War God Supreme

Chapter 3427: Strange light

"Click! Click!"

In the crisp voice, the cold air filled the sky. In a flash, all the flying snakes were frozen.


When the few giant snakes saw this scene, their pupils contracted violently, feeling the danger, and turned around quickly, trying to escape from here.

However, the Ice Elf's figure was spinning, and at the next moment, the speed of the cold spread suddenly increased!


Almost instantly, the bodies of the giant snakes were covered with heavy ice. Their bodies stopped abruptly!


Looking at the surrounding ice world, Dao Fei swallowed a breath.

He had seen Li Lingtian shot before, silent and extremely terrible, but this time, Li Lingtian shocked him again!

With hundreds of miles frozen in his hand, this kind of strength is simply not what he can imagine!

"It's impossible, senior, are you the master of the world?"

Suddenly, Dao Feiyang was excited. He suddenly thought of the masters of the high world in the Dragon Battle Galaxy.

In his impression, only the strong man of this level can have such strength!


After hearing this, Li Lingtian just glanced at Dao Feiyang, and did not answer.

With a wave of his right hand, after dissipating the blue light barrier, Li Lingtian thought, and the power of time and space exploded!


At the next moment, those flying snakes and giant snakes that were blocked by ice began to crumble.


Numerous ice cubes splashed and then fell to the ground.

The bodies of flying snakes in the ice cube were transformed into nothingness and dissipated in the air.


Just when the bodies of the giant snakes crashed into pieces, within their bodies, suddenly a few silver-white rays burst out.

Those silver-white rays are large and small, turning in the air.

"Huh? What is that?"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but frown.


Those lights turned for a moment, but suddenly they rushed towards Li Lingtian.

"call out!"

The speed of the light is extremely fast, Li Lingtian and the two have not yet reacted, the light is injected into the body of the two.

Among them, the light injected into Li Lingtian's body is stronger than the sword flying.


Almost at the moment when the light was injected into the body, Li Lingtian clearly felt that the power in his body had recovered a lot!

Only these few rays of light can withstand the recovery of the previous three days!

This made Li Lingtian excited. If he could stay longer, wouldn't he be able to recover his strength quickly?

"It seems that this is the advantage in the virtual space! If you say this, you don't have to worry about going out. You can restore a little more strength and go out again. I also have confidence in my heart."

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Lingtian made up his mind and must stay longer in this virtual space.


At this time, Dao Feiyang also noticed the improvement of his own body strength, and couldn't help ecstatic, laughing out loud: "Hahaha, my power suddenly soared a lot!"

"No wonder they all say that virtual space is a good place for trial! It really is! If you can stay longer, I am afraid that it will not be a problem to break through to the fifth level of the domain master!"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Li Lingtian made a right move, and let the snow elf stop on his shoulder, and then galloped away into the distance.

Dao Feiyang quickly kept up!

Time, in the hunted beasts of Li Lingtian, slowly passed away.

After that, Li Lingtian and each of them walked for a period of time, they would encounter a group of monsters, all of which were made up of thousands of domain masters of the second and third order, and several domain masters of the fifth order. Take the lead.

Li Lingtian did not hesitate at all, cooperated with the snow elf, and cut them all down.

Because it was Li Lingtian's hands, the light that Dao Feiyang got was relatively rare, but even so, he was greatly improved.

However, it was about a day, Li Lingtian recovered 3% of his strength, and Dao Feiyang broke through to the fourth level of the domain master!

Near the night, Li Lingtian and the two came to a city.

In the city, the lights were bright, and there were a few people standing there at the gate.

"There is a city here?"

Seeing this, Dao Feiyang could not help but be surprised.

"Go, let's take a look!"

Li Lingtian laughed lightly: "Just, you can ask them about the altar."


Hearing the words, Dao Fei raised his eyes and suddenly laughed out loud: "Senior, can we discuss something?"

"whats the matter?"

Li Lingtian glanced at Dao Feiyang. After this day of getting along, the relationship between the two was already more harmonious.

"Can we go out later!"

Dao Feiyang smiled awkwardly: "I still want to take advantage of the virtual space and break out to the fifth level of the domain master before I go out! Otherwise, after going out, the speed of cultivation will slow down a lot."

"Well, then wait until you break through to the fifth level of the domain master before you go out!"

Li Lingtian nodded slightly and agreed directly. Anyway, staying a few days longer, his strength will recover more, so he is not resisting staying here.

If he didn’t want to go to Yunqi Galaxy earlier to find Wan Tianyu, Li Lingtian could not wait to recover his peak strength directly.

"Thank you, Brother Lingtian!"

Dao Feiyang was ecstatic, and immediately he was rushing towards the gate of the city.

At this time, Dao Feiyang had already positioned himself for his identity, and that was Li Lingtian's little follower!

Came to the gate of the city~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian glanced at a few people and could not help frowning.

The clothes worn by those people all have the same runes, and at a glance they know that they are the same power. The realm is all above and below the fifth level of the domain master. It is neither strong nor weak, although Li Lingtian has not been to the Yunqi Galaxy. It can also be seen that their strength is not strong in Yunqi Galaxy.

Coupled with the fact that these people are generally in their thirties, unlike a teenager, Li Lingtian quickly guessed their identity.

"Looking at their age and dress, it should be those great forces who are sent to follow and protect those genius disciples..."

At this time, Dao Feiyang had already arrived at the door.

"Oh, here you come! Brothers, ready to collect tolls!"

Seeing Dao Feiyang and Li Lingtian not far away, the eyes of those few people were all bright, all of them pulled out their weapons and stood at the door.

Dao Fei raised his brow slightly, but suddenly he had a bad hunch.

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