War God Supreme

Chapter 3397: Unforgivable sin

"Just before I remind you to move forward and you will enter the danger zone, how did you scold me?"

"We used to ask for a little water to drink, and you are all stingy, but now you are just a stranger who was seriously injured, but you let us serve him with delicious and delicious food, ah! Good deal with us!"

The guards were full of resentment.

It is said that the girl was also stunned. It turned out that these guards betrayed her because of this.

The girl couldn't help but smile bitterly, just because she treated them as her own, she would reprimand them, and the water that was finally saved was still for them!

However, the girl also knew that now that the escorts had decided to betray, at this time she said nothing.

No matter what she said, the guards only thought she was explaining and pioneering.

"Ah, you bastards, can't you forget how the master saved you?"

Lin Yi broke his mouth and scolded: "You pack of white-eyed wolves, don't quickly give me the antidote!"

Hearing the words, the faces of the guards changed, and immediately said: "Antidote? Huh, wait until hell, I will send you over again!"

"Lin Yi, I think you are the dog of the Lin family, so be addicted!"

"The family's kindness to our lives has been paid back in recent years. Today, hey, after killing you, we will go far away! At that time, no one can find us!"

"Huh, the second lady is fine-skinned and tender, and looks good, but I don't know how it feels to play!"

Speaking of which, the guards looked at the girl's eyes and suddenly changed.


Lin Yi's pupils shrank sharply and yelled: "You group of bastards, still want to move Miss Two?"

"Don't be delusional and want to move Miss II, you have to step over my body first!"

Hearing Lin Yi's words, Miss II, who was pale, couldn't help but feel warm, but her face was still full of despair.

At this time, she and Lin Yi were poisoned, and their strength could not be exerted at all, and there was no way to resist these guards.

"Damn, it's too deep into the Purple Forest, it's hard to meet other people, eh..."

For a time, the girl also regretted it. She knew that she did not go deeper. As a result, she was in danger and there was no way to call for help.

"Hey, look at the terrified look of Miss II, I can't bear to start!"

"That's right, I don't know what Miss Jin Gui's second lady will look like when he's Cheng Huan under my brother."

"Of course it looks like a swing! Brother, move faster!"

The guards looked into the girl's eyes, full of them, swallowed a sip of water, and ran to the second lady, smirking and preparing to tear off her clothes.

"Do not!"

"You bastards, I will not allow you to hurt Miss II!"

Seeing this scene, Lin's eyes were bloodshot, and he snapped his teeth. He jumped up and slammed into the guards.

Those escorts did not expect Lin Yi to jump up, but he was unprepared, but was hit by Lin Yi.

The next moment, they were furious.

"Mad, Lin Yi, we just want to spare you a dog's life, after all, we are all treated as dogs by the Lin family, and it is considered to be sympathetic!"

"But since you are so ignorant, you will blame me for ruthlessly!"

Angrily, the guards shot one after another, their fists fell like raindrops, and fell on Lin Yi's body.

At this time, Lin's inner spiritual power cannot be mobilized, and he can only rely on his physical body to resist those attacks!


After a few punches, Lin Yi was already covered with bruises, spitting blood, and fell to the ground weakly.

I have to say that at the beginning, those people did not kill Lin Yi, and even the medicines were not poisons, but only some medicines that made people unable to resist.

However, this time Lin Yi's resistance angered them.

Originally, they were betraying their masters. They were extremely careful not to let others know. Now when Lin sees resistance, he is ruthless, and he doesn't care about anything.

However, it was only a dozen breaths. Lin Yi was seriously injured by them and collapsed to the ground.

"You... you stop!"

The girl snorted softly. Although she was poisoned and had no power to restrain her chickens, her words were still full of commands.

It seems that due to inertia, the guards heard the young girl's soft drink, their bodies shuddered suddenly, and immediately stopped the attack.

But even so, Lin Yi had less air intake and more air output at this time.

"Well, no matter what Lin Yi is, let's move quickly, let the second lady refresh, and then send her to heaven!"

The guards glanced at each other, and rushed towards the girl with a grin.

Suddenly, the girl's eyes were slightly closed, and her heart was desperate.

It seems that today I will die here!

She would like to bite her tongue or kill herself. However, at this time, she can't do anything. She can only desperately wait for those people to insult her and finally greet her death!

Seeing the girl showing a desperate look, the guards all had a special feeling in their hearts, and in that moment, they couldn't help but beast blood boiling.

However, just as they were about to rush to the girl, a low sigh was suddenly heard in the ears of everyone.

"Eh, in broad daylight, it's really shameful that someone is doing such a rebellious act in the midst of the grandeur!"



Suddenly hearing the voice, the guards were shocked, and their body quickly retreated, screaming, and constantly looking around.

The girl's body shuddered violently~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also reacted, quickly opened her eyes, looked around, looking for the voice.


The cough sounded, and Li Lingtian slowly stood up and looked up at the guards. His eyes were filled with cold cold light.

"Huh, it's interesting. As the guard of the Lin family, you are betraying the master and trying to hurt the master. In fact, sin is irretrievable!"

"I Li Lingtian, what I hate most in my life is this kind of ungrateful person!"

As he said, Li Lingtian put his hands behind him and slowly walked towards the guards.

"You...how could you not be seriously injured? How could you wake up?"

"No, we fed all the poisonous meat to you before. Why do you still have strength?"

Seeing Li Lingtian stand up suddenly, the guards were terrified, and his eyes were full of horror!

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