War God Supreme

Chapter 3431: Cooperation

"This brother, it's easy for us to ask you for help!"

Several people of Cang Yanzong looked at each other, and one of them said in a deep voice: "As long as you take action, it will be better to stop others for us when Tian Yuan is fighting for treasures tomorrow!"

"After the treasure is in hand, we can help you with what you want!"


Li Lingtian said indifferently: "I can help you, but what are my benefits?"

"It's awkward. With your strength, it doesn't help me much."

It was heard that Cang Yanzong could not help but twitched the corners of his mouth violently. A deep glance at the ice and snow elf on Li Lingtian's shoulder, but several people were afraid to refute Li Lingtian.

They felt a very strong sense of crisis in the ice elf, so they already treated Li Lingtian as a disciple of super powers.

"Then... Master, what do you want?"

The five people of Cang Yanzong quickly changed their titles. At this time, they had regarded Li Lingtian as a life-saving straw, even if they paid a lot, they were willing.


After Li Lingtian finished these two words, he stopped speaking, and his face looked indifferent. But his heart was tense.

You know, Cang Yanzong and others will treat him so politely because he is regarded as a person with super powers. If you let them react and he does not even know the news of the altar, then he will definitely find his identity.

At that time, although Li Lingtian could kill them all, he still did not know the news about the altar!

"It turns out that the lord is for the altar!"

Wen Yan, the five people of Cang Yanzong suddenly realized, quickly said: "Sir, you must want to get the gift of the altar?"

"But God-given words, isn't it randomly selected... There are three battles of the abyss from the altar, don't need to shoot so early..."

Suddenly, several people were confused again. They couldn't understand why Li Lingtian had to do more. The rest of the geniuses of the great powers did not wait until the altar appeared.

Li Lingtian shot so early, isn't he afraid that the geniuses of the rest of the forces will wait for work?

"What do you know?"

Hearing the words of Cang Yanzong, Li Lingtian couldn’t help but feel the joy, but his face did not show it. He said in a cold voice: "Although the Godsend is to see luck, but before the altar appears, the more battles in the Heavenly Abyss, The greater the chance!"

"So it turns out!"

Hearing the words, Cang Yanzong was relieved, and immediately gritted his teeth, saying: "This lord, if you are willing to help us, wait for the treasure to come, we can follow you, fight for you, and wait until the last altar appears!"

"If we are here, you will be much easier..."

Li Lingtian pondered for a moment, but he agreed, and said softly, "Well, I agree to your request!"

"Thank you, sir!"

After hearing the words, several people from Cang Yanzong suddenly looked happy, and immediately introduced themselves.

Li Lingtian nodded slightly, and did not say his name. For this, the five people of Cang Yanzong did not complain at all. In their hearts, the strong must have been the strong.

"If you have anything in the future, just tell him."

Li Lingtian glanced at the flying knife, then closed his eyes slightly, no longer speaking.

Since Dao Feiyang can take him to the Dragon Battle Galaxy, Li Lingtian will naturally give him some benefits, but as to whether Dao Feiyang can seize the opportunity, it is not his business.

Fortunately, Dao Feiyang is not a fool. Coupled with Cang Yanzong, in order to draw closer to Li Lingtian, they are also very kind to Dao Feiyang. After a while, the six people are called brothers and brothers.

This also made Dao Feiyang sigh with emotion. In the past, with his strength, the genius in Cang Yanzong didn't even bother to talk to him, but today, it is so pleasing!

This is the gap in strength!

Everyone around them saw that Dao Feiyang and Cang Yanzong Zhou Xun and others had such a close relationship, and they were more certain of their conjecture. For a time, they also had a sense of crisis and began to find their teammates.

After all, their strength is similar, the more helpers, the greater the chance of victory.

Not long afterwards, several figures rushed in suddenly, all with signs of Cang Yanzong.

"Brother Zhou, it's not good!"

Those people looked pale and hurried to Zhou Xun beside them.

Everyone around turned their eyes to several people.

"What happened? Panic!"

Zhou Xun frowned slightly, and whispered softly, "Don't you know that you are more stable?"

"Brother Zhou, the big thing is not good!"

The people said quickly: "All the guards we set up at the gate were killed!"

"What, was killed?"

Hearing the words, Zhou Xun was shocked by several people, and was furious: "Damn, who is it? Dare to shoot Cang Yanzong and live impatiently!"

You know, although there are many masters in this area, but those people dare not so boldly openly face up with Cang Yanzong!

Now someone is trying to kill the Cang Yanzong, it's totally death!

At this point, Zhou Xun turned around and looked at the others, his eyes full of angry fire.

The spectators were also amazed in their hearts, and they kept talking: "Mad, are you crazy? It doesn't matter if Qianglong doesn't suppress the snake, he just grabs something, and he dares to kill the people of Cang Yanzong. Isn't it death?"

"How did they die?"

Zhou Xun asked suddenly.

"It was frozen to death!"

"Ga? Frozen to death?"

Hearing this answer, Zhou Xun's mouth twitched violently. Are there any jokes, and this strange way of death that was frozen to death?


Those people turned pale~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When they thought of the situation they just saw it, they were all cold and shivered and said: "They are covered with frost all over, and there is no slight pain on their faces. It seems to be instantaneous. It was frozen to death!"

"Without the eighth order of the domain master, or even a higher level, it is difficult to do this!"

In Zhou Xun's heart, this time the gathering was organized by him.

Therefore, in order to compete for the treasure, Zhou Xun collected all the materials of these people in advance and invited them over.

Among these people, the eighth order of the domain master, although there are few, but there are still some, who can have the power of the ice attribute, but there is no more!

Is it possible that these people did not do it? But they didn't do it, who would it be?

In just an instant, Zhou Xun suspected that Li Lingtian was on him!

Among so many people present, only Li Lingtian has this strength! But even if Li Ling's hands are, what can he do?

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