War God Supreme

Chapter 3336: transaction

"But if you unlock the internal seal in this small world, then we can use the power of the small world to directly break the formation!"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, his tone became hurried.

"What you said is true? I still have a chance to break through the formation and return to the Jade Dragon Holy City?"

"of course!"

Morris raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Within this small world, there are ten strong masters of the world. At that time, after you unlock the seal of the small world, you will use the small world. Isn’t the power of the seal invulnerable?"

"This is the cooperation I want to talk about. You can help me unlock the seal in the small world! And I can break the formation and let you return to the Jade Dragon Holy City, how?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian hesitated. I have to say that this time, he was really tempted.

After all, there are many people he cares about within the Jade Dragon Holy City. He does not want to see them all damaged within the Jade Dragon Holy City, so he must rush back as soon as possible!

The eyes rolled, Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, still decided, agreed to the request of Morris.

"Morris is so strong. If he wants to harm me, he shouldn't be so troublesome. Huh... And, if I don't agree, it will most likely shoot me in anger, So, in order to survive, I must promise it!"

Fist clenched tightly, Li Lingtian nodded heavily, nodded and said: "Well, since the Morris brothers despise me so much, then I, I will not let you down!"

"This cooperation, I promised!"

"it is good!"

Hearing the words, Morris couldn't help but his eyes lit up sharply. Li Lingtian didn't notice that in the depths of his eyes, there was strong excitement and a trace of sneer.

"Brother Li is really refreshing!"

Morris grinned and then quickly told Li Lingtian everything he knew.

Soon, Li Lingtian also understood that this small world was divided into seven regions, with seven ethnic groups.

Each of these groups has a world-class strong man sitting in the town, no, not so much as sitting in town, it is better to be sealed by the strongman of the seventh-order state of the world's master!

What Li Lingtian has to do is to break the small sub-array method in the seven areas. In this way, the masters who have been sealed up can be brought together, and then they can use the small world itself. 'S power directly drove away the formation!

Those small sub-array methods, each of which is placed with some statues or stone tablets, must be made with a special hammer to break it.

Before Ma Zhong had yet to wake up, Morris quietly squeezed the hammer needed to break the line to Li Lingtian.

After talking for a while, Ma Zhong finally woke up in a faint mood.


Shaking his head violently, Ma Zhong was amazed. Why did he suddenly faint and fell asleep for so long?

"grown ups……"

He yelled in a low voice, Ma Zhong turned his head and saw that Li Ling Tianzheng and Morris were whispering about something, quickly closed his mouth, his face full of anxiety.

"I don't know, sir, did you talk to the guy about cooperation?"

"Huh... I hope they can send troops quickly and help the general!"

Ma Zhong quickly prayed for the general.


"Yes, that's it!"

Morris laughed out loud, then stretched out huge bull claws, and said straightly: "Since that, Brother Li, it is a pleasure to cooperate!"

"Okay, happy cooperation!"

Li Lingtian waved violently and slapped on Morris's paw.

Morris grinned, turned his eyes, glanced at Ma Zhong, and said with a smile: "As long as you break the formation, then I can send troops at any time, go to the Jade Dragon Holy City, and contribute to the Nangong Lord. !"

It is said that Ma Zhong's heart was ecstatic, and he only really listened to Morris's words, and he really misunderstood that the two really reached a cooperation, and the request for cooperation is to support the general!


With a move in Li Lingtian's heart, he understood that Morris was showing Ma Zhong. He would not take Morris out, and said with a smile: "Within five days, I will definitely accomplish what you said, and hope Morley Brother Si, you can order soldiers as soon as possible!"

"That's natural!"

Morris smiled slightly.

"Okay, time is urgent, I won't tell you more."

Li Lingtian got up and said, "I'll crack the formation first!"

"Bon Voyage!"

Morris took Li Lingtian's arm and kindly sent Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong out.

After being sent for miles and miles away, Morris watched the backs of Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong gradually disappear, and the look on his face suddenly became strange.


Amidst the smirk, Morris swiped his right hand in the air, and some mysterious runes suddenly emerged from his hand, then flew out quickly, and in a flash, he disappeared in front of Morris.

"Jade Dragon Holy City...human race...waiting for me to come!"


In the grassland, Ma Zhong looked at Li Lingtian, who was very excited, and asked suspiciously: "Adult, that Tauren, what is your cooperation with you? Will it really send troops to support the general?"

"That's natural!"

Li Lingtian said softly: "Even if they can't send troops, I will find other help when I return to the Jade Dragon Holy City!"


Hearing this, Ma Zhong couldn't help but hesitated, frowning slightly, and said softly: "Adult, if you are not sure if it will send troops, why do you still do things for it now?"

"We can't go back if we don't help it, let alone think it will help us!"

Li Lingtian glanced at Ma Zhong, and Shen Sheng said: "But if we help it, we still have a chance to let it help us!"

"You must not miss it, you know?"

With a frown, Li Lingtian turned to look at Ma Zhong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Okay, it turned out to be like this..."

Ma Zhong sighed.

"Okay, it's coming!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian's complexion changed, and when he looked up, he saw only a tall tower, standing impressively not far away.

That tall tower is ten feet tall. Above the tower, many complicated patterns and figures are carved.

"That's what stuck in this area!"

Li Lingtian's heart moved, quickly pulled Ma Zhong forward.

Closer, the tower body appeared in front of Li Lingtian more clearly.


However, after Ma Zhong saw the tower body clearly, it shook suddenly and exclaimed: "How can I look so familiar with the figures and patterns on the tower body?"

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