War God Supreme

Chapter 3341: origin

Realizing that Morris and the other seven people had a terrible complexion, Li Lingtian couldn't help but sink in his heart. Unfortunately, he got it right. Morris and others definitely had a deep hatred with Nangong Wentian!

In fact, Morris and they were originally indigenous people within the Jade Dragon Holy City, but they later surrendered in a resistance against foreign enemies. As a result, Nangong Wentian was strongly suppressed and sealed into a separate small world. Among.

This seal is the seal for thousands of years!

It was only after the appearance of Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong that Morris he found an opportunity, and with the help of Li Lingtian’s eagerness to return to the Yulong Holy City, he defrauded Li Lingtian’s trust, and finally from that small world, Escaped!


"Escaped! We finally escaped!"


"Roar roar!"

Suddenly, the group of guys under Morris, as well as its six brothers, all screamed with excitement, and their faces were full of tears of excitement.

All of a sudden, the sound of howling came one after another throughout the hall, and the afterglow continued.

Only Morris looked calm, but looked at Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong coldly.


For a long time, Morris suddenly shouted, and the loud noise suddenly shocked everyone in the same place, quietly silent in the space.

"Brothers, smash all these statues of soldiers in the Nangong shatter!"

With a big wave of Morris's hand, the next six of its six brothers, all flashing red light in their eyes, quickly rushed towards the statues.

The rest of the men also roared and waved their claws towards the statue.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but smiled bitterly.


Ma Zhong suddenly woke up, suddenly burst into a scream, stretched his fingers to Morris, his face was grimacing, and he gritted his teeth and asked: "Asshole, don’t you mean that you want to come and help us? Why should you build a general 'S statue shot!"

Although Ma Zhong did not know where this was, he could see that this kind of statue was definitely built by their general.

Because the pattern on it is exactly the same as the pattern on the military flag they used at the time!

Many of Morris's men seemed to be shocked by Ma Zhong's momentum. They all stopped the offensive and looked at Ma Zhong one after another.


Morris grinned: "Yeah, I'm here to help you, but I'm here to help you and send you to hell!"

"You silly boy, I'm afraid I don't know yet. In fact, time has passed thousands of years, tens of thousands of years!"

"You have already died, but you just happened to be in a dreamland. You didn't realize it, so your soul can support it until now!"

Hearing the words, Ma Zhong's face suddenly changed drastically. His face was pale, without any trace of blood, and he kept mumbling: "No! How is this possible! How can I die!"

"This is fake, this must be fake!"

Suddenly, Ma Zhong quickly looked up and looked at Li Lingtian, almost shouting: "Adult, you tell me, this is fake! This is fake, right! I am alive! I am alive!"

"I haven't found a reinforcement yet! I can't die!"

Hearing Ma Zhong's roar, Li Lingtian couldn't help but tremble in his heart, he could hear Ma Zhong's words, really sincere!

But he couldn't bear to cheat Ma Zhong again!

Shaking his head slightly, Li Lingtian sighed, but no longer looked at Ma Zhong.

Aware of this, Ma Zhong's face could not help but stiffen, and his body stayed in place.

"Jade Dragon Holy City has fallen for thousands of years!"

Morris seemed to want to completely destroy Ma Zhong's psychological defense line, and continued with a sneer: "And your so-called general, died in the Jade Dragon Holy City!"

"It is said that when he died in battle, he was covered with wounds, heh, he was so pitiful!"


Speaking of which, Moriston laughed in the sky.


Hearing the words, Ma Zhong's face suddenly turned red with blood, and then he burst into a thud, then jumped up and rushed to Morris.

However, before Ma Zhong rushed out, his body just shuddered and fell directly to the ground.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The strange light flashed, and Ma Zhong's body suddenly became unreal.

"Huh? What happened?"

Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows suddenly, suddenly surprised, and quickly looked at Ma Zhong.

"My body... what's going on?"

Ma Zhong was also surprised, looking at his body, and gradually became illusory.

However, Ma Zhong's body, half unreal, was condensed into an entity and recovered again.

But it hasn't been completely recovered yet, it is gradually unreal!

In this way, constant illusion, cohesion, illusion, cohesion, has been repeating!

"Gah? How could this be?"

Seeing this scene, Morris was also surprised to say: "It is not that, as long as the living dead learn of the news of their death, they will directly transform into ghosts, will the soul fly away?"

"Why are you still alive?"

It was said that Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows. He suddenly thought that in the dreamland, especially after defeating the guardian of the ice goddess, after Ma Zhong had contacted the elf, Ma Zhong’s body was condensed into an entity. The signs are inevitable, is it because of the elf?


"Why... why is my body like this!"

Ma Zhong was in agony and howled.

What he was suffering was not his identity, but what Morris said was true. He had been dead for thousands of years, which meant that the Jade Dragon Holy City had not been rescued. As early as thousands of years ago, Was breached the city!

His most respected general ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also dead and disappeared into this world!

"Hahaha, howl, pain!"

Morris laughed out loud: "Even if you don't have souls and spirits, let me solve you with my own hands!"

"Ten thousand years ago, Nangong Wentian that **** sealed me into the small world!"

"Today, I will demolish his tomb, destroy his bones, and kill his men! Hahaha!"

With the crazy laughter falling, Morris screamed and suddenly waved at Ma Zhong.

The violent wind suddenly burst out!


Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows sharply, just preparing to shoot, but was suddenly heard, a low, like a thunderous sound, rolling in!

"Who gave you the courage to dare to move me in my place!"

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