War God Supreme

Chapter 3340: Tomb

"so many people!"

Seeing those warriors of various ethnic groups, Ma Zhong couldn't help but blinked his eyes and blurted out: "Ha ha ha, with your help, our Jade Dragon Holy City will definitely resolve the crisis!"

"That's natural!"

Morris chuckled, but there was a trace of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Li Lingtian's eyeballs kept turning, his thoughts turned around, thinking about how to deal with these guys.

However, the strength gap between them is so great that Li Lingtian couldn't implement it and couldn't escape even if he thought of any more methods.

"Hahaha, how are you, my brothers, how strong are you?"

Morris gave Li Lingtian a provocative look.

Immediately, Li Lingtian said with a smile: "Strong strength, admire the next!"

"If you have assistance, this crisis will definitely be solved!"

"Hey, Brother Li, please, follow me to the altar!"

With that, Morris raised his right hand and strode toward the altar immediately.

The other six people with the head of the beast quickly followed, and Li Lingtian hesitated for a moment, and also took Ma Zhong to the altar.

He has already arrived at this place. Li Lingtian dare not run away. If he runs away now, he may not even know how to die!

Now, the most important thing is to protect your own safety. As for the things that are out of danger, you can wait until later!

"Brothers, tighten the formation!"

"Old five and six, urge the formation!"

Morris snorted lightly.

In an instant, all the orcs gathered towards the altar, crowded and densely packed.

A bear-headed person and an eagle-headed person waved their hands.

At the next moment, the entire altar shook violently.


As an invisible wave broke out, a strange power burst out!


The silver-white light flashed, and the power of space suddenly appeared, just like the sharpest sharp knife, tearing a space crack directly in the air!

"Drink, open me!"

Morris suddenly raised his hands, and a huge axe suddenly appeared in his hands.

"Open the sky!"

The sharp axe suddenly waved down with the rumbling.

A sound of breaking the sky sounded, sharp and sharp, and instantly torn apart the cracks of the space cracks!

Originally, the space crack that could only allow a few people to pass side by side, but at this time it was a full distance of more than 100 feet.

"Full urge the formation!"

Morris yelled.

At the next moment, the dazzling and bright silver-white light flickered, the space breath flickered, and the strong force of space pulling instantly pulled everything and people around the entire altar into the space crack!


After the silvery white light dissipated, there was only one ruin in this area.


There is no space.

"The seal is destroyed. Fortunately, the formation has not been completely destroyed. We have to rush back! Otherwise, if they get into the Jade Dragon Holy City, it will be in trouble!"

"Damn it, these guys are really lingering in spirit! After being sealed for so many years, they haven't died yet!"

"Huh, if they would die so easily, Master Nangong wouldn't seal them, but would directly shoot and kill them!"

"This is too!"

"Huh, but now, how do we deal with them?"

"Go back, be sure to get them back to the Jade Dragon Holy City, find the God of War's oath, or the scabbard of the God of War's oath. Only in this way can the soul of Lord Nangong be temporarily summoned, while they have just left the seal, the foundation is not stable Seal them once again!"

"Fortunately, those who cracked the formation before did not completely destroy the formation!"

"Okay, let's go back quickly!"


It seems to be eternal, but it seems to be just an instant. When Li Lingtian opened his eyes again, his surroundings were full of figures!


Suddenly seeing so many figures, Li Lingtian couldn't help but startled, staggering backwards for several steps before reacting, it turned out that all the figures were all statues!

"What is this place? There are so many stone statues?"

Frowning a brow, Li Lingtian looked up, and suddenly found that the surrounding area turned out to be a hall, but the hall was extremely high and extremely wide, even tens of thousands of people could hold it!

"Here, wouldn't it be the fifth-story Jade Dragon Holy City?"

Li Lingtian thought suddenly that when he was just transported into the Yulong Holy City, the fifth floor was such a large hall and house.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!"

When Li Lingtian was meditating, many figures suddenly appeared in the air, one after another, just like rain, and continued to spread.

"Oops! They have also been teleported!"

At this time, Li Lingtian finally remembered his situation. He couldn't help but change his face, and he quickly retreated.


However, Li Lingtian had just stepped back a few steps, and a figure appeared abruptly behind him.

Mori's shrill voice sounded again.

"Brother Li, where do you want to go?"

Suddenly hearing the voice, Li Lingtian couldn't help but shudder in his heart.

He could hear it, that was Morris's voice!

"Oops, how fast can it be!"

The eyes rolled, Li Lingtian coughed lightly, turned his head to look, and suddenly found that Morris, and its six brothers, were all not far away.

At this point, they looked around and seemed to be looking at something.

Swallowing nervously, Li Lingtian couldn't help but feel depressed. At this time, how should he leave here?

"Huh? Where is this?"

At this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the reaction, Ma Zhong also exclaimed: "Wait a minute, how the patterns on the armor of these statues are so similar to the patterns of our army!"

Suddenly heard Ma Zhong's exclamation, Li Lingtian turned to look around, and he suddenly saw that Ma Zhong was madly rushing to a stone statue, staring at those statues tightly.

In Ma Zhong's heart, a possibility also emerged quietly.


Morris laughed when he heard Ma Zhong's voice: "Very well, if the stone statues here are all soldiers, it means that this is the tomb of that guy in Nangong Wentian!"

"Here is the hall, where his army is buried!"

"In this case, you can find his tomb through the hall!"

Speaking of which, Morris and its six brothers, the look on their faces suddenly became cruel.

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