War God Supreme

Chapter 3326: Drop of life


The icicles roared and fell continuously.

Li Lingtian gritted his teeth tightly, leaning against those icicles, and flew upward.

At this time, Li Lingtian was nervous, constantly fine-tuning his position.

You know, those icicles are extremely sharp, and if they are hit, they are likely to die on the spot!

Li Lingtian didn't dare to test the insurance by himself!

But for a few breathing hours, Li Lingtian went through many icicles and came straight to the place where the long sword was erected in the guardian of the ice goddess.


"Killing the sword!"

"Tongtian Sword Formation!"

"Destroy Sky Sword Formation!"

The two sword arrays, with the killing of the sky and the sword, burst down!

Like a thunder, it was cut directly at the place where the swords were built.

"Nine days of thunderbolt fire!"

Ma Zhong suddenly rushed out, his hands together, a hot flame, suddenly turned into nine fire dragons, one after another hit the double swords.

However, Li Lingtian's offensive fell on the long sword, but it was useless!


Icicles are still falling.

The guardian of the goddess of ice and snow did not even move!


Seeing this scene, the corner of Ma Zhong's mouth suddenly couldn't help but twitch violently. What's the matter, her defense is really too strong!


At this time, Li Lingtian also knew that he was almost at the juncture of life and death, and he no longer cares about clumsiness, sips, extinguishes the purple electricity, extinguishes the hurricane, extinguishes the flames of the gods, and suddenly turns into the original power of the three laws, gathering in his hands. And go.

The figure flickered, constantly dodge the falling icicles, Li Lingtian's eyes were fixed on the three-color ball of flame, thunder and hurricane in his hand.

Since the last time he struck the eighth-level strong master of the domain master, Li Lingtian is also the first time to use the three-law rule's original power fusion move!

This time, Li Lingtian's understanding of this trick has taken it to another level, and its power will certainly be greatly improved!


Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian was also nervous.

If even this move can't shake the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow, then you can only use the world treasure!

Half a quarter of an hour later, the light ball in Li Lingtian's hands, in which thunder bloomed, kept making a "thorn" sound.

The hurricane was rolling in the outermost periphery, and flame after flame came out from the wind system of the hurricane from time to time.

An extremely dangerous force is in this area.


Taking a deep breath, the look on Li Lingtian's face became crazy!

"Ma Zhong, you run quickly!"

Swallowing nervously, Li Lingtian let Ma Zhong leave first.

This time, Li Lingtian was not sure, and determined that the original power of the Three Western Laws could not hurt Ma Zhong.


Ma Zhong also sensed that terrifying power. Without any hesitation, he chose to believe Li Lingtian and retreated instantly.

After seeing Ma Zhong away, Li Lingtian avoided several icicles, and then used his right hand to force it, just like throwing a ball, directly throwing the light ball that gathered the original power of the three-series rule to the outside!

"Boom! Boom!"

"call out!"

Almost instantaneously, the sphere of light that condensed the original power of the three-series law was a sudden impact on the double swords.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As the light ball of the original power of the three series rules collided with the double swords, a violent explosion happened suddenly!

A shock wave suddenly spread out from the place where the explosion occurred, and that force was extremely powerful, which directly pushed Li Lingtian out.


Immediately afterwards, there were repeated explosions in the air.

Li Lingtian looked up, and suddenly saw that the double swords of the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow shattered in that explosion!

As for the body of the guardian of the ice goddess, it was even beaten out by Juli!


All the icicles in the sky that had been gathering all collapsed and completely dissipated.


The huge body of the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow flew out, and suddenly countless icicles were smashed!

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian was relieved.

Mad, fortunately, if even this move can't cause damage to the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow, it is really frightening!


Ma Zhong was also ecstatic and laughed.


However, Li Lingtian and the two had not been happy for too long, and saw the guardian of the ice goddess flying suddenly.

The wings flapped continuously, and Yang Tianchang Xiao made a noise.

At this time, the body of the guardian of the ice goddess is full of dark colors, and the armor on the body is damaged and not seen.

Now the guardian of the ice goddess looks like a beggar.

Even its breath is languishing.

I have to say that the power of Li Lingtian's move is too powerful!

When the domain master is at level five, he can damage the domain master at level eight. At this time, when the domain master is at level seven, the lethality is even more amazing!

There were so many offensives in the past that could not cause any harm to her, but this was just a blow, and she was seriously injured!

This kind of power is amazing!


Just when Li Lingtian was about to take a break, when he came again, he suddenly realized that the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow looked up and seemed to be expecting something.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian was stunned.


At the next moment, a strange wave erupted, and a snow-white tree suddenly appeared above the guardian of the goddess of snow and ice.

"what is that?"

Seeing that tree, Li Lingtian couldn't help but move.

I don't know why, Li Lingtian always has an ominous hunch!




At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ among the leaves of the snow-white tree, suddenly many water droplets appeared.

As soon as the water droplets appeared, they dripped down the leaves and dripped into the mouth of the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow!

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian shuddered in his heart and blurted out: "Hurry up to stop her, and don't let the water drop drip into the mouth of the guardian of the ice goddess!"

Almost instantly, Li Lingtian flew up and flew quickly in the direction of the guardian of the ice goddess.

However, no matter how fast Li Lingtian is, how can it be comparable to the speed at which water drops drip?


Those water drops fell into the mouth of the guardian of the ice and snow goddess. At the next moment, a bright, dazzling and dazzling silver-white light burst out of the body of the guardian of the ice and snow goddess!


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