War God Supreme

Chapter 3399: Qingshuangzong

The guards suddenly felt a violent force pouring into their bodies. At the next moment, they just felt uncomfortable, and only felt that their bodies were very painful.

Looking down, they were all terrified.

I don't know when, their bodies are as big as a balloon, very bloated, floating in the air!


The burst of violent violence in the body suddenly, their bodies, like explosives, burst into bursts!


After several loud explosions, the bodies of the guards completely disappeared into the sight of everyone!


Seeing this scene, Lin Yi and the girl could not help but took a breath of air. They all knew that the guards had already died completely, and the dead could not die anymore!

Swallowing a sip of water, the girl turned to look at Li Lingtian, her eyes looked strange.

Although she said that Li Lingtian was able to give her a sense of security from the beginning, she did not expect that Li Lingtian's strength would be so domineering!

According to Lin Ada's previous statement, all of the poisonous meat they divided allowed him to eat into his stomach, but he was safe and sound, and there was no poisoning at all!

What is even more shocking is that Li Lingtian now has a pale complexion, and he knows that he is hurt at a glance, but even so, his strength seems to them like a god. If Li Lingtian is fully recovered, then he How terrible will its strength be?


Li Lingtian gently coughed and walked slowly to the girl and Lin Yi, frowning slightly, and then waved his right hand, and two round and crystal elixirs appeared in their hands.

"Eat it, this can detoxify you!"

Li Lingtian made a little noise.


Wen Yan said that the girl and Lin Yi were surprised. Lin Yi looked down at the panacea, but hesitated.

After being betrayed by his own people, Lin Yi could not believe Li Lingtian anymore.

However, the girl directly stuffed the panacea into her mouth.

The immortality entrance was instantaneous, and at the same time, the girl's face was also surprised. She only felt that a gentle power was pouring out of her body, but in an instant, the violent power was expelled.

The limbs were no longer sore and feeble. The girl stretched her limbs and couldn't help but stay in place.

"Miss II!"

Lin Yi couldn't help frowning, looking at the girl with worry.

How could Li Lingtian not see Lin's distrust of him, but he didn't say anything, anyway, he had already given it to him, whether he took it or not, it was Lin Yi's own business.

"Lin Yi, this immortality medicine is really useful, you should take it quickly!"

Hearing Lin Yi's shout, the girl reacted and shouted excitedly.

Immediately the girl slowly stood up and bowed to Li Lingtian to salute: "Little girl Lin Kexin, have seen a benefactor."

Upon seeing this, Lin Yi gritted his teeth and swallowed the panacea.

"Lin Kexin..."

With a frown, Li Lingtian asked softly, "Where is this?"

"Benefactor, don't you know where this is?"

Lin Kexin was a little surprised, and did not expect Li Lingtian to ask such a question. Everyone knows that this is Zi Youlin!

"Benefactor, this is the depth of Ziyou Forest. After going out, it is Ziyun City."

After stunned, Lin Kexin answered quickly.


Li Lingtian asked with a sigh: "I am asking, what galaxy is here?"


After hearing this, Lin Kexin couldn't help but blinked his eyes, surprised and said: "Could you be from the rest of the galaxy?"

Seeing Li Lingtian frowning, Lin Kexin also reacted and quickly said: "We are the Cuiyun Galaxy here, which belongs to the Yunqi Galaxy."

"Cuiyun Galaxy... Yunqi Galaxy..."

Li Lingtian couldn't help but slammed his head, these two galaxies had never heard of it.

After turning his eyes, Li Lingtian had to ask, "Do you know the Dragon Battle Galaxy?"

"Dragon Battle Galaxy?"

After hearing this, Lin Kexin blinked and thought.

However, in her mind, there is no such name at all.

Lin Yi also murmured: "Dragon Battle Galaxy... It seems that I haven't heard of it!"

Seeing such reactions from Lin Kexin and Lin Yi, Li Lingtian couldn't help but sigh, and he felt helpless.

It seems that his location is extremely far away from the Dragon Battle Galaxy.

So much so that they did not know the name of the Dragon Battle Galaxy.

However, this is good, at least enough time for him to practice and restore his strength.

Otherwise, when he meets the Duanmu family in this state, he is looking for his own way.


With a long breath of relief, Li Lingtian said, "The poison in your body has been resolved and will be recovered soon."

"I go first!"

With that said, Li Lingtian was ready to leave.

"Eh, benefactor, walk slowly!"

Lin Kexin stepped forward suddenly, holding Li Lingtian's arm.

At this time, Li Lingtian had not recovered completely. When pulled by Lin Kexin, he stopped and turned to look at Lin Kexin and asked, "Well? What else?"

"That one……"

Lin Kexin bit his lip and asked, "Benefactor, can you stay and protect me for one night... Now that our strength has not recovered, if we encounter a monster..."

Li Lingtian frowned slightly. He didn't want to stay here. He had to determine what the place was before he could arrange the next thing.

As for the previous relationship owed to Lin Kexin, as early as just now, it has already been paid back.

Seeing Li Lingtian frowning, Lin Kexin suddenly said: "Benefactor~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although I don't know where you are asking about the Dragon Wars galaxy, but my father once went to the outer galaxy, he must know! "

"And, the most powerful Zongmen Shuangshuang Sect in the Cuiyun Galaxy is not far from Ziyun City. Perhaps you can get the answers you want from the Qingshuang Sect!"


It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but feel excited.

Rather than exploring by yourself, it is better to use the forces behind Lin Kexin.

At this point, Li Lingtian nodded slightly, and slowly walked to the fire and sat down.

With his eyes closed slightly, Li Lingtian continued to recover from his injury without speaking.

Lin Kexin was relieved. Although Li Lingtian did not say anything, she could see that Li Lingtian had agreed.

Suddenly, Lin Kexin was relieved. Although she didn't know Li Lingtian's strength, she could only prove Li Lingtian's strength against heaven by virtue of the sound of Chang Xiao who killed three stars of the sixth order!

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