War God Supreme

Chapter 3349: Shot


In the strong aftermath of the explosion, the people of the Dragon Battle Galaxy could not resist the multiple explosion offensives, and their bodies were directly blown into fly ash!

"not good!"


Seeing this scene, Duanmuzhen's pupils contracted violently, and his heart burst into pain.

These men are not entirely his people, there are many people who are lent to him by several other masters, so that he can stop here for a period of time, so that they can get it on the sixth floor For greater benefits, by the way, send more powerful masters here.

Now, seeing these people die one by one, Duan Muzhen's heart is extremely painful.

In this way, even if he succeeded in killing this group of people in the end, blocking Yali and other people for those guys, but they would not have any good looks on him, even, they would He shot!

He knew how arrogant those guys were!

At this point, Duan Muzhen's face became extremely embarrassed, his eyes were blood red, and he stared at Yali killing and Wan Tianyu a few people.

If the eyes can kill people, I am afraid that Wan Tianyu has already died thousands of times!


Self-exploded one after another, and the violent explosion shock wave instantly leveled this area.

Even Duanmuzhen hated it a lot, but he didn't dare to rush straight up at this time. He had to wave a big hand and summoned a light curtain to block it in front of some people.

Afterwards, all of them quickly retreated, and distanced them from Yali killing them.

This intense explosion lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour.

After a full quarter of an hour, the explosion stopped.

However, the area where this space is located is unstable, with black holes appearing.


Realizing this, Duanmu could not help but frown, and there is a black hole, which means that there will not be too much fluctuations here, otherwise, it will definitely trigger the outbreak of black holes!

Unless a very strong person appears, the black hole is directly annihilated!

After the explosion ceased, Yali and others looked around and suddenly became desperate.

Although it is said that the effect of self-destruction is very good, killing nearly 600 masters of the Dragon Battle Galaxy, but their loss is more than 3,000!

The team of tens of thousands of people has shrunk a lot!

Next, Duanmuzhen and others already have preparedness. Even if they use self-explosive means, they can't kill too many people. What should they do?


Just when Yali killed and others hesitated, Duan Muzhen reacted, his eyes were red and his anger was very high, and he roared directly: "Kill me and avenge the dead brothers!"



Originally, many of the people who had died before were many of their relatives and brothers. Now when they hear Duan Muzhen's words, they are all angry, ignoring the safety of their lives, and rushing past.


Wan Tianyu and others did not dare to keep their hands, and their strongest powers broke out one after another, fighting with the Dragon Battle Galaxy everyone!

Meet on a narrow road, both sides have a very strong anger, for a while, it was even a match!


However, Duan Muzhen was reluctant to see this kind of abundance of scenes appear, and with a whip, he jumped up immediately and violently killed Wan Tianyu.

Duanmuzhen has already seen it. Everyone listens to Wan Tianyu's words. Shooting people first shoots horses and catching thieves first catching the king. Duanmuzhen still understands!

"Come to die!"

With a roar, Duanmuzhen, like a real dragon, quickly rushed to Wan Tianyu.

Duanmuzhen was furiously shot at this time, and the speed was extremely fast. Wan Tianyu had not yet reacted, but was caught by Duanmuzhen.

As soon as his complexion changed, Wan Tianyu quickly turned his psychic power and prepared his defense.


At the next moment, Duan Muzhen threw his hands hard and threw Wan Tianyu's body out.


Duan Muzhen's strength was almost instantaneous. Wan Tianyu shuddered violently, and his mouth spouted a large gulp of blood.

His body suddenly softened, and Wan Tianyu only felt that his body was extremely painful, and he had no strength at all, which made him feel horrified.

How strong is Duanmu really?

Just a random catch can make him lose his strength, without any chance of returning, this level of strength, in his view, is like a god!

"I don't know Brother Li's strength...Is this guy strong..."

Suddenly, Wan Tianyu's heart was turbulent. He even felt that even Li Lingtian did not necessarily have Duan Muzhen's strength.

Of course, Wan Tianyu guessed right, but according to his own realm, Li Lingtian would indeed not be Duanmuzhen's opponent.

But as long as Li Lingtian used the oath of the God of War, or the Tianlong Temple, that Duanmuzhen couldn't resist even an attack by Li Lingtian!


While Wan Tianyu was in a daze, Duan Muzhen jumped up again and rushed towards the direction where Yali was killed.

"Broken Warriors!"


Yali killing was already aware of Duan Muzhen's attack, his figure flickered, and the dagger was thrown out quickly.


However, what shocked Yali was that after throwing out his dagger, he struck Duanmuzhen as if he had stabbed on the steel. Voices!

"Trick and worm!"

"Come to die!"

With a stern look on his face, Duanmu really sipped, and with his right hand, he grabbed the sharp dagger.

"It's just a small dagger, still want to hurt me?"

Frowning a brow, Duanmuzhen put his hands on it.


At the next moment, a crisp voice sounded, and the sharp dagger turned into fragments, crashed and scattered, and scattered all over the place!

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, Yali suddenly shook her heart suddenly and couldn't help shouting~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yali was very painful in killing her heart. You know, that dagger was a gift from Li Lingtian. !

It was the only gift Li Lingtian gave her!

Suddenly, Yali's eyes became blood red!

"Hahaha, die for me!"

With a big laugh, Duanmu Zhen's face was fierce and he rushed towards Yali again.



However, at this moment, a silver-white light flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of Duanmu Zhen.


A huge force suddenly swayed out, instantly flicking Duanmuzhen's body out.

At the same time, a sighing sound also came out of the faint!

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