War God Supreme

Chapter 3390: set off

"It's urgent, we can't stay here too long."

Li Lingtian turned to look at Liu Banxian and Mo Shifeng, and said, "If you want to contact your relatives and friends, you can write a letter and let Master Wankun pass it on."

"Yali kills, and you, you also write a letter to your brother, let him not worry."


Hearing this, Yali couldn't help but shudder in her heart, immediately nodded, turned and flew away.

Li Lingtian knew that Yali didn’t want them to see her write a letter, so she left.

Liu Banxian and Mo Shifeng glanced at each other, and both shook their heads. According to what they said, if they were to leave, then leave completely, and no longer have any entanglement with others.

Li Lingtian thought for a while, but still walked to Wan Kun.

"Uncle Wankun."

Li Lingtian salutes slightly. Anyway, Wan Kun is the father of his brother, and the etiquette must be kept!


Wan Kun laughed and looked at Li Lingtian carefully. He couldn't help but sigh out: "The afterlife is awesome, I'm really old, you must all surpass me!"

"Ha ha."

Li Lingtian smiled slightly, and said softly, "Uncle Wan Kun, can you do me a favor? Three years later, when I come back from the Dragon Battle Galaxy, I will prepare a gift for you!"

"Oh? What are you doing?"

Wan Kun raised his eyebrows, Shen Sheng said: "You can rest assured, what you can do, I will do it!"

What a joke, Wan Kun is not a fool. Naturally, Li Lingtian's potential can be seen. Now Li Lingtian has asked him to earn a favor, and the fool will refuse!

"It's no big deal, just after I leave, my Lingtian Palace, I hope you can take care of me."

Li Lingtian clenched his fists and said, "Otherwise, I am worried that some people will have unthinkable thoughts."


Wen Yan said, Wan Kun smiled: "Small meaning, rest assured, when I go back, I will tell the Quartet, if someone dares to shoot Ling Tiangong, I will let them fly away!"

"So, then trouble Uncle Wankun!"

Let's just say, Li Lingtian is retiring. Time is running out. Wan Tianyu and Wan Kun and his son must talk for a while, right?

The time passed quickly, but it was only a half-day effort. The elders recorded the people they wanted and collected them together.

After staying for another half day, the elders took people to the teleportation circle.

Soon, in this area, only Jiang Xingfan and Li Lingtian were left, and those selected by Ling Xiaozong.

Most people have followed Li Lingtian, so they chatted with Li Lingtian very well.

Jiang Xingfan was quite satisfied to see that Li Lingtian was so popular.

Until the next day, Jiang Xingfan received the news from the upper bound.


After reading the news, Jiang Xingfan couldn't help but laughed out loud and awakened everyone.

"Elder Jiang, what happened? So happy?"

Li Lingtian was also surprised.

"Hahaha, the news came from above. We have sent six world-class strongmen to pick us up!"

Jiang Xingfan took a sigh of relief: "In this way, we don't have to worry about the revenge of the Duanmu family!"

"The strongest of the six world master levels?"

"God, Ling Xiaozong is so strong that he has so many masters!"

Everyone was ecstatic. They never thought that a sect of Ling Xiao could send six world-level strongmen to greet them. Of course, they also knew that those masters were all for Li Lingtian.

"I'm leaving..."

Not far away, Wan Kun and Wan Tianyu were reluctant.

Wan Tianyu has been growing under Wan Kun's wings for a long time. Even if he leaves, it is just a short leave.

But after this separation, the next time I meet, I don't know how long it will be.

Therefore, Wan Tianyu was a bit reluctant.

"Eh, go."

Wan Kun shook his head slightly and said helplessly: "How can you see the rainbow without going through the wind and rain! Tianyu, it is time for you to go out and practice by yourself!"

"Going out this time, remember, you must listen to Li Lingtian's words.

Many things were instructed, and it wasn't until Jiang Xingfan activated the teleportation method that Wan Kun asked to end.

"Well, father, the baby will get an idea!"

Nodded heavily, Wan Tianyu reluctantly separated from Wan Kun and came to Li Lingtian.

"Tianyu, we will be back soon!"

Patting Wan Tianyu on the shoulder, Li Lingtian said softly, "It's just a dragon battle galaxy in every area, and it can't stop our pace!"

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​I will be back soon!"

Wan Tianyu also clenched his fists.

"Let's go!"

At this moment, Jiang Xingfan had activated the formation, turned to look at Wan Tianyu, and laughed aloud: "Relax, when you break through to the third-order state of the Lord of the World, you can freely shuttle through space. Inside the barrier."

"At that time, you can come back if you want to come back!"

"Tier 3 of the Lord of the World?"

Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu clenched their fists, and their qualifications are not bad. Coupled with Li Lingtian, they are confident that they can break through in a short time!

After all, they only followed Li Lingtian for two years, and then they broke from the first step of the domain master directly to the main state of the half-step world. This kind of breakthrough speed is amazing!

Even if the speed of the breakthrough is slow after the Lord of the World, they are sure to complete this goal within three to five years!

This is completely self-confidence that they cultivated after they became familiar with Li Lingtian!

Wan Tianyu glanced back at Wan Kun and saw that Wan Kun's eyes were full of tears. He just gritted his teeth, turned around, and stopped looking at Wan Kun.

"From now on, follow me into the circle!"

Jiang Xingfan sipped softly, and in that moment, all the people selected by Ling Xiaozong poured into the circle.

The six members of Li Lingtian followed Jiang Xingfan and waited until everyone was over before entering the formation.

It is also at this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not far away, in an extremely secret cave.

Several figures were hidden in the black robe, and a woman stood in the distance.

If Li Lingtian is there, you can tell at a glance that the woman is the one who helped him before!

"Oh, did you bring people over?"

"Originally we trusted you, and he also discovered it, and then we chose to leave the matter to you, but you let us down!"

A dull voice suddenly sounded.

The woman's face did not change, and she said in a cold voice: "It is not a bad thing to let him experience everything."

"It's really not a bad thing, but also allows him to improve his strength!"

"But don't forget..."

"If he dies, all of us will be over!"

The woman was silent!

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