War God Supreme

Chapter 3460: Rune Formation

"Click! Click!"

Within the passage, except for the footsteps of Li Lingtian and the two, there was silence.

The two walked past the stone statue and did not cause any changes. There were no organs under their feet. This surprised Li Lingtian rather than saying that within the altar, the formation was strange and extremely difficult to pass. Why is there nothing now?

But Li Lingtian did not dare to relax his vigilance, his eyes narrowed, and he kept looking around.

Zhu Yan and Qinglong also moved around slowly.

After a moment, Li Lingtian was shocked to find that the passage in front of him became wider.

The stone statues on both sides of the passage are becoming more and more majestic, and their faces are dire, but in the same way, they still have no spiritual power in them.

"What's going on? Isn't it extremely dangerous here?"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and Dao Feiyang glanced at each other, all of which saw the strange look in the other's eyes.

Keep going, the passage becomes wider and wider.


Half a quarter of an hour later, a stone statue with a height of ten feet suddenly appeared in front of them.

It was a portrait, with sharp blades in both hands, but with wings behind it, which looked quite weird.

Looking up and looking carefully, Li Lingtian still found that there was still no spiritual fluctuation within the stone statue.

After that portrait, there is a light curtain.

The light curtain is full of rich spatial fluctuations, even Li Lingtian is shocked by it.

"It's impossible, if you step into this light curtain, you can reach the Yunqi Galaxy?"

Li Lingtian frowned slightly, like a big dream, is this too easy?

Is it all along the way, not even an institution?

Doesn't it mean that there are many dangers in this channel?

Dao Feiyang also smiled bitterly: "How do I think it is just like dreaming? Is it too easy?"


The eyeball turned, and Li Lingtian felt it. He didn't feel any danger. He said softly, "There is no danger, let's go in and see!"

With that said, Li Lingtian crossed the giant stone statue and walked in front of the light curtain.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The light curtain trembles, and the spatial power contained therein flows.

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian raised his foot and stepped on the light curtain.


However, just when Li Lingtian's feet just touched the light curtain, a huge anti-seismic force suddenly burst out and directly shocked Li Lingtian!

"Brother Lingtian, are you okay?" Dao Feiyang quickly supported Li Lingtian.


Li Lingtian didn't pay attention, her body was unstable, and she almost didn't fall to the ground.

Squinting his eyes, Li Lingtian looked at the light curtain and couldn't help but wonder. Why would this light curtain bounce him out?

"what happened?"

Dao Feiyang questioned, his face full of surprise.

"I am not sure as well."

After biting his lip, Li Lingtian reached out and touched the light curtain again.


Almost at the moment when Li Lingtian's fingers touched the light curtain, a huge force came from the light curtain.

However, this time Li Lingtian was already prepared, and his right hand was shaking, which was to dissolve that force.

But Li Lingtian's face was dignified.

"Damn, although there is no guard here, but the light curtain can't get in, how can this reach Yunqi Galaxy?"

Li Lingtian was very depressed and could not help but could only stop at this step?

Dao Fei raised his eyebrows and said suddenly, "I'll try it!"

"Try it out!"

Slightly nodding, Li Lingtian turned to look at the knife flying, staring at him tightly.



However, when Dao Feiyang's hand touched the light curtain, there was still a tremendous force, and the knife was lifted to Zhenfei.


"How could this be?"

At this time, Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang were depressed.

What the **** are there, what jokes, they have been through a lot of hardships, they came here, and they can't send them over?

"the host……"

At this moment, Qinglong's voice suddenly sounded in Li Lingtian's mind.

"Master, I don't seem to reject the breath in this light curtain!"

"me too!"

Zhu Yan also quickly said: "I don't know why, I even feel some closeness... It seems that there is an atmosphere that attracts me to this light curtain!"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help blinking his eyes, and was quite surprised.

"Wait a moment... Both of you feel close, will it be because of the abyss of Tian Yuan?"

The light flashed in his eyes, and Li Lingtian thought of this suddenly.

If you think about it, there is really a possibility.

After all, only Zhu Yan and Qinglong absorbed the breath of Tian Yuan.

"Zhu Yan, try it first."

His eyes rolled, and Li Lingtian motioned to Zhu Yan to see if he could enter the light curtain.

Zhu Yan has the fire of Suzaku, and the self-protection ability is stronger than Qinglong. Therefore, Li Lingtian will let Zhu Yan try it first.


Wen Yan said, Zhu Yan did not hesitate at all, but fluttered his wings and flew towards the light curtain.


Sure enough, almost the moment when Zhu Yan touched the light curtain, a silver-white light emerged, pulling Zhu Yan into it instantly.

At the same time, Qinglong narrowed his eyes, carefully sensing Zhu Yan's situation.

It has a certain connection with Zhu Yan.

Li Lingtian was nervous, staring tightly at the light curtain.

Ten breaths, twenty breaths, Li Lingtian looked nervously at Qinglong, and could not wait to ask: "How is it, is there anything wrong with Zhu Yan?"

Hearing the words, Dao Feiyang turned his head and bit his lip, looking into Qinglong's eyes, full of nervous expression.

Li Lingtian worried that he could not enter the Yunqi Galaxy, he was even more worried.

That is the hatred of the genocide, his eagerness is not much less than Li Lingtian!

"Master, there is no danger inside! Zhu Yan said, let's go in quickly!"

Soon, Qinglong's voice sounded in Li Lingtian's head. At the next moment, Qinglong suddenly flew up ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ opened his huge mouth and spit out a breath.


The silver-white brilliance immediately poured on Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang.

"This is the breath of heaven?"

Blinking his eyes, Li Lingtian gritted his teeth and ran directly towards the light curtain.


Sure enough, the light curtain must have the breath of heaven to enter.

After getting Tian Yuan's breath, Li Lingtian's figure instantly disappeared into the light curtain.

Seeing this, Qinglong and Dao Feiyang hurried to keep up and rushed into the light curtain.

As soon as he entered the light curtain, Li Lingtian sensed the rich breath of space, opened his eyes, and saw that Zhu Yan was on the side, and his flames flickered.

Looking around, there are several runes around them, and they are surrounded!

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