War God Supreme

Chapter 3428: The prestige of Ling Xiaozong

After approaching the city gate, there was also a clamoring noise in Dao Feiyang's ears.

Looking up, I saw that the city was brightly lit and there were many figures flashing.

It seems that there are many people in this city.

"Several brothers, what is this place?"

After taking a deep breath, Dao Feiyang still walked in front of those people, questioning: "I don't know if there is an altar around here?"


It was said that the first few people were stunned for a while, and then all sneered: "It's interesting, but it's just a ants who can't reach the fifth order of the domain master. How dare they still dare to play the altar?"

"Hahaha, of course there are altars, but why should I tell you the news?"

Speaking of which, those few people laughed out loud.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Dao Feiyang was just about to speak, and Li Lingtian had already come to him.

"What do you want?"

Indifferent words came out like ghosts.


The eyes of those few people turned, and I didn't know why, they all felt the cold behind them.

Looking at the ice elf on Li Lingtian's shoulder again, an air-conditioning hit him, making them tremble.

"Less nonsense!"

Shaking his head violently, one of the leaders said in a deep voice: "Do you want to enter the city? After entering the city, there will naturally be a trading place where you can buy intelligence."


After hearing this, Li Lingtian was shocked first, and then reacted again.

Fortunately, this is also the place where the Dragon Warrior geniuses will be tested, and will naturally cultivate a complete ecosystem.

Intelligence organizations, this is only the most basic. In this way, the guys in front of them should be the people who control the forces of this city, and they are here to guard the city gates.

"If you enter the city, you have to pay one hundred stars!"

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but twitched the corners of his mouth. The Star Coin is naturally a common currency in the Dragon Battle Galaxy, but he did not!

What he has is only the star crystal that is common in the area of ​​the Baiying Galaxy, but there is no star coin!

At this point in his thoughts, Li Lingtian looked at Daofeiyang, but Daofeiyang also showed an embarrassed look on his face.

Dao Feiyang has been fleeing for more than ten years. The star coins on his body have been used up. As for the Cuiyun galaxy, they are not using star coins. Their level is not enough.

"Oh? Are you a subordinate planet from the Yunqi Galaxy?"

Realizing the awkward look of Dao Feiyang, those people's original fear of Li Lingtian also quickly dissipated.

The reason why they did not dare to say that just now is that they are worried that Li Lingtian is a disciple of the rest of the major forces. If they fall apart, the people behind them will certainly not come forward for them.

But now that they know that Li Lingtian is not from the Dragon Battle Galaxy, they are not afraid! Although they still can't see Li Lingtian's strength, they subconsciously feel that Li Lingtian will not be too powerful. As long as the people behind them shoot, Li Lingtian will definitely lose, and Li Lingtian will not dare to be arrogant!

Immediately, these people sneered out loud: "If there is no Star Coins, they will be replaced with Chaos Arcana!"

"Five of us, one of them is a treasure of chaos, you can go in!"

With that said, these five people were excited.

You know, in this virtual space, most of them are geniuses from major galaxies who come to try. They all have star coins. These people who come to the gatekeeper get at most some star coins. There is no oil and water at all. Dying.

But if they meet guys from subordinate galaxies, they will have oil and water!

As long as they can get a few pieces of Chaos Treasures, and when they go back, they can exchange for several months of cultivation resources. Therefore, they also treat all people from the subordinate galaxies as sweets!

"One person one chaotic treasure?"

Dao Feiyang's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but sneer out loud: "Are you a robbery?"


The people laughed out loud: "Yes, we are robbing! What can you do to me?"

"With the ability, you don't enter the city!"

"Hey, don't blame us for not reminding you that at night, beyond the city, there will be countless beasts pouring out from underneath!"

Speaking of which, those few people all smiled extremely insidiously: "Don't be afraid by then! Hahaha!"


Hearing the words, Dao Feiyang suddenly became furious, and he did not expect that these guys would be such a **** and threaten them!

"One person one chaotic treasure?"

With a frown, Li Lingtian suddenly smiled and said, "Then if I don't give it!"

"If you don't give it, stop thinking about entering the city!"

The faces of those people immediately became somber, and Shen Sheng shouted: "You have to think clearly! Is it the five chaotic treasures that matter, or your life is important!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh’’’s іkе monsters, even if you іn thе nοth-ranked nuggets, οr thе death аnd іn уου! Let alone, the strength of the two of you...hehe!"

Speaking of which, the five people all sneered.

Obviously, neither of them believed that Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang could survive in a wild place full of giant beasts.

"Ha ha……"

Li Lingtian smiled indifferently: "Then I will not give you treasures, but also into the city!?"

"Oh? It seems that you want to break through?"

The five men raised their weapons, and their sharp blades immediately pointed at Li Lingtian, and their faces were gloomy, and Shen Sheng shouted: "We are Cang Yanzong people, if you want to find something, it is best to weigh it!"

"Cang Yanzong, what kind of spicy chicken sect is that? Haven't heard of it!"

Li Lingtian sneered.


It is said for the first time that the five people were furious in their hearts. Someone dared to ridicule and irony after hearing the name of Cang Yanzong!

Dao Feiyang pulled Li Lingtian, and said softly, "Brother Ling Tian, ​​that Cang Yanzong is a sect in the Dragon Battle Galaxy. It is extremely powerful and can be shot in the middle and upper reaches! There are several world master levels in the sect. Strong!"

Hearing the knife flying, the five people felt a lot more comfortable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that their deterrent force is still very arrogant!

However, at this time, Li Lingtian sneered: "It's just the middle and upper reaches of the power, isn't it a spicy chicken?"

"How do they compare with the Duanmu family? How do they compare with my Ling Xiaozong?"

"Ling Xiaozong?"


Hearing Li Lingtian's words, several people took a breath of air, and looked into Li Lingtian's eyes, full of shocking eyes!

Especially those five people, in addition to shock, they were still terrified.

If Li Lingtian is really the person of Ling Xiaozong, the people behind them, knowing that they provoke Li Lingtian, they will certainly start without hesitation to make Li Lingtian happy!


After swallowing a sip of water, the few people murmured: "Are you really the person of Ling Xiaozong?"

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