War God Supreme

Chapter 3400: Return

"Miss Two..."

Lin Yi also recovered at this time, glancing at Li Lingtian, and said softly to Lin Kexin: "Miss Two, that guy, can you really trust?"

"Until now, we don't know his name..."

"Ha ha."

Lin Kexin gave Lin a glance and said softly, "If he wants to harm us, can we still live?"

It is said that Lin Yi couldn't help but breathe stagnation, yeah, with Li Lingtian's previous means, if he wanted to kill them, it was a long scream!

"Okay, let's talk tomorrow!"

Lin Kexin glanced at Li Lingtian and suddenly sighed: "If he is willing to help me hunt some monsters and get enough medicinal materials to refine the smoke and rain rejuvenation, it will be even better!"

"I look hard! This guy seems very cold..."

Lin Yi looked at Li Lingtian, and his eyes were full of fear.


In the early morning of the next day, when Lin Kexin and Lin finished the training, Li Lingtian had already roasted the meat.

"Woke up?"

Realizing that Lin Kexin and his wife woke up, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows slightly and said softly, "It's almost recovered. When will I go back?"


Lin Kexin's eyes turned, Shi Shiran got up, and walked beside Li Lingtian, asked pitifully: "Benefactor, can you help me to kill some beasts, my elder sister is now seriously injured, at stake, urgently Need the rain and the resurrection..."

"Smoke rain rejuvenated?"

The corner of Li Lingtian's mouth slightly raised, it seems that this galaxy is not very strong, otherwise, it is impossible to still use smoke and rain to rejuvenate.

This smoky rain resurrects the soul, at best it can only save the people under the master of the domain, and after the treatment, it can not recover all the injuries, only to save the life!

"no need."

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, Li Lingtian said indifferently: "I have smoke and rain rejuvenated here, you can take me back!"


It was said that Lin Kexin was overjoyed. Her elder sister was in danger. If she went to kill the giant beast and then went to alchemy, it would take three or four days before they could regenerate the rain and soul!

Now Li Lingtian has a smoky rain in his hands, which can save a few days and hope to save her elder sister, and add a few points!

Immediately, Lin Kexin was very excited, and quickly asked: "That benefactor, when shall we go back?"

Li Lingtian raised a brow, and could not help but looked up at Lin Kexin.

It seems that Lin Kexin is very concerned about her sister!

"Talk after eating!"

Li Lingtian motioned to the two of them to sit down and immediately tore a piece of meat and ate it.

There are many corpses of giant beasts in his storage space, so he is still hungry.

Lin Kexin and Lin Yi were attentive to the young lady at this time, and did not care too much. They were directly beside Li Lingtian and ate together.

However, after only a few bites, they were surprised to find that there was a lot of spiritual power in the meat! Those spiritual powers quickly washed their bodies, and then merged into the meridians, completely transformed into their power!

Only after a few bites, they can feel that their own power is much stronger!

This made them surprised, their faces full of surprise, and looked at Li Lingtian dullly.

"Benefactor...this is..."

Even if they are stupid, they understand at this time, it must be Li Lingtian's reason.

"Don't call me my benefactor."

While eating the meat, Li Lingtian said: "My name is Li Lingtian, after eating the meat, you can stabilize your strength and we will go back."

"This is regarded as your kind reward yesterday! No need to thank me!"


Lin Kexin fell silent, looked at Lin one by one, and immediately took it seriously.

Given this opportunity to increase their own strength, how could they pass it?

Li Lingtian eats slowly and reasonably. What he does is to use the spiritual power in the flesh of the beast to stimulate the meridians in his body.

Not long after, a whole beast was wiped out by Lin Kexin and Lin one or two.

Immediately the two of them were breathless, and they couldn't even speak. They quickly meditated cross-legged and began to practice.

After half an hour, Lin Kexin and Lin Yi both broke through.

Lin Yi was ecstatic after the breakthrough, but he looked at Li Lingtian, and suddenly realized that within his induction, Li Lingtian was as misty as the clouds in the sky, which made his heart awkward.

"Thank you..."

Just talking about this, Lin Kexin gave Li Lingtian a deep look, and continued to say: "Thank you, Brother Lingtian, if not for you, I am afraid this time..."

"No need to talk."

Li Lingtian looked calm and waved her hand: "Now you hurry to take me back. As long as you can tell me the news in the Dragon Wars galaxy, I can not only treat your big sister, but also give you the Lin family a great chance!"


Lin Kexin was ecstatic, but after the ecstasy, she was a little worried.

She didn't know if her father knew the Dragon Battle Galaxy, but she said that to retain Li Lingtian, but if she didn't know the news of the Dragon Battle Galaxy after going back, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

But she has reached this point, even if she is worried, it is useless, only to wait until after going back.

If she dared not take Li Lingtian back, um, that dead, it would be she and Lin Yi!

At this time, Li Lingtian's strength was only restored by one percent, and he was not able to use his spiritual power, and could only walk slowly.

This also surprised Lin Kexin and Lin. In their impression, Li Lingtian should be the kind of talented person in the world. Even if he was seriously injured, he should exert great strength.

But they did not expect that Li Lingtian would choose to walk back slowly!

But they were scared by Li Lingtian's strength~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dare not to inquire, they could only accompany Li Lingtian silently.

Not long after, Li Lingtian's ears suddenly sounded a dense footsteps, raised his eyebrows slightly, looked up, only to see a few figures filled up head-on.

"Oh, it's Qi Fei!"

After seeing the person coming, Lin Kexin exclaimed and couldn't help covering his mouth.

Li Lingtian raised her eyebrows, and she had speculation in her heart. It seems that there is a great relationship between Lai Ren and Lin Kexin!

"Hahaha, Lin Kexin, it seems that these guys didn't lie to me, you really are in the Purple Forest!"

The person who came to hear Lin Kexin's voice was also ecstatic, and immediately dozens of figures appeared in front of Lin Kexin.

Li Lingtian took a closer look, and realized that these people were wearing the same uniform. Obviously, they were a sectarian disciple.

Only the leader, with a pattern on his shirt, obviously has a higher status than others!

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