War God Supreme

Chapter 3395: Meet people

"Beep Beep Beep!"

The sound of flames sounded, and Li Lingtian quickly stopped and looked closely, but could not see anything clearly.

At this time, his spiritual power was not fully recovered, and he could not sense the distant scene.

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian groaned, but decided to move closer.

Even if you are in danger, it’s a big deal to use the world treasure to leave, but if you are not close, maybe you will miss an opportunity!

At this point, Li Lingtian walked slowly in the direction of the voice.

But for a moment, Li Lingtian's ear sounded a burst of words.

Obviously, he was almost close.

"Miss Two, go further in front, that is deep in the Purple Forest. It is said that there are many monsters comparable to the domain master level. We can't go deeper!"

"But... but I haven't got enough medicinal materials and crystal nuclei, and I can't make the smoke and rain rejuvenation, how can I save the elder sister!"

"That can't go any further! It's too dangerous inside. If we hurt you, we will be punished if we go back!"

"Huh, I think you are afraid of yourself, don't use me as an excuse!"

"Wait deeper tomorrow morning!"

Hearing these conversations, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and was surprised.

Even the monsters at the main level of the domain are afraid, that is to say, the strength of these few people is just the realm of stars!

"Within the Dragon Battle galaxy, the domain owner is only a ant. Then it will definitely not be the Dragon Battle galaxy. Huh, it seems that I should have been sent to other galaxies in the Qianlong galaxy!"

"Since these guys don't even have domain masters, I don't have to worry about it!"

Although Li Lingtian is very weak right now, he can still exert his strength at the domain master level. Therefore, he has no worries and just rushed out.


Through the dense jungle, Li Lingtian soon saw the group of people.

There were about eight people in that group. A woman was sitting in the middle, and she looked pretty gorgeous.

Beside her, there are seven men dressed in costumes.

Being close, Li Lingtian also saw that among the seven men, only one person reached the stellar eighth order realm, and there was a stellar seventh order peak. The rest, including the woman, were only stellar sixth order. .


Just when Li Lingtian looked at them, the group of people also discovered Li Lingtian. Several strong men got up immediately, pulled out their weapons, and stared at Li Lingtian.

As long as Li Lingtian had any changes, they would shoot.

However, at this time, Li Lingtian looked quite weak, so their group of people did not take Li Lingtian into their eyes.

Li Lingtian's eyes rolled around, and suddenly fell to the ground, pretending to be faint.


"what's the situation?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. What happened?

How is it good, suddenly fell down?

This is not scientific!

Several guards looked at each other, all of them were very surprised.

The girl also blinked and froze in place.

Immediately, the girl hurried to Li Lingtian, and the several guards yelled, "Miss Two, don't be careful, be careful!"

"It's okay, he has passed out!"

The girl looked at Li Lingtian carefully, and Shen Sheng said, "One, come over and see, how is this guy's strength? How hurt?"

It is said that the strongest man among the crowd has also quickly approached the girl.

He reached out and flicked Li Lingtian to the side. The man took a closer look and said, "Miss Two, this man's strength is similar to mine. His injury seems to have been scratched by a beast. Now, he is basically playing There is not much power to threaten us."


With a long sigh of relief, the girl said, "Since it can't pose a threat to us, save him!"

"Uh, Miss II, this guy has a very serious injury. It's not difficult to save him!"


Speaking of which, the guard smiled bitterly: "Our food is not enough! It was only enough for five of us to eat for five days. If it is a delay, we all have to go hungry, and then give him food. , Isn’t that the way to die?"

"How come, there is no food, you can grab some giant beasts and bake them!"

The girl waved her hand and said casually: "Okay, all I heard about this thing was to lift him to the fire and take a good rest."

"Oh, look at his chapped lips, don't forget to feed him some water."

I have to say that the girl was very kind. Not only did she receive Li Lingtian, but she also actively asked those guards to take care of Li Lingtian, which was very good.

Li Lingtian, who was pretending to pass out, also made up his mind. This is a favor he owes to the girl!

If you have a chance in the future, you must pay back that favor!

It's just that Li Lingtian wouldn't expect that he would soon pay the girl a favor!

Hearing the girl's words so decisive, several guards sighed helplessly.

Looking at each other, there was a person who came and cooperated with the guard to lift Li Lingtian to the fire.

Soon, someone was feeding Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian was so happy that he continued to pretend to fall asleep.

After half an hour, it was getting late and Li Lingtian woke up quietly.

However, he did not alarm anyone.

At this time, the girl was dozing, and the strongest guard was sitting beside the girl, doing her best.

As for the other escorts, they got together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ whispering something.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help frowning. It seemed that the strongest guard was extremely loyal to the girl. As for the rest of the guards, there should be ghosts!

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Lingtian felt a little bit, and found that his spiritual power had recovered a little. Although he had not recovered one percent, it was already able to reach the level of spiritual power.

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian spread the spiritual power to the places where the guards were.

Suddenly, the murmurs of the guards rang in his ears.

"Mad, these two young ladies really treat us as slaves!"

"Huh, such rare water and food used to prevent us from touching too much, but we can meet a wounded and dying person, but give him something to eat and give him water to drink, which is really chilling for me!"

"Yes, since this **** doesn't take us as people, then today, let's go wrong! It happens that this is Ziyou Lin. Normally no one dares to come in. Let's kill her, and no one can do it. think!"

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