War God Supreme

Chapter 3335: Cooperation

"Actually, there is not much difference between God and man."

Morris smiled and said: "When you break through to the world's main realm, you will find that for those who are the main realm of the domain, the realm of the star, you are the omnipotent god!"

"By waving, you can destroy everything!"

Speaking of which, the smile on Morris's face also became confident.

Li Lingtian suddenly sinks in his heart. He can hear that Morris is explaining to him, but he is emphasizing with him that Morris is an omnipotent god!


With a sigh of breath, Li Lingtian said softly: "Then I don't know, you god, what do you want to get."

"You won't confuse Ma Zhong for no reason. There must be some words that are not suitable for him!"

"Not bad!"

Hearing this, Morris raised his eyebrows, then applauded gently, his face full of admiring smiles, and said softly: "You are very smart! Yes, there are some words, I really don't want it to be known by the ghost... "

"In the psychedelic dream, there are many living dead people, ghosts, they are all people who do not lose to this world. You suddenly bring them out. If you wake them up, it will be one for this world. What a great disaster!"

"So, these words, I will not let it know."


Wen Yan said, Li Lingtian could not help frowning, Shen Sheng asked: "Is it impossible, this world is different from the world I was in?"

"Of course it's different!"

The corner of Morris' mouth slightly raised.

"Wait... Then, is it still the Jade Dragon Holy City?"

Li Lingtian asked out suddenly, and the voice fell. Li Lingtian couldn't help but swallow a saliva. If he was right, he would be in trouble.

It is extremely difficult to enter the Jade Dragon Holy City. If Li Lingtian came out from there, he would cry without tears!

With so many lives under his hands, and the safety of Yali killing them, he was worried.

If you can't go in, those in the Dragon Wars galaxy are very likely to kill them all. That's what Li Lingtian doesn't want to see!

"Do you think there will be such a scene in the Jade Dragon Holy City?"

Morris shrugged his shoulders and whispered: "It was already abandoned and sealed. How could there be such an environment?"

Hearing the words, Li Lingtian's face suddenly plummeted, and his heart was even more depressed.

He ran out of the Yulong Holy City!

What should we do about the things within the Jade Dragon Holy City?


As soon as Li Lingtian's eyes turned, he quickly looked at Morris, and Shen Sheng asked, "Brother Morris, I don't know what I am going to be able to return to within the Yulong Holy City?"

"Want to go back to the Jade Dragon Holy City?"

Morris shook his head slightly and sighed, "It's very difficult, unless you can break the seals laid by the high level of the Holy Alliance before you can enter the Jade Dragon Holy City."

"Isn't it just a seal! Breaking them is not easy!"

Li Lingtian frowned slightly, Shen Sheng said: "Even if the formation is even stronger, there will be gaps. In this world, there will be no formations without gaps!"

Li Lingtian has a very deep understanding of the formation, so he still has some confidence in his heart.

"Not bad."

Morris nodded slightly, looked at Li Lingtian playfully, and said quietly: "But if the formation is set by a master who has reached the seventh-order state of the Lord of the World?"

"Moreover, the most simple space ban is set!"

"Except for absolute power crushing, it is impossible to crack that formation!"


Hearing Morris's words, Li Lingtian's mouth suddenly twitched violently. In his heart, he couldn't help but want to scold!

What's more, the formation of the world's seventh-order state of the strong, how can people arrange it?

Up to now, Li Lingtian has not met the power of the world's master level, but he knows that even if he is ten times stronger, he will not be the opponent of the world's first-order realm. In front of them, he himself Just like a strong ant, now facing the formation set by a seventh-order strong man of the world's master directly, it is almost the same as asking for a dead end!

"Huh, little guy, you have good strength. To be honest, if you can't go back, I don't mind working with you!"

Morris picked up the wine bowl, took a sip of wine, and looked at Li Lingtian faintly.

"Cooperate with me? What do you cooperate with?"

Li Lingtian frowned slightly, and said softly, "I am still able to get into your eyes with this tiny strength?"

Morris is the master of the world, and his strength is far stronger than Li Lingtian. Therefore, Li Lingtian does not believe Morris.

"Because the human race is the one who is best at creating miracles!"

Morris shrugged his shoulders and said softly: "When we cooperated with Nangong Wentian, he was only a third-order realm of the domain master, but for a hundred years, he was ahead of us all and entered the world first. Lord Realm!"

"So, I believe in you too, and I can catch up soon!"

Morris stared into Li Lingtian's eyes, full of fiery expression.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. Nangong in my mouth asked God, the former master of your great sword!"

"Since even it recognizes you, it shows your talent!"

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but tremble in his heart and hesitated.

"It turns out that the great general is Nangong Wentian..."

As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Lingtian suddenly asked, "So what do you need me to do?"

"My cooperation with you is very simple, I can provide you with all the news of this world, and then, you help me do something."

Morris grinned: "You don't worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~It will definitely not be something embarrassing."

"Right, don't you want to leave?"

"I can tell you responsibly, help me, that is, help yourself!"


Taking a breath, Li Lingtian stood up and stared at Morris, Shen Sheng said: "You didn't say that you couldn't crack the formation? Why did you say now that you can help me leave here and return to Yulongsheng Within the city?"

For Li Lingtian, the most important thing is to return to the Jade Dragon Holy City, so when he heard Morris saying that helping him is helping himself, he was surprised.

You know, Morris has just said that he cannot go out!

"Yeah, now we have no way to crack the formation and get out of this small world!"

The corner of Morris' mouth slightly raised, and he laughed out loud: "But if you unlock the internal seal in this small world, then we can use the power of the small world to directly break away from the formation!"

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