War God Supreme

Chapter 3371: Refining failure

The scorching flame erupted, and instantly swallowed the split essences!

"Beep Beep Beep!"

The flames were burning, and for a moment, the breath of Wan Tianyu and others became hurried.

They are also looking forward to whether this alchemy can be refined successfully!

If it can be successful, it can be said that they have witnessed a legend! A miracle!

For a long time, Shengyuan Pill is the legendary panacea. It has appeared several times, all from the hands of the top leaders of the Holy League.

Moreover, even the Shengyuan Dan obtained by the high-ranking members of the Holy Alliance was hard-earned from other places.

No one has ever heard of them. Someone can refine Shengyuandan!

If Li Lingtian really succeeds in refining, it can be said that Li Lingtian's status will rise a lot at once.

Although it is said that after they have reached this level, there are fewer and fewer elixirs that can be taken, but this does not mean that the status of danshi has decreased!

On the contrary, those who can refine the master masters of the domain and master masters of the world are just one of them. They are all figures who should be treated respectfully by the senior leaders of the Holy League!

For a while, everyone was very nervous.

Including Li Lingtian, there was also a shortness of breath, all staring nervously at the flame blaze in the air.

Time, in the eyes of everyone, passed away bit by bit.

Soon, a quarter of an hour passed.


Suddenly, the hot flame erupted, and the next moment, it dissipated in a flash.

In the space, dozens of elixirs flashing suddenly appeared!

At the same time, a strong fragrance of immortality has spread out.


As soon as those medicines appeared, they quickly rushed in different directions, as if they wanted to leave here.

"Hahaha, the elixir has spirits! With this scent of elixir, you can be sure, this is the elixir of divine quality! This is Shengyuandan!"

Wan Tianyu is arguably the most widely known among the people. After hearing his laughter, Liu Banxian and Mo Shifeng were all excited.

Sheng Yuan Dan, actually refined out!

It also shows that Li Lingtian successfully stepped into the ranks of Divine Pill Master!

Moreover, these Saint Yuandan, enough to make them all break through to the ninth level of the domain master!

At that time, what else did they worry about?

Even if they followed the top of the Holy Alliance to the Dragon Battle Galaxy, or to other galaxies, they did not have to worry at all.

With their kind of strength, as long as they don't meet the master of the world's master level, almost no one can stop it!

"Hahaha, collect it for me!"

Li Lingtian was also ecstatic, laughing loudly.

Previously, the remaining essences of medicines exploded into a strong force, and those immortals that were going to flee were tightly pulled.

Then Li Lingtian jumped forward, flipped his wrist, and a silver porcelain bottle appeared in his hand.


But just a few breathing times, Li Lingtian put all the Sheng Yuan Dan into a porcelain bottle.

In the air, many medicinal materials are suspended in the air.


After glancing at the medicinal materials, Li Lingtian only felt that his heart was surging. If nothing else, as long as the remaining nine parts of the medicinal materials can be successfully refined into one, then he made a profit!

Shengyuan Pill is not a low-level pill, even the god-level alchemist can’t guarantee a one-tenth chance of success. Therefore, it is worth gratifying that these herbs can be successfully refined. If they can succeed in two servings, they can burn incense and worship Buddha.

Did not directly start the next alchemy, Li Lingtian opened the porcelain bottle and took a closer look, smelling the fragrance of the elixir, and he was a lot relieved in his heart.

"It's great, there are a total of seventeen pills, which is enough for us to use for a while!"

"However, this time it's refined, it's not a perfect level, it's just a top-grade panacea."

Li Lingtian is a little helpless, if he can refine the perfect level of Sheng Yuan Dan, Li Lingtian can be sure that everyone can break through to the ninth level of the domain master within a year. If you are lucky, you are not allowed to return Can break through to the main level of the half-step world!

At that time, with their strength, it wasn't those high-ranking leaders who selected them, but which galaxy they chose to go to!


Wan Tianyu laughed out loud: "Sir, if you can refine Sheng Yuan Dan, we will be pleasantly surprised! If you refine the perfect level of Sheng Yuan Dan, I am afraid we will all be stunned! "


Mo Shifeng also nodded and said: "I really didn't expect that you are a god-level pill master, and it seems that I followed your decision and really did it right!"

"If it weren't for following you, I might have another few hundred years, and I wouldn't have achieved what I have now!"

"Ha ha……"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian said indifferently: "You can rest assured that since you have chosen to believe me, then I will naturally not let you down!"

"Hey, of course!"

Several Mo Shifeng grinned.

Since this time, they have encountered danger several times, but in their hearts, they are extremely convinced that Li Lingtian has been persisting.

Sure enough, Li Lingtian did not let them down. Almost every time, the danger they encountered was easily resolved in front of Li Lingtian!

So, they also trust Li Lingtian even more. In their hearts, they even feel that as long as Li Lingtian is there, then they will not be in danger!

"Sir, we will follow you forever!"

Mo Shifeng knelt on one knee suddenly.

"Hahaha, well, don't be sensational!"

Li Lingtian grinned: "You all step back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Next, I will continue to refine Shengyuandan!"

"I hope that luck can be better. If we can successfully refine it twice, then our strength can be improved by leaps and bounds!"

"Adult, you still have a rest!"

Mo Shifeng couldn’t help but frown, and said softly, “Adult, if you make the Elixir, it should be in perfect condition before you increase your chances? Don’t be too tired!”

"Yes, I know."

Wen Yan, Li Lingtian's eyeball, also decided to take a rest before refining Sheng Yuan Dan.

After returning to a good state, Li Lingtian was refining Shengyuan Dan again. However, this time, during the refining process, the eighth medicinal material was just refined. , Directly diffused out.


Suddenly, the various powers in the air were in disorder and exploded directly, even with the essence of the medicinal material that had been refined, bursting open.

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