War God Supreme

Chapter 3350: Li Lingtian appeared


As a faint sigh fell, the air suddenly cracked a gap in space.

"what's the situation?"


Suddenly, Duanmuzhen panicked, his body burst into strength, quickly stabilized his body, and looked up to the direction of the cracks in space.

At the same time, everyone turned their eyes to the place where the crack in the space was!

"Adult...Isn't it that the adult is back!"

For a while, Wan Tianyu, Mo Shifeng and others were all excited.

They are praying that if Li Lingtian can come back during this time, they can definitely save them from fire and water!

This is their belief and their expectation!


The silver-white light burst suddenly, and the next two figures appeared in the eyes of everyone.

However, the light was too dazzling, and everyone could only see the two figures vaguely, and could not see their specific appearance.

But just seeing these two figures, Wan Tianyu and others suddenly sank in their hearts. They knew that Li Lingtian had disappeared alone, and if he came back, he should have come back alone.

But now, it is two people, it is impossible, this is not Li Lingtian?

But at this time, Li Lingtian was already their last straw. They were unwilling to give up, still staring at the two figures with a dazzling light.

As the light dissipated, the two figures were completely reflected in the eyes of everyone.


Almost instantaneously, Wan Tianyu and others were all ecstatic and their faces looked very excited.

"grown ups!"

"Adult is back!"

"Master Li is back!"

Suddenly, the sound of deafening cheers suddenly resounded throughout the space.

"No... this is impossible!"

Duanmu Zhen's pupils shrank suddenly and exclaimed: "How is it possible! You are clearly sent to the dead ground by the scroll, how can you escape!"

"Many masters of the half-step world are unable to come out from there. You are just the seventh-order ants of the area, how could you escape!"

Duanmu Zhen was shocked, and his face was full of horror.

"Hahaha, it's funny, you can't come back, you can't come back, can't I come back?"

Li Lingtian immediately laughed loudly, then his eyes narrowed, staring at Duan Muzhen tightly, Shen Sheng shouted: "I would like to thank you, if not you, I may not get some chance."

"What? You still got the chance?"

Hearing this, Duanmu really panicked in his heart.

You know, before that, he already knew that if he was fighting alone, he would definitely not be Li Lingtian’s opponent.

Now that Li Lingtian has new opportunities, does it mean that it will be easier for Li Lingtian to fight him?


Li Lingtian smiled suddenly, but that smile, in Duanmuzhen's eyes, made the chills behind him.

Between them, they belong to two different camps, which means that they are dead enemies, and they will never stay in the worst enemy!

"No! Even if he is strong alone, he can't be stronger! I have thousands of masters of the seventh order, I am afraid of what he is doing?"

However, soon, Duanmu really reacted.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Duanmuzhen turned his head to look at Ma Zhong who had been standing quietly beside Li Lingtian. After a closer examination, he realized that Ma Zhong's realm was only the seventh order of the domain master, and he felt relieved.

"Ridiculous! What if you come back!"

Duanmu Zhenyin said: "Only you, and the spicy chickens and waste behind you, how can you compare with us!"

"You ants at the bottom of the holy alliance, don't deliberately go to the top through trials!"

"Hey, what if you pass the trial? Not yet a member of our family?"

As Duanmuzhen's words fell, and in an instant, Mo Shifeng and others felt like a volcanic eruption, and they exploded!

They understand that the world they are in has a huge gap compared to the dragon battle galaxy at the top of the holy alliance. They are already masters in their respective worlds, but they have reached the dragon battle galaxy, but Is the weakest level.

But this does not mean that those in the Dragon Battle Galaxy are eligible to insult them at will, and they will endure it!

"Made, these bastards, dare to look down upon us!"

"Brothers, fight! Even if it is self-explosive, let them see, our style!"

In an instant, everyone was excited.

"Give me peace!"

Hearing these voices, Li Lingtian was quite excited. At this time, these guys were finally fused together!

If it were not for Duanmuzhen to abuse them like this, I am afraid they would not condense into a real force!

However, they have other uses, and Li Lingtian is not willing to use their lives to fight with Duanmuzhen and others.

He has other abilities to kill Duanmuzhen, why should he choose to hurt his men?

I have to say that Li Lingtian's prestige among the people is extremely high. It was almost the moment when Li Lingtian's words fell. Everyone was quiet and looked up at Li Lingtian.

"Duanmuzhen, it seems that you are very confident in your strength!"

Li Lingtian raised her eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "However, I am sorry, this time, I am afraid I will disappoint you!"

"Before, I wanted to solve you, it was really difficult, but since I came back this time, to solve you is just a breeze!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian's face also showed a confident smile.


Duanmuzhen's eyes turned, his heart was very surprised, he did not understand, why Li Lingtian now has such confidence?

"Master Duanmu..."

"What should we do now?"

When Duan Muzhen hesitated whether to shoot or not, everyone behind him was nervous.

"Made, shoot!"

Suddenly clenched his teeth, Duanmu really sang coldly and said: "I don't believe it. With the realm of the seventh order of the other areas, we can deal with so many of us at the same time!"

"He must be pretending to be calm!"

"Not bad!"

Hearing Duan Muzhen's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The rest of the people were trembling, and they all agreed.

After all, in their impressions, how can a domain master seventh-order person deal with thousands of domain master seventh-order masters at the same time.

Those who can do this are absolutely strong in the master level of the half-step world, and the characters of the domain master level, even the ninth peak of the domain master, can't do it!


After trying to understand this, everyone no longer hesitated and immediately killed Li Lingtian.


All kinds of attacks, like meteors, pour down, just like the top of the mountain, pressing against Li Lingtian!

"Master, be careful!"

Everyone suddenly became nervous.

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