War God Supreme

Chapter 3325: Ice and snow

The ice gun is extremely offensive and chases Li Lingtian closely!

Within those fifty breaths, the chaotic treasures that Li Lingtian can use have all been used!

But even so, the ice gun is still on the offensive, roaring, the eruptor is cold!

As if it were a giant beast, it was terrible, with a big mouth opened, and he bit off towards Li Lingtian!

Suddenly, Li Lingtian hesitated, could he really use the power of the world's treasure?

However, in this way, his energy consumption will be very large, and, after defeating this mysterious behemoth, there will be no other monsters. Li Lingtian must preserve enough strength.

After all, in this mysterious place, if you don't save power, it is easy to even know how to die!

But if the world treasure is not used, I am afraid that Li Lingtian, even the guardian of the ice goddess, can't deal with it!


With a sigh, Li Lingtian gritted his teeth fiercely, and at the next moment, the Tianlong Hall suddenly appeared in the air.

"Block me!"

This time, Li Lingtian did not urge the Tianlong Temple, nor did he inspire the power of the Tianlong Temple, but only wanted to resist the attack of the ice gun with the help of the Tianlong Temple itself!

I have to say, Li Lingtian is gambling!

If the Dragon Temple did not resist the ice gun attack, the force of the ice gun was enough to hit him hard!

However, if the Tianlong Temple resists the attack of the ice gun by itself, then Li Lingtian can consume a lot of spiritual power!

This is a terrifying gamble, this is a gamble with life as a bet!


At the next moment, those offensive ice guns were in Li Lingtian's tense eyes, and they collided with the Tianlong Hall!


As the ice gun collided with the Tianlong Temple, all of a sudden, a loud voice broke out in the air!

The sound of the explosion was endless, and Li Lingtian felt a violent force and flew his body directly out!

Even the Tianlong Temple in his hand almost didn't fly out!


Li Lingtian, who flew out, was not frustrated, but instead laughed loudly, laughing loudly, his face full of ecstasy!

He bet correctly!

On that day, the Dragon Palace, after all, was the treasure of the world, and after being strengthened by Ma Zhong, even if no spiritual power was injected to activate it, it was not an ordinary offensive that could break it!

The offensive of those ice guns was completely blocked by the Tianlong Hall!

If Li Lingtian's strength is not too weak, I'm afraid he won't even fly out!


Seeing Li Lingtian carry the attack of the ice gun safely and unharmed, the guardian of the ice goddess also roared, struggling constantly, his face extremely terrifying.

"Roar roar!"

As the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow continued to roar, the ice-blue long sword in her hands flashed suddenly at the next moment.

That kind of light makes people feel terrified!

"No, this guy is going to show his power again!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian quickly shouted out loud.

Sure enough, at the next moment, the guardian of the goddess of ice suddenly struck the two swords in his hand together and put them in the air.


Numerous snowflakes suddenly and madly gathered towards the place where the guardian of the goddess of snow and ice is located.

"Ice and snow!"

The stern and cold drink suddenly sounded through this space!

At the next moment, in the sky, those snowflakes condensed into icicles one after another, and then crashed down, smashing them towards Li Lingtian!

"Quickly avoid these icicles!"

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian's body continued to dodge, like a flexible swimming fish, constantly shuttled between various icicles.


Which icicles fall extremely fast, and every time they fall, the sharp ice blade is directly submerged into the hard ground covered with frost!

Seeing this scene, both Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong couldn't help but feel terrified in their hearts and quickly took a breath.

This kind of power is really terrible!

They all know how hard the ice on the ground is, even Li Lingtian's slashing sword sword can't leave a score on it, let alone pierce it!

In other words, if those icicles fall on them, they are fully capable of penetrating their bodies directly and beheading them!

Therefore, Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong almost played the spirit of twelve points, dodge those icicles, and dared not be hit!

Under the coercion of life, even Ma Zhong was all absorbed, avoiding many deadly attacks one after another!


However, in the air, snowflakes are constantly coming together, and those icicles are condensing very quickly. It can be said that if this continues, I am afraid that the icicles will be able to stick to it in one day!

After evading for three minutes, Li Lingtian also felt a little tired, looked up, and looked at the icicles, which fell continuously, and he was suddenly surprised.

"Damn, if you let it fall all the time, it will be attacked sooner or later!"

"No, I must interrupt her attack!"

Li Lingtian clenched her teeth, but suddenly realized that when the guardian of the ice goddess used the ice sky and snow ground, her body was like a statue, very stiff and frozen in place.

"It's impossible, when casting this spell, the guardian of the ice goddess can't move?"

Aware of this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but brighten her eyes, and then clenched her teeth, she made up her mind.

"Mad, if you wait any longer, it will only be a dead end!"

"Fight! If you fight, there is still a way to live!"

Fist clenched~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian immediately shouted loudly: "Ma Zhong, jump up, let's step on that icicle!"

"To attack the guardian of the ice goddess with all our strength, we can't let her attack like this forever!"

Hearing the words, Ma Zhong couldn't help but change his look, his face was full of horror.

When he wanted to come, they were able to resist the attack of the ice and snow goddess guardian, it was already quite difficult, but Li Lingtian, but also wanted to interrupt the ice and snow goddess guardian's attack, which made him unimaginable.


When Ma Zhong was stunned, Li Lingtian was already flying upwards along the gap where the icicles fell.

Seeing Li Lingtian's body like a fish swimming through icicles, Ma Zhong gritted his teeth fiercely.

"Made, fight, anyway, you are dead anyway, you can't die in such a fool!"

With a bang, Ma Zhong followed Li Lingtian and flew up quickly!

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