War God Supreme

Chapter 3396: Rebellious

"Hey, these two young ladies are also pretty good, they are still a young, want to come to taste good! Wait a while, let us refresh her well, and let her understand that we are not slaves!"

"Not bad!"

Speaking of which, the guards all laughed out loud.

Wen Yan, Li Lingtian's complexion, also gloomy.

What Li Lingtian hated most in his life was the one who betrayed others. Now let him see that this group of people actually wanted to harm their master, and that the girl can be said to be his life-saving benefactor. He couldn't bear it anymore.

However, now he can't shoot directly. After all, he doesn't have any evidence. Even if he kills these guys, the girl will not appreciate him, but will hate him instead.

"Huh, since there is still a reason for me, then I will be patient for a while. Wait a moment, I will shoot again!"

After making up his mind, Li Lingtian narrowed his eyes and began to rest.

Being able to recover some more spiritual power, and waiting for a while, is a little more emboldened!

However, Li Lingtian did not take back his spiritual power, and was still listening to the conversation of the guards.

The Lion beats the rabbit with all his strength. Li Lingtian did not dare to relax his vigilance against him. At this time, his strength has not been fully restored. In case the group of guys suddenly used any tricks that caused the girl to be injured, Li Lingtian couldn’t get over it.

After half an hour, the girl withdrew from her cultivation state.

"Come on, Miss II, drink water!"

The guard quickly took out a kettle and handed it to Miss II.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian also saw it. The guard was extremely concerned about Miss II, and it was probably interesting to her.

However, the identity gap between them is too great.

"Lin Yi, you look around and sprinkle a little bit of animal repellent powder. I don't know why. I always feel a little uncomfortable."

The girl frowned slightly and took the kettle. After instructing Lin Yi, she looked at the guards.

"Da University, a few of you, don't you help Lin Yi?"

"By the way, take a look and see if you can catch some giant beasts. There is not much food!"

Hearing the words, the guards froze for a moment, all of them got up and left quickly.

After everyone had left, the girl stood up and came to Li Lingtian.

After taking a closer look at Li Lingtian, seeing that Li Lingtian had not yet woken up, the girl could not help but whispered: "Strange, you are so low in strength, and you are still seriously injured. Why, seeing you and me, I feel safe... …"

"Strange... It's really weird!"

The girl was curious. Originally, she didn't want to leave Li Lingtian, but she didn't know why. When she saw Li Lingtian's first glance, she felt a sense of security that she had never felt before, which made her very at ease.

There was a feeling that it was stronger than when she was with her father, so she would stand out from the crowd and leave Li Lingtian.

I have to say that this girl has a strong sixth sense and feels Li Lingtian's hidden strength.

Soon, Lin Yi and Lin Ada and others were back.

Several people in Lin A carried a wild boar corpse and invited the girl to come beside him.

"Miss Two, we hunted a wild boar!"


The girl was extremely cold and signaled Lin A few people to quickly roast the wild boar, but they opened some distance from Li Lingtian.

The guards quickly set fire, preparing to roast wild boar. If it weren't for Li Lingtian's previous hearing of their conversation, they wouldn't see it.

I have to say that people's hearts are always the most complicated!

Half a quarter of an hour later, the rich flavours scattered and flew into the air.

The girl and Lin Yi were both hungry too, and could not help swallowing a sip of water, and the girl immediately opened her mouth, instructing the guards to eat with her.

However, the guards waved their hands one after another and said, "Miss Two, you are the master, and we dare not."

Wen Yan said that the girl frowned slightly, and she was no longer tough, just pulling Lin Yi to eat with her.

That Lin Yi’s status in the Lin family is not too weak, so there is no impediment, just eating with the girl.

After a few bites, Lin Yi turned to the people and said, "Okay, now Miss Two has begun to eat, don't follow the rules, come and eat. Saving time is the most important thing!"


At this time, those escorts were not good anymore and refused. They hurried over to tear off some pieces of meat, but they did so.


The girl suddenly said, "You also give the boy some meat and some water."

"Yes, Miss II!"

The guards nodded slightly, but in their eyes, there was a fierce flash of light.

The guards acted quickly, taking advantage of the girl's inattention, and fed all the meat pieces into Li Lingtian's mouth. In order to let him swallow, he even poured several sips of water.

After seeing Li Lingtian swallow all the slices of meat, they took a long sigh of relief, then looked at each other, their eyes cold, staring coldly at Lin Yi and the girl.

"Beep Beep Beep!"

For a moment, the entire space was silent. Only the burning sound of flames remained.

After a while, the girl frowned suddenly, and there was a wriggling movement in her stomach.


It was only an instant that the girl spit out the flesh in her mouth, but when she was just about to get up, she felt dizzy for a while, but she felt so numb that she couldn't make any effort at all.

"No, the meat is poisonous!"

The girl exclaimed in exclamation, quickly turned her head to look at Lin Yi, but saw that Lin Yi was also pale and fell to the ground.

"Damn... how could this be?"

Lin Yi's forehead was covered with sweat, but he felt the pain in his belly like a knife twist.

He eats faster than a girl and eats more, so the poison is deeper!

In an instant, Lin Yi and the girl were horrified. How could they be poisoned? Is it possible that the wild boar is poisonous?

If so, did the poison already exist, or were they guarded?


Just when Lin Yi and the girl hesitated~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The laughter suddenly sounded.

The guards showed their hideous colors and got up one after another, and surrounded Lin Yi and the girl.

"You... really you!"

When Lin saw the faces of the several guards, he understood that the poison must have been from them, and he immediately felt angry and glared at him.

The girl frowned, Shen Sheng asked, "A Da, our Lin family treats you not badly, why do you want to poison and murder me?"

"Will you be me?"

Heard that the guards were stunned for a while, and then all laughed loudly.

"A nice treat me! Ah ah!"

"Just before I remind you that you will enter the danger zone when you move forward. How did you reprimand me? We used to drink a little water, and you are all stingy, but you are just a stranger who is seriously injured, but you let us eat and drink. Served him, yuck! What a nice treat us!"

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