War God Supreme

Chapter 3430: Disciples of Cang Yanzong

"What are you talking about? Suddenly there is a person with no invitation, more powerful than the seventh order of the domain master?"

The teenagers in Jinfu looked at each other, their faces dignified.

A few of them, the strongest one, is only the eighth order of the domain master, and the rest are the strength of the seventh order of the domain master. If that person really exceeds the seventh order of the domain master, it is definitely a rival!


The guards gritted their teeth and said helplessly: "We are not sure, but his coercion is indeed stronger than the seventh order of the ordinary domain master!"

"Just stronger?"

Those people frowned slightly: "Maybe, it's just the seventh-level peak realm of the domain master!"

"That's also very strong! Huh, weird, what's going on in this area this year. Several masters of the eighth order have already appeared!"

"If we come to a few masters of the eighth order, we Cang Yanzong may not get the treasure this year!"

Speaking of which, those people sighed, their faces full of depression.

In previous years, this area was the site of their Cangyan Sect, and few other masters came here to **** treasures.

But I don't know why, but many masters have appeared this year, so they are nervous.

"Look at the situation. If you can get a few people together, it will be easier to handle."


As soon as they talked about pulling together, those people's eyes suddenly flickered, and they immediately looked at the guard and asked aloud, "Can you remember the characteristics of that person?"

"They are two people, one of them has a scar on his face. There is a white thing floating on the shoulder of the strong man! It looks like an elf!"

"Spirit pet?"

Hearing the words, the people murmured and whispered: "It is possible to bring the spirit pet into the virtual space, it seems that the force behind him is very powerful!"

Generally speaking, only talents can enter the virtual space, but those peak forces, in order to ensure the safety of the geniuses in their own forces, will also use big means to send powerful spirit beasts to protect those geniuses.

Although they have the name of genius, they haven't grown up yet, and they are still dangerous in the virtual space.

In case of a beast tide shock, unless you are promoted to the world's main realm, otherwise, you will die for a lifetime!

"Nope... if there is a big force behind him, how can he be regarded as a treasure of our area?"

"No matter how much, since they have spiritual pets, the strength of the three of them must not be weak. If they can be drawn to them, it will be a great thing for us!"

"Go, look for it!"


In the mansion, Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang walked freely in the mansion, listening to those bragging.

After listening for a while, Li Lingtian realized that this group of people had been talking about a treasure and had not heard about the altar.

In addition to the treasures, people are exchanging something, which seems to be a chaotic treasure and immortality that are not needed.

Regarding those things, Li Lingtian did not look down upon him at all, and did not make contact with everyone.

But he did not contact with other people, it does not mean that no one came to him.

Soon, a group of six people came to Li Lingtian.

"Who are you? Is something wrong?"

Dao Feiyang stopped several people directly.

The six people were awesome as Cang Yanzong's disciples.

They took a closer look at Li Lingtian, and another look at Dao Feiyang. After discovering that Dao Feiyang had only the fourth-order strength of the domain master, they regarded Dao Feiyang as Li Lingtian's servant.

Immediately, the six people clenched fists at Li Lingtian and said, "Can this brother take a step to speak?"

"What's up?"

Li Lingtian raised her eyebrows and looked at a few people at random, then they found the mark of Cang Yanzong on them.

However, Li Lingtian did not show anything, his face was indifferent.


The six Cangyan Zong thought Li Lingtian had a strong force behind them, so they didn't dare to speak up, and said softly, "We are disciples of Cang Yanzong. I don't know which school Xiongtai came from? How come they came to us? An area?"

"Why don't you welcome me?"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows, and in a short time, the six people of Cang Yanzong became nervous and quickly said, "How come, we are a little surprised. After all, there is nothing in this area that is worth your attention!"

"Hehe...how do you know if you have?"

Li Lingtian realized the fear of several people in Cang Yanzong, coupled with his outstanding strength, he did not worry about anything at all, so his attitude was quite tough: "I don't need you to take care of my affairs."


The six people in Cang Yanzong suddenly became embarrassed. One of them suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "This brother, we would like to ask you to do a favor. If you are willing to help us, we will do our best to help you!" "

"Many people are great, we can do something!"

Cang Yanzong and others are actually very helpless, I don’t know why, this time this area suddenly came with so many masters, if they can’t even get the treasures in this area, they will definitely be inside the gate after going back The elders scolded.

Now they see Li Lingtian, knowing that Li Lingtian is strong, and with Li Lingtian's strength, they will certainly not be interested in the treasures of this area, so they are not willing to miss Li Lingtian.

After hearing this, Li Lingtian glanced at the Cang Yanzong people carefully, and they were surprised when they saw their faces full of sincerity.

"What do you want me to do?"

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Lingtian asked.

Dao Feiyang looked at Cang Yanzong people in shock.

He dare not imagine that those high geniuses in his mind would actually ask Li Lingtian for help in such a low voice!

Is this the strong of Ling Xiaozong?

At this time, Dao Feiyang was already convinced that Li Lingtian was the person of Ling Xiaozong!

Apart from the disciples of Ling Xiaozong, who else can do this kind of thing?

"You agreed?"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cang Yanzong's people were suddenly excited, their voices amplified, and the eyes around them instantly turned around.

Aware of this, several people from Cang Yanzong coughed lightly, and they pulled Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang aside.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the same time sighed in the heart: "Cang Yanzong itself is already strong enough, who are they pulling in?"

"That person has a good face, can't make it, is it from other areas?"

"His... there is no sectarian mark on his clothes, wouldn't it be casual repairs?"

"It's impossible...I'm the seventh-level peak of the domain master, but I can't see his realm. It's just a loose repair. Where can I have such strength?"

"It seems that everyone should be careful!"

But in an instant, everyone around was communicating quickly.

In their view, Li Lingtian is undoubtedly a spoiler!

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