War God Supreme

Chapter 3388: select

After hesitating for a while, Li Lingtian's expression gradually became firm: "If they are against me, they will lose money, only they will!"

"I will not flinch, meet in a narrow path, the brave will win!"

Hearing the words, the woman could not help but shudder violently, and immediately sighed, "Well, I can't stop you."

"This is a space jade. If you really encounter an irresistible danger, just crush it and I will appear!"

The woman handed a piece of jade to Li Lingtian, which shone with crystal light.

Looking around at Yu Pei, Li Lingtian frowned slightly and said softly, "Girl, this gift is a little too heavy!"

"I am also entrusted by others!"

The woman said: "Be sure to accept it, otherwise, I will not do well!"


Hearing the words, Li Lingtian was even more surprised. Who is it, who can invite such a strong man to protect him, and give him such a precious thing.

That Yu Pei, less can save his life!

In Li Lingtian's impression, he didn't know the strong man of that level at all, which made him puzzled.

It was at this time that those responsible elders also returned Duanmutong and others.

Duan Mutong didn't dare to stay here, sullenly, with the family members, ran away in vain.

After the Duanmu family left, the rest of the elders couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The giant mountain that pressed on them finally left!

Even if Duan Mulin turned into a blood demon, they dared not take action against Duan Mutong and others. After all, the difference in strength is there, and even if they do, they have no chance of winning.

Therefore, Duanmu Tong and others can be forced away, and it is already the best to take over.

"Huh, I didn't expect that Duan Mulin could actually become a blood demon. This matter must be reported to the person above!"

"I will pass on the news!"

The elders glanced at each other, and immediately an elder strangled his hands, and suddenly there was a wave of space pervading him.

The other elders nodded slightly and flew quickly to Li Lingtian.

At this moment, the woman forcibly stuffed Yuping Pei into Li Lingtian and left. Until the end, Li Lingtian didn't know the woman's name, which made him depressed.

"Li Lingtian, don't you know if you are interested in joining our Dragon Temple?"

"You can also join our Yuan Mansion, hey, if you come in, I can be the master and give you the treatment of core disciples!"

The elders all saw Li Lingtian's performance. They were extremely stunning, and they began to attract Li Lingtian.

Everyone below, seeing this scene, could not help but envy.

They all know that, in their identity, they can only let these elders choose, but Li Lingtian can choose these sects.

Li Lingtian did not directly agree. After the eight elders all said their treatment, they asked softly: "Thank you elders for their love, but I still have a few brothers. I must be with them. If you are If they can be included and enjoy the same treatment as core disciples, then I will join the forces!"

In this sentence, Li Lingtian said absolutely.

Suddenly, Wan Tianyu was warm in his heart.

Wan Kun was also startled, and immediately chuckled and said: "Yes, this kid is really a wonderful person, that kid in my family, did not look wrong!"

Originally, they all thought that Li Lingtian would choose the most powerful sect, but they did not expect that Li Lingtian's first request was to include them all, and also enjoy the treatment of core disciples!


The elders frowned slightly, and their status was not very high among their respective forces, making it difficult for them to make decisions.

However, a few elders had sufficient status and chuckled aloud: "What's the difficulty?"

"As long as you are willing to join, all of your friends will enjoy the same treatment as you!"

The elders were very happy, although Wan Tianyu said that they are not as good as Li Lingtian in terms of their strength, but they have also explored, and all five of them have broken through to the main state of the half-step world, even if they are placed on their The world is also a proper genius. It is completely normal to give them core disciples.

Moreover, Li Lingtian is obviously a collective, if they can be drawn into the power, the power they exert is far stronger than that of a person!

"it is good!"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the people who should respond, and chuckled loudly: "Then my second request is, which of your forces is in the Dragon Battle Galaxy?"


Wen Yan, one of the chubby elders, suddenly had a bitter complexion, and became depressed. He said helplessly: "We Lingxiao Sect belong to the Dragon Battle Galaxy."

"Eh, think about it too. The Duanmu family is extremely domineering. If you arrive at the Dragon Battle galaxy, they will definitely come to target you."

"You choose another galaxy!"

Speaking of which, the elder was also upset. Unexpectedly, it was just because a Duanmu family made him miss so many geniuses!

These people are all geniuses who have reached the main state of the half-step world at such a young age. Li Lingtian is even more terrible. As a ninth-order realm of the domain master, he can kill the master state of the half-step world. With many treasures, it can exert its power not to lose to the main state of the world.

If possible, he did not want to miss it.

But he also understands that the reputation of the Duanmu family is too powerful, and Li Lingtian and they certainly don't want to go to the Dragon Battle Galaxy!

"Hey, Li Lingtian, our Yuan Mansion is in the Tiankui galaxy, far away from the Dragon Battle Galaxy, and our master is a strong fifth-order master of the world. I am not afraid of the Duanmu family. You can rest assured! "


Wen Yan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The other elders all laughed helplessly.

Among the ten forces here, except for the Duanmu family who has left, only Yuanyuan is the strongest. When they think of the grievances of the Li Lingtian and the Duanmu family, they are afraid to win Li Lingtian anymore.

When they want to come, only Yuanfu is qualified, and they have the confidence to absorb Li Lingtian and his group.

"Eh, it's a pity that such a group of geniuses were actually absorbed by Yuan Fu!"

The other elders could not help but sigh.

"it is good!"

Li Lingtian clenched his fists, and suddenly looked at the chubby elder, Shen Sheng said: "I don't know this elder, you Ling Xiaozong, can you accept me?"


"what did you say?"

In an instant, the eight elders were all stunned!

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