War God Supreme

Chapter 3372: Dan Cheng

"I'm going? How could this be?"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian's heart suddenly surprised.

This time, his method of refining was exactly the same as that of the founder. How could he suddenly fail?

Not scientific!

"It shouldn't be! How could it fail suddenly?"

After a moment of contemplation, Li Lingtian was puzzled, but Wan Tianyu, who saw Li Lingtian in contemplation, dared not disturb him, but only hurt the damaged medicinal herbs.

You know, if these medicinal materials are placed outside, even those strong men from the top of the Holy Alliance will be excited!

This is the medicinal material for refining Shengyuandan!

After a moment of contemplation, Li Lingtian suddenly looked up, looked at Wan Tianyu and asked softly, "Tianyu, Banxian, Yali kill, did any of you just notice something wrong?"


Wen Yan, several people in Tianyu Yu also became silent, frowning slightly.

"This one……"

Suddenly, Liu Banxian whispered: "I sensed that before the explosion, the power of Han Ningcao suddenly expanded... Could it be that Han Ningcao had put too much?"


Li Lingtian shook his head and said, "I have taken a thousand of each medicinal material! How could there be more?"

"No... it's not a lot..."

Liu Banxian said suddenly: "These medicinal materials contain different power in each of the medicinal materials. I mean, the strength of the condensed grass that you just took is stronger than the rest of the medicinal materials!"


It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows.

Yes, it is very likely, for this reason!

The power contained in the medicinal materials is not exactly the same. If the quantity is small, it is still difficult to see, but after the quantity reaches a certain level, the gap will be obvious.

"It turns out this way! I'll take a break first!"

Closing his eyes slightly, Li Lingtian quickly recovered his spiritual power.

After the recovery was successful, Li Lingtian started alchemy again.

This time, he carefully selected those medicinal materials to ensure that the power contained in each medicinal material was almost the same before he began to extract the essence of medicinal power.

Sure enough, this time, the process of refining the medicinal materials was very smooth, but it was only about a quarter of an hour, that is, the medicinal essence was perfectly refined.

However, this time, when it was time to refine the essence, something went wrong!

Only Li Lingtian succeeded once, so his mind was a little loose, but just a little loose, resulting in unevenness of the essence of medicine, and the fryer occurred again!

Fortunately, Li Lingtian is using the alchemy method of the Four Divine Sects, and there is no pill furnace. Otherwise, the power of the fryer will cause them a group of people to suffer!

"Huh...Made, this thing is so troublesome!"

After failing twice in succession, Li Lingtian did not dare to relax anymore, went all out and was cautious, and made every step as perfect as possible!

However, even so, Li Lingtian did not succeed once!

It was as if he had successfully used up all his luck for the first time. The next eight refinings all ended in failure!

Especially in the eighth refining, the medicinal essence has been tempered to the most perfect state, but unfortunately, the force is not controlled during the cutting process, resulting in unevenness of the medicinal essence and failure again!

"I... lying trough!"

This time, Li Lingtian was completely angry, and he was almost refining successfully, but the result was a sudden explosion!

Who can't bear this?

"Mad, how could this be?"

The weather of Li Ling's breath has become rapid.

Upon seeing this, Wan Tianyu was helpless.

Only then, they thought that the ninth refining can still be successful, but no one thought that the fryer was at the last minute!

"Cough, sir, don't think about it!"

Wan Tianyu said suddenly: "There may be some restrictions!"

"It is said that this god-level elixir, within a period of time, can only be refined successfully!

"Really? Who said this?"

Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows, Shen Sheng said: "It's definitely not the problem. We have already felt the success, and even smelled the incense, but the last step is a bit urgent!"

"Well, there is the last medicine, I don't believe I can't make it successfully!"

Li Lingtian just gritted his teeth and waved again. This time, he had made up his mind and felt it with all his heart. He removed all the excess medicinal materials and immediately waved his right hand. All the medicinal materials were once again integrated into the flame. in!

"Sir, don't be impulsive!"

"You are not energetic right now. Such abrupt refining of Elixir has a great chance of failure!"

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu and several people were upset.

In their view, Li Lingtian's failure to refine the panacea in such a bad state is extremely likely to fail!

If it can be successful, then hell!

"Well, I don't believe it. Isn't it just a Saint Yuandan!"

"Since we have been able to refine successfully for the first time, it means that I have this strength!"

"Then I don't believe it, I can't refine it!"

Cold eyes flashed, Li Lingtian sipped, and the hot flame erupted.

It's just that the flame this time is not the flame of extinction, but the holy fire of Wanxuan!


The temperature of Wanxuan Shenghuo does not know how many levels stronger than the flame of extinction.

It's just a dozen breathing times. Herbs such as Han Ning Cao, Xian Soul Grass, and Flame Flower are all burned by flame into spiritual flow, turning into the purest medicinal essence!

At the same time, Wan Tianyu saw Li Lingtian actually using Wan Xuan Shenghuo, and the actions were so violent, they couldn't help shaking their heads and sighed. They all believed that the result of this refining will definitely end in failure!

After all, who is not careful about alchemy? Like Li Lingtian, who went violently and rudely to alchemy, the grass in front of the grave was already ten feet tall!

However, they didn’t know that Li Lingtian really didn’t have too much spiritual power this time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If he used the flame of extinction again, and then slowly refined and tempered, then he must insist Less than the time to make medicine!

Therefore, Li Lingtian was only able to use Wanxuan Shenghuo, hoping to use the high temperature of Wanxuan Shenghuo to accelerate the progress of alchemy!

I have to say that Li Lingtian is right this time!

Under the scorching heat of Wanxuan Shenghuo, almost any step was spent at a very fast speed.

But in half a quarter of an hour, the flame iron hammer formed by the sacred fire of Wanxuan has turned the essence of medicine into a fist-sized light ball with a brilliant light.


Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian's right index finger and **** merged, swiping sharply, and a sword gas broke out!


Sword qi crossed, the next moment, the fragrance of immortality, filled out!

"Dan Cheng!"

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