War God Supreme

Chapter 3407: betray

"Master Lord!"

"I disagree! We have hundreds of people from the Lin family. How can Ke Xin alone put them in danger!"

"Not bad!"

Just then, behind Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai, several elders suddenly shouted: "It is not that we are afraid of death, nor are we unwilling to sacrifice! It is that we cannot bury the entire Lin family because of one person!"

"Good! I also think that Kexin should get married this time!"

"Master Zhang Xin is the first-ranked strongest master of the domain master. This strength, even in the Qingshuang Sect, is also one of the best. If Ke Xin can marry Master Zhang Xin, our Lin family and Zhang family work together. We can go one step further, even if it is Qingshuangzong, don't dare to underestimate us!"

"you guys……"

It was said that Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai were furious and turned their heads to look, but they saw that the elders had distanced themselves from them.

"Damn, you are all Lin family, how can you do this kind of bastard!"

Lin Ruofeng was furious: "I will give you ten breathing hours. As long as you admit your mistake, it will still be my Lin family. Otherwise, you will blame me mercilessly!"

"Homeowner, you!"

As Lin Ruofeng's words fell, the elders all changed their faces.

"Lin Ruofeng! If you continue to be obsessed, you have to drag our Lin family into the fire pit, then blame us for impeaching you!"

Suddenly, one of the elders gritted his teeth and said, "You guys, do you really want to see, is our Lin family ruined today? Just because Lin Kexin is such a stinky girl!"

"Today, if our Lin family wants to inherit, then there is only one way to impeach Lin Ruofeng and marry Lin Kexin to the Zhang family!"


As the elder's voice fell, the rest of the elders, even elders who had no previous thoughts, became active.

Yes, although Lin Kexin is their niece, it is impossible for them to watch their children because Lin Kexin is alone, and all their relatives are dead!

"Lin Ruoping, you are looking for death!"

Realizing this, Lin Ruofeng gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, looking into Lin Ruoping's eyes, full of hate.


However, before waiting for Lin Ruofeng to start, the other elders all said one after another: "Master Master... We think that the five elders said it well!"

"Our Lin family is a big family, and we must not affect the whole family just because we are alone!"

"Good! I agree with the words of the five elders!"

Under the threat of their relatives and children, the elders succumbed and chose to join Lin Ruoping to force Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai.

"You guys! I was so good to you before, but I didn't expect that I actually raised a group of white-eyed wolves!"

Lin Ruofeng was furious in his heart, and almost didn't spit out blood. He devoted half of his life to the Lin family. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, he turned out to betray himself!


Zhang Xin suddenly clapped his hands and shouted, "This is really a wonderful show!"

"Yes, fortunately I didn't miss it!"

"Zhang Xin!"

It was said that Lin Ruofeng's eyes were flushed, and he turned to Zhang Xin suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "You are old and immortal, even if my Lin Ruofeng died on the spot today, it won't make you do it!"

"Drink, die for me!"

As the voice fell, Lin Ruofeng jumped up and punched Zhang Xin.

"court death!"

Zhang Xin's eyes were cold, and his body turned immediately, and he was also punched!



As Lin Ruofeng collided with Zhang Xin's fists, the surging energy shock wave spread out suddenly.


It was only an instant that Lin Ruofeng felt a great force coming out of his arm, unable to help his body tremble like a broken kite and flew out.


Upon seeing this, Lin Ruohai flew up quickly and intercepted Lin Ruofeng.


It was hot, Lin Ruofeng's strength was too great, Lin Ruohai had just touched Lin Ruofeng's body, and that great force was also transmitted to him, and suddenly they both flew out.

After several steps backwards, Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai stopped the trend of retreat.


The throat rolled, and the two swallowed nervously, staring blankly at Zhang Xin.

"Zhang Xin, your strength... Impossible, how can you have the second-level strength of the domain master? You clearly haven't broken through yet!"

Lin Ruofeng was terrified in his heart, if Zhang Xin really had the second-level strength of the domain master, then their Lin family will definitely lose this time!

"Hey, although I haven't broken through to the second order of the domain master...but I got a chaotic treasure from the Purple Electric Sect!"

"Now you are far from my opponent!"

Zhang Xin arrogantly said: "Lin Ruofeng, I see your daughter's face, this time I will not kill you! Quickly hand over your daughter, otherwise, I will make you Lin family chickens and dogs do not stay today! You go to hell!"

"Purple Electric Sect? You actually hit the Purple Sect!"

It is said that Lin Ruofeng is completely desperate. The Purple Power Sect, the Qingshuang Sect, and the Five Elements Gate are listed as the top three forces of the Cuiyun Galaxy. There are many masters in them, and they are not resistant to these small families.

"Master Zhang Xin, you give us a moment!"

Not to mention Lin Ruofeng, the elders of Lin Ruoping were also panicked, and quickly begged for mercy: "We will go and get Lin Kexin's nizi to you right away!"

With that, Lin Ruoping gave a glance to the other elders, and the elders turned around and hurried towards the meeting hall.

"you guys!"

Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai's face changed dramatically~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, before they even started, Zhang Xin suddenly waved his hand, but there was an invisible force that imprisoned both of them, making them completely Can't move!

"Hahaha, hurry up, if it's late, blame me for killing me!"

Zhang Xin laughed loudly.

This time, even if Lin Kexin couldn't be caught, it would be enough to make Lin's family look upset.

As long as the Lin family falls, the Zi Family is the most powerful in the Ziyun City!

At that time, the Lin family was annexed, and with the help of the Purple Power Sect, even the Qingshuang Sect could not suppress him!

"Oh... Interesting, as a family, but betrayed your own family, trying to save yourself with the lives of your loved ones... What kind of meaning does this scumbag live in the world?"

Suddenly, a cold voice fell.

Zhang Xin raised his eyebrows and looked up. He suddenly saw that the three elders galloping out were like balloon inflated, bursting and breaking!

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