War God Supreme

Chapter 3461: Yunqi Galaxy

"These runes..."

After carefully sensing it, Li Lingtian suddenly realized that these runes actually formed something similar to the formation, but it was different from the formation.


The figures of Qinglong and Dao Feiyang flashed, and as soon as Dao Feiyang came in, he saw the runes around him, and he immediately looked at him with joy.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​this is the teleportation circle between galaxies!"

Dao Feiyang rejoiced, "As long as this circle is activated, you can go to Yunqi Galaxy in a while!"

"How can this be urged?"

It is said that Li Lingtian first took a long sigh of relief, and then the corners of his mouth twitched. This is not a traditional formation. He does not know how to activate it.

"By the way, can I still use Tianyuan breath?"

His eyes lit up sharply, and Li Lingtian looked at Qinglong.

Perceiving Li Lingtian's gaze, the little green dragon could not help whimpering, his eyes filled with a depressed look.

The abyss breath that it absorbs is not very much. Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang were previously given to him. Now he still needs him to activate the circle. In this way, it is too hurt for it.

You know, although Tian Yuan is not as great as Zhu Yan, he can accelerate its growth!

But who made Li Lingtian his master?

Depressed and flicked his tail, Qinglong shouted, his body suddenly doubled in size, and the abyss of breath exploded in his body, and he was frantically injected into the surrounding runes.


With the injection of Tian Yuan's breath, at the next moment, those runes suddenly burst into a bright light, and a strong spatial fluctuation erupted.

"call out!"

Qinglong's body quickly shrank, and flew directly to Li Lingtian's shoulders. Obviously, spitting out so much Abyssal Breath at one time is also a big consumption for it.

"Whirring whirring!"

At the same time, the wind screamed, and Li Lingtian and Dao Fei suddenly shook their bodies, and they suddenly realized that they were moving at high speed!

Those runes glowed with silvery white light, exuding rich space fluctuations, and took Li Lingtian to shuttle through the space.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but take a long sigh of relief. Anyway, it was finally coming to the Yunqi Galaxy.

"There is still some time to reach Yunqi Galaxy. Work hard."

Turning his head and saying to Dao Feiyang, Li Lingtian closed his eyes slightly and meditated cross-legged.

Qinglong directly transformed into a ray of light, which was injected into Li Lingtian's body and restored his strength.

As for Zhu Yan, he circled around and looked around for Li Lingtian.

Upon seeing this, Dao Feiyang couldn't help but be amazed. No wonder Li Lingtian was so young and so powerful. With this alone, Li Lingtian's efforts and hard work can be seen!

After praise, Dao Feiyang also began to cultivate. Li Lingtian is so strong and so hard. How can he be lazy?

For a time, Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang both continued to cultivate, digesting the heavenly blessing to them.

Li Lingtian even thought about how to integrate the inheritance of the Four Divine Sects with Godsend.

However, after several experiments, Li Lingtian gave up that idea.

The inheritance of the power of the Four Divine Sects can only allow Li Lingtian to comprehend and increase the inherent power of his own laws, in addition to resisting all powers.

This is what the four great beasts thought about Li Lingtian. They only gave Li Lingtian comprehension and experience. They did not directly give Li Lingtian strength. In this way, after Li Lingtian himself realized it, he was able to use his every power of perfection perfectly!

Therefore, Li Lingtian can only helplessly continue to use the inheritance of the Four Gods Sect to understand the original power of the law.


After an hour, the surrounding space fluctuated and suddenly became smaller, even the whistling sound gradually dispersed.

Realizing this, Li Lingtian slowly opened his eyes.


The silver-white light dissipated, and the speed of progress suddenly slowed down. At the next moment, the rune "bang" dissipated in the air, and a stone door appeared quietly in front of Li Lingtian.

"Ah? What happened?"

Suddenly heard the sound of an explosion, Dao Feiyang woke up from the practice, his face full of panic.

However, after he saw the stone gate, his face was stiff.


Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian noticed the change in the look of the flying sword, and was sure. The stone gate in front of him was the gateway to the Yunqi Galaxy!


The throat rolled, swallowed a spit, and the knife fluttered and smiled suddenly: "I didn't expect that after many years, I could still come back!"

"Huh... the miscellaneous pieces of Sirius Palace, you wait for me!"

There was a chill in the sword's words.

Li Lingtian nodded slightly, and also knew who the knife was flying.


The spatial fluctuations gradually stabilized. After Li Lingtian's right hand moved Zhu Yan back into his body, he walked toward the stone gate.

"Okay, flying, if you want revenge, hurry up and follow!"

Hearing the words, Dao Feiyang shuddered violently, and then it reacted and quickly followed.

Walked to the front of the stone gate and pushed violently.


With a soft sound, the stone door slowly pushed open, and the dazzling sunlight suddenly rushed in through the door.


Li Lingtian and Dao Feiyang haven't seen the sun for a long time. They suddenly saw the sun, and both eyes turned sour. They turned their heads quickly and closed their eyes.

After Li Ling's gods spread out suddenly and sensed that there was no danger around him, he was relieved.

Closing his eyes slightly, Li Lingtian continued to push the door open, and at the next moment, it was the fragrance of fragrance!

Blinking his eyes, Li Lingtian slowly opened his eyes, but what was in his eyes was a colorful sea of ​​flowers!

"A lot of flowers!"

Dao Feiyang took a deep breath, intoxicated.

Li Lingtian frowned a little, and felt a little bit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After confirming that the pollen was non-toxic, he was relieved.

As the sun shone, the two had adapted to the light outside and slowly stepped out of the stone gate.

"Huh, I don't know where this is Yunqi Galaxy!"

Dao Feiyang said suddenly: "Brother Ling Tian! What shall we do now?"

"What should I do? Of course, first ask where this is!"

Li Lingtian glanced at the knife and said helplessly: "Aren't you familiar with Yunqi Galaxy? Why don't you know where this is?"


After hearing this, Dao Feiyang coughed awkwardly: "I'm just familiar with each area, but I don't know which area is here!"

"I hope there are people around here!"

With that, Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and his soul was suddenly overwhelming. In an instant, the entire region was covered by Li Lingtian's soul!

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