War God Supreme

Chapter 3408: Lin Ruofeng's shock

"what's the situation?"

Suddenly seeing the three Lin parents as an inflated balloon, bursting and breaking, Zhang Xin was also shocked and couldn't help but feel shocked.


At the same time, an invisible killing intention instantly shrouded everyone.

Except for Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai, everyone else was terrified and their bodies were trembling.

That killing intent, bitter and biting, kept lingering around their bodies, making them tremble.


Zhang Xinqiang endured the fear in his heart and shouted: "I don't know who is here? I was ordered by the Purple Electric Sect to come to suppress the Lin Family, and I hope to bear it."

"What? Coming to destroy my Lin family on the orders of the Purple Electric Sect?"

It is said that Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai could not help but be surprised. Their Lin family and Zidian Zong have always had no grievances. Why did Zidian Zong strike against them?

Moreover, if the Purple Electric Sect wanted to deal with them, one sentence would be enough. Why should Zhang Jia get the shot?

"Hehe... Purple Electric Sect?"

Leng Yan's voice sounded again, however, the sound of this sentence fell, and everyone's face became extremely dignified!

"Zi Dianzong, what kind of stuff is that, I have never heard of it!"

"Today, it’s not the time to blame you, it just happened to hit my muzzle!"

The voice fell, and a figure slowly appeared in everyone's eyes.

"what are you!"


When the elders of the Lin family saw Li Lingtian holding Lin Kexin in his arms, walking in the sky and walking slowly into the air, they were all shocked.

They can all fly in the air, but similar to Li Lingtian, stepping into the sky step by step, they can't do it!

Only this point, they understand that Li Lingtian's control of power is far above them!

"who are you?"

Although Zhang Xin and others have not seen Li Lingtian, but when they saw Li Lingtian, all of them were standing upside down. If they fell into the ice cellar, they were all nervous.


Li Lingtian smiled slightly and said softly, "Of course it is the one who came to kill you!"

After all, Li Lingtian turned his head to look at Lin Ruoping, shook his head slightly, and sighed: "Even his loved ones can betray, this kind of scum, living in this world is just a waste of air!"


Hearing Li Lingtian's voice, Lin Ruoping was terrified in his heart and exclaimed, even if he wanted to turn around and run away.

However, they had just ran out without a few steps, and an invisible force swept past their bodies quickly!


‘Om! ’

At the next moment, their bodies, like the elders before them, shattered!


Hearing this loud explosion and looking at the blood splattering in the air again, Zhang Xin and others felt cold all over.

"Mad, who the **** is this guy? Why is it so evil? Damn, I know I'll come again tomorrow!"

Zhang Xin regretted it in his heart, but at this time, he dared not move.

Just kidding, just a word, can mobilize the power between heaven and earth, beheading several star masters of the ninth order peak, this kind of strength far exceeds his cognition!

In his view, Li Lingtian is like a god, omnipotent, of course, this is a killing god, an evil god!

"His... how could this guy be so strong?"

Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai were also stunned. They did not expect that Li Lingtian brought back by Lin Kexin turned out to be a great master!

A master who completely exceeds their cognition!

This made them ecstatic, with Li Lingtian, which means that their Lin family, this crisis can be resolved!

Li Lingtian waved his right hand, and immediately, all the Lin parents who had forced Lin Ruofeng to the palace were old and disappeared into the world!

Immediately, Li Lingtian looked up to Zhang Xin, his face filled with a grim look.


Being stared at by Li Lingtian, Zhang Xin could not help but swallow a saliva, and a smile that was even uglier than crying was piled on his face: "Adult, what do you say, please say it! I will definitely listen to you! "

"Ha ha……"

"If I were, would you die?"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and Zhang Xin et al. changed their face suddenly.

"Adult...please stop making this kind of joke!"

Zhang Xin shouted quickly: "My lord, my strength is pretty good in this Ziyun City, as long as you can spare me my life, be a bull and a horse, I will!"

"Be a bull..."

Li Lingtian gave a ridiculous smile: "I don't need you to be so disgusting!"

When the words fell, Li Lingtian raised his right hand and gave a sharp grip.



The power of time and space erupted suddenly, and the next moment, Zhang Xin and others were just about to escape, and they felt a violent force and immediately imprisoned them so that they could not move!


At the same time, that violent force, like explosives, quickly gathered, and then exploded!

"Ping Ping!"

That piece of space was also bursting and splashing!



After the loud explosion, the screams of screams kept coming.

A small black hole suddenly appeared in the location of the original space, and everything around it was absorbed.


It didn't take long for the black hole to dissipate, and that space was back to normal, but the previous Zhang Xin and others had completely disappeared!


Seeing this scene, Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai could not help but took a breath of air, and the two of them looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, full of admiration.

In their view, Li Lingtian's method is so godlike that it is simply not what human beings can do!

"Great God!"

"Thank you God for your life-saving grace!"

After the reaction came through ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai both quickly bowed to Li Lingtian.

It's just that this scene, the crowd watching from outside, can't see it.

They only faintly saw many Lin family members, as well as Zhang family members, the explosion without warning, and then disappeared.

In an instant, they were all frightened, and could they succeed, Lin family guarded by the gods? But whoever dares to shoot the Lin family will be taken away by God?

Thinking this way, this group of people suddenly became frightened and quickly fled away!

Within Lin Mansion, Li Lingtian waved his right hand and brought Lin Ruofeng and Lin Ruohai to the ground.

After turning his head to look at the two of them, Li Lingtian said softly: "Next, I want to ask you some questions. If you can tell me the answer, I can not only solve your current crisis, but also give your Lin family a fortune!"

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