War God Supreme

Chapter 3389: Visit Ling Xiaozong

"I don't know, you Ling Xiaozong, would you like to accept me?"


"what did you say?"

As Li Lingtian's words fell, the eight elders were all stunned. His face was full of dullness.

"You... what are you talking about?"

Only the elder Ling Xiaozong was excited.

"What's wrong? You are all stunned here."

At this moment, the elder who had previously delivered the message also came here. He saw the other elders' faces dull, and he became curious. He quickly asked, "What the **** happened?"


One of the elders swallowed, and said helplessly: "This kid said, he would go under the door of Lingxiao Sect!"


Wen Yan, the elder was also surprised and blurted out: "You are crazy, you killed the Duanmu family, the Duanmu family will not let you go, you dare to go to the Dragon Battle Galaxy?"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help shrugging his shoulders, and said, "What a fuss?"

Isn't it just a Duanmu family, would you still be afraid of them?

However, those elders, who did not understand Li Lingtian's ideas, all started to dissuade Li Lingtian.

"Li Lingtian, let me tell you, your talent is very high, don't do stupid things!"

"Yes, now you, in front of the Duanmu family, is a ant with no resistance at all. If you are willing to join our Yuanfu, I dare to guarantee that within a hundred years, you can surpass the Duanmu family. , You can just kill them!"

Several elders dissuaded Li Lingtian, even the elder of Ling Xiaozong said: "Li Lingtian, although I hope you can join us, but... the strength of our sect is really not as good as the Duanmu family!"

At the same time, everyone underneath heard the news of Li Lingtian's going to the Dragon Battle Galaxy from the words of several elders, and it was suddenly upset.

"God, Master Li, he is really not afraid of the sky! He has angered the Duanmu family, and dare to go to the Dragon Battle Galaxy?"

"Hahaha, this is the spirit of an adult!"

"Yes, isn't it just a Duanmu family? How can we make our adults shrink?"

"Adult mighty domineering!"

In an instant, everyone underneath was full of blood. They seemed to have seen the scene of Li Lingtian suppressing the Duanmu family.

Wan Kun and others were also very surprised. At first, they thought that Li Lingtian would choose to retreat temporarily. Unexpectedly, Li Lingtian would be so tough and chose to collide with the Duanmu family!

Wan Tianyu looked at each other, and they all made up their minds. No matter what decision Li Lingtian made, they would follow Li Lingtian without turning back!

"I believe that if I join you, you will protect me, right?"

Li Lingtian looked at Elder Ling Xiaozong with a smile and said, "Moreover, no matter how strong the Duanmu family is, it is impossible to send many masters to deal with me at the same time!"

"As long as they come with fewer people, I'm not afraid."

"Why are you here?"

Several elders sighed, they did not want to see a genius, died in the hands of the Duanmu family.

After all, the Duanmu family has been so overbearing for so many years, and there are countless geniuses who died in the hands of their families.

"Ha ha."

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "How can you withdraw as a warrior? If the Duanmu family wants to fight, then fight!"


This sentence, like a thunder, fell to the hearts of several elders.

"As a warrior, how can I flinch?"

Several elders murmured, and all smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, as a warrior, how can you back down with a little difficulty? We are all old! Old, not useful!"

Not only the nine elders, but all of them shivered after hearing this sentence.

They finally understood why Li Lingtian was able to move forward, defeat so many difficulties, and lead them out.

It is because of Li Lingtian's momentum, that momentum that never shrinks!

In the beginning, many of them were trying to avoid those who came to the Dragon Wars galaxy. But if this continues, it is afraid that all of them will be broken down one by one by the Dragon Wars galaxy.

It was precisely because of Li Lingtian that he organized them that he did not flinch, and that he met the guys in the Dragon Battle galaxy and led them to kill!

Retreat, that's mortal!

If you don't flinch, you can still create a way of life!

For a time, they understood Li Lingtian's idea.

"Eh, this is the real genius!"

Wan Kun looked at each other with sighs.

"If I could have such a son, I would wake up laughing with dreams!"

The three shook their heads helplessly, but unfortunately, such a genius as Li Lingtian has rarely appeared in a thousand years, and they can only think about it.

"Good! Good! Good!"

Shen Xiao, the elder of Ling Xiaozong, said: "How could a warrior withdraw?! Your disciple, we Lingzong will settle down!"

"Wait a minute, I will pass the news back and let the people in the sect go to the formation to **** you!"

"Huh, even if the Duanmu family wants to move in front of my Ling Xiaozong, it is absolutely impossible!"


After hearing this, Li Lingtian also chuckled.

The other elders shook their heads slightly, and they understood that Li Lingtian was determined to go to Ling Xiaozong.

In this case, they will not say anything more and start to select other disciples.

The elder of Ling Xiaozong said to Li Lingtian: "Li Lingtian, my name is Jiang Xingfan, but it is the elder of Ling Xiaozong's external ancestry. You can call me Jiang Lao in the future!"

Jiang Xingfan's strength is not weak, and the master of the half-step world is only one step away from the world's master state. Even if Wan Tianyu and Wan Kun shot together, they would not necessarily be Jiang Xingfan's opponents.

However, in Ling Xiaozong, he is just an elder of the outside sect. From this, it can be seen that the strength of the dragon battle galaxy is indeed far superior to them.

"You go back to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to clean up with your friends, and let's go after finishing!"


Wen Yan, Li Lingtian nodded slightly, turned around and flew back to Wan Tianyu beside several people.

"Hoo, scared me to death, but fortunately nothing happened."

Several people in Wan Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief. When Duan Mulin burst into trouble, they were all very worried about Li Lingtian.

Fortunately, in the end everyone was safe.

"Oh, it's okay."

Li Lingtian smiled slightly at several people and said softly, "Are you going to Lingxiaozong with me? Or are you going to other Zongmen?"

"Of course following you!"

Wan Tianyu grinned a few people, they had already made up their minds, and now they answered with no hesitation.

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