War God Supreme

Chapter 3342: Ice Goddess

"Who gave you the courage to dare to move me in my place?"

A sound like a dull thunder came rolling, roaring, trembling in the ears of everyone.


Even as strong as Morris and others, when they heard that voice, they couldn't help but tremble, and stumbled backwards for several steps.

At the corners of their mouths, there is also a trace of blood flowing out.


"who is it?"

A few of Morris suddenly looked up, his face full of horror.

With just a sound, they can spit blood out of their mouths. This kind of strength is definitely more than them!

Both Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong's eyes lit up suddenly, and their hearts were suddenly excited.

Is it possible that reinforcements are here?

"Morris... It seems that the lesson taught you thousands of years ago is not heavy enough!"

As this voice fell, a figure walked quietly from a distance.

"Boom boom!"

Footsteps sounded.

However, the sound of footsteps, listening to the ears of Morris, was like the sound of bells and drums in hell, making them tremble!


Swallowing nervously, Morris looked up, and when he saw the figure, his face suddenly became pale, without the slightest blood, and the howling howl: "Impossible! How could it be?" you!"

"Aren't you already dead! How could it still be alive?!"

Due to the extreme horror, Morris's voice became hoarse.

"Nangong asked heaven!"

"My God, how could it be him!"

Everyone behind Morris was also frightened, his body trembled, and he kept shrinking back.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Nangong Wentian had a strong deterrent effect on these guys!

Otherwise, they wouldn’t just see Nangong asking the heavens, making them so scared!


The figure sneered: "Ridiculous, none of you are dead, can I die again?"

"Within this jade dragon holy city, as long as my Nangong asked Tian that he didn't want to die, then no one could kill me!"


With this domineering remark, Morris and others suddenly took a few steps backwards, pulling away from Nangong Wentian's figure.

Including those men, they dared not move anymore and quickly backed away.

As for the destruction of the statues of the soldiers, what a joke, now Nangong asks that the sky is out, are they still dare to move?

"General General... really you!"


Ma Zhong stared at the figure tightly, with a sad expression on his face, and clear tears flowing down, which made everyone disturbed.

"Eh, you have worked hard for so many years!"

The figure stared at Ma Zhong, but could not help shaking his head and sighing.

However, hearing this sentence, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, he felt something was wrong!

That figure will definitely not be the general Nangong asking heaven!

Otherwise, Nangong Wentian can surely see that he is not his man at all.

But now, Nangong Wentian is saying that they have worked hard for so many years, which means that this Nangong Wentian has not seen Li Lingtian's identity.

This is strange!

Of course, this time is not the time for Li Lingtian to think more.



Suddenly, Morris' face suddenly became haggard, and he growled and said: "Brothers, we are fooled!"

"This Nangong asked God, it's just the state of the spirit, not the entity! He is dead, this is just his soul!"

"Its strength will definitely not be very strong. Brothers, let's take a shot together and get rid of this guy! In order to report our deep hatred for thousands of years!"

"Just a ghost?"

"Brothers, kill!"

As Morris' voice fell, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they rushed in the direction of Nangong Wentian, Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong.


"Six brothers, please wish me a hand!"

"Mad, we were not its opponents, but now they are already ghosts. Are we still afraid of it?"

The six people took a deep breath, but they all decided to fight!

Anyway, they are all dead, it is better to desperately, if you win, it is sky and sea, and no one can suppress them!

"Roar roar!"

Suddenly, the light of the seven people bloomed, and seven different colors suddenly flickered.

At the same time, a surging force also burst out of those lights, and Li Lingtian, who was directly oppressed, was terrified.

"not good!"

When the figure saw this scene, it was also exclaimed, and then its face changed, its right hand waved, and at the next moment, an icy blue light waved out suddenly.

"Click! Click!"

Almost instantaneously, the biting coldness was overwhelming and quickly spread outward and spread out.

But it was only a dozen breathing times, and some ordinary orcs were frozen by ice to form a statue.

"Little fellow, borrow the ice goddess from you, borrow me!"

Suddenly, the figure flickered and came to Li Lingtian. The right hand was a bit casual. The snow elf in Li Lingtian's body suddenly turned into a silvery white light, flashing out.

"The power of the ice goddess!"

The figure took a sip, and the next moment, the snow elf awoke, his face was stern, and he stretched out his delicate fingers, a little bit toward the distance!


In the blink of an eye, the snowstorm danced wildly throughout the space.


The wind and snow roared, but it was just two breathing times. The area where Morris and others were located turned into an ice sculpture!

Even with the colorful light, they are frozen!

This shows that the power of these cold breaths is strong!

You know, Morris's strength is the main level of the world! But in a cold air, but can't even hold a few breathing time!


Seeing that Morris and others were all frozen by the cold ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that figure finally let out a sigh of relief.


The snow elf, ah no, it should be said that it was the goddess of snow and ice. At this time, there was also a gaunt look on his face, fluttering wings, turning into a ray of light again, and got into Li Lingtian's arms.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian was afraid to despise this little guy!

It turned out that this guy, as he had guessed, really was the young state of the ice goddess!

Although he was only a child, his strength is already extremely strong!


The strange power broke out, and suddenly, the figure suddenly split.

Russia turned into seven figures and appeared in front of Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong.

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