Wanxuan Holy Fire in Li Lingtian's body exploded automatically, and the cold air was completely burned into nothingness!

"Oh, uh!"

It was at this time that there were several sword spirits coming from the sky.

Li Lingtian was in the air and could not escape.

"No, you must use the power of space and time!"

With a snap of his teeth, Li Lingtian's brow furrowed, his thoughts moved, and he fully urged the original power of the law of time and space!


The law of time and space showed its original power. In a flash, the sword qi appeared to a distance of five feet away.

Li Lingtian twisted his body and flashed to other places, which was a relief.

Suddenly, he looked up at the guardian of the goddess of snow and ice, Li Lingtian gave a sip, his heart suddenly dignified.

This goddess of ice and snow is like a monster. Their attack, even if it is the attack of the killing of the sword, falls on her, and it can't leave any traces.

Her defense is really terrifying!

In front of her defensive power, those attacks can be completely ignored.

However, Li Lingtian was still surprised.

"Strange, isn't Ma Zhong saying that the strength of the mysterious beast is extremely strong? In an instant, you can turn them all into ice sculptures!"

Li Lingtian was surprised. Looking at it now, the defensive strength of the guardian of the ice goddess is indeed extremely strong, but the strength of the attack is weaker!


When Li Lingtian was shocked in his heart, the ice guns behind the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow were all vacated, floating side by side in the air.


At the next moment, those ice guns fell like arrows and rain.

The roaring wind and the surging power turned upside down and turned towards Li Lingtian instantly!

"not good!"

Aware of that terrifying force, Li Lingtian dared not delay any more, and dared not to keep his hand any longer. The Huangji Tower, the measuring ruler, and the Five Elements Palace exploded!


However, those ice guns are unstoppable, no matter what kind of chaotic treasures appear in front of it, they are all directly blown out!

Afterwards, the offensive continued unabated, withered and decayed, and with a courageous momentum, madly killed Li Lingtian!

Li Lingtian's figure is like lightning, which keeps retreating.

During that time, the Chaos Treasure that he could use was counterfeited, and he was summoned out by him and smashed into the ice gun crazy!

After evading some Jianqi, Ma Zhong saw that there was no longer Jianqi attacking him. He took a sigh of relief and shot. He wanted to stop Li Lingtian.

But at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow, her body was motionless, her lips swayed, and the cold light flashed in her eyes. Obviously, she was also fully controlling the ice gun and wanted to give Li Lingtian Beat in one fell swoop!

Under such circumstances, Ma Zhong's attack could not pose any threat to the ice gun. Before he approached, it was shocked by the surging cold power around him!

Seeing this scene, Ma Zhong suddenly felt depressed.

His strength, can't even stop the attack of the ice goddess guardian?

This is really shocking!

It has been nearly fifty breaths for a long time. It can be said that the chaotic treasures that Li Lingtian can use have all been used, but even so, the ice gun is still the offensive, roaring, and erupting, Just like the same giant beast, he was so terrible that he opened his blood basin and thought of Li Lingtian's bite!

Suddenly, Li Lingtian hesitated.

Faced with this offensive, how should he be good?

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