War God Supreme

Chapter 880: intend

"Flame Eucharist."

"Jiuyang Holy Flame."

"The world is full of fire."

When everyone was horrified, the expression on Li Lingtian's face was still very calm, and he spoke lightly.

Suddenly, the flame sacred body was in operation, and the Jiuyang torch and the Tianshui fire were displayed.

If someone used flames to kill him in front of him, it would be an insult. If he was a holy flame, if it was destroyed by flames, it would insult the flame.

When the Flame Eucharist was on display, the fire deity also worked.

In the air, the Fire Department Kamui burst out, although only a little, but it was enough.


When several kinds of defenses were on display, the attack had already been shot down on the ground and bombarded Wu Yun severely.

Suddenly, the earth collapsed, and the strength of destruction ravaged the space.

The sky is full of barren breath, a ruined aperture appears on the ground, and the aperture carries a barren breath. This halo sweeps a hundred miles, and within a hundred miles, everything becomes a ruin, and the barren breath will not last for a long time.

When Li Lingtian was bombarded by Xinghuo Liaoyuan, the horrible defense directly blocked Xinghuo Liaoyuan, and finally devoured it into a tonic.

In this situation, Lin Zhirong and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a shocked expression appeared on his face at the same time.


In the air, the last gust of wind disappeared, and the earth was ruined and barren.

But finally quiet, Li Lingtian looked at the place where he attacked, and saw a black hole about 100 meters in size on the ground. The black hole did not know how deep.

However, this Wu Yun fell completely and disappeared between heaven and earth.

"This mighty martial arts master is believed to be one of the most aggrieved deaths in the martial arts continent."

Bei Mingxue's shocked expression calmed down, and then a slight smile appeared.

He said softly, and after the talk, the other girls laughed.

Indeed, the two moves before and after were killed, such a strong Wushen, I believe it is the most suffocated death.

"This is also too careless."

"Otherwise, he might have a chance."

Li Lingtian landed, with a faint smile on his face, dealing with the killing of a Wushen triple-strength strongman, completely free from a little harm, and looked extremely relaxed.

This is also the place where no one knows, if other powerful people see Li Lingtian so easy to kill the Wushen triple-strength strongman, he must be surprised to drop his chin.

"Lord Heaven's God's Judgment, the strongest of Wushen Triple Heaven, cannot be revealed even if it is taken seriously."

Lin Zhirong said seriously, he was right, because Li Lingtian's judgment of the gods had exceeded the power of supernatural powers.

When he was in actual combat, it was the fusion of the power of the ice **** and the fire god. These two attributes themselves are against the sky, and even after the fusion, they are against the sky.

Even if there is no divine personality, he also exists against the sky. Now he has the divinity of divinity, and the power of divinity, with a trace of the power of the true **** in the means.

Even more frightening is that the judgment of God performed by Li Lingtian is invisible and invisible, with no signs.

Moreover, this attack is similar to coercion. The general strongman thinks it is coercion without knowing it, but when the opponent knows, the attack has landed on him.

If attacked by the judgment of God, both the body and the sea will be hit by destruction at the same time. The main reason is that the judgment of God is not a single physical attack, but an attack on the mind.

After hitting, even the strong man in the sky must be injured.

"For the time being, we can only deal with the strong gods of Martial God Triple."

"If you meet the strong gods of the four or five days of Wushen, there is no chance at all. Also, if the gods know the strong men who are against the sky, or the strong men who have the treasures against the sky, they can also escape the judgment of God."

Li Lingtian looked at Lin Zhirong, the expression on his face was calm, and he spoke lightly.

This is also what he guessed. God's Judgment still doesn't know the real power, but it can damage the God of War triple times.

In fact, he himself does not know where the judgment of God is so powerful and why it is so powerful.

This divine judgment is the first time he felt depressed magical art.

Let him not have the slightest details, so that he can not understand this God's judgment.

"However, your consciousness has reached a terrifying level, and the strongest under the three gods of Wushen, the consciousness is not stronger than you."

"Moreover, the engulfed light and the eyes of the gods and spirits can make your consciousness improve quickly, and as long as you don't encounter the strong against the sky, there should be no problem."

Huangfu Swift said softly that she knew the strength of Li Lingtian the most.

She watched Li Lingtian slowly climb up from the King Wu, from the King Wu to the current Wu Sheng, this cultivation practice has exceeded her peak period.

Her strength has reached a level of horror that shocked her.

Looking at Li Lingtian's growth with his own eyes, he was extremely happy. More importantly, the strong man who grew up was her man, and her dependence.

In the past, he fulfilled himself and he fulfilled himself. This bet is right.

Because he has relied on, body and mind have relied on, this man is his own reliance, but also the love of his life.

Now, this man has risen strongly, and the natural excitement is endless.

"Well, after the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace is out this time, it is necessary to adjust my strength."

"Let's go, I have already obtained the water and fire, as well as the gold and wood and the earth."

Li Lingtian nodded, and now the forces are already against the sky, as long as they do not meet the strong against the sky, there is no great danger.

The words of Huangfu Yuyan also make sense. If you have exercises and resources, you must improve your own strength. You must devour the light and the eyes of the gods and souls. You must also make good use of them. This is the best way to refine your consciousness. .

"Indeed, I hope that the younger brother Ling Tian will get all the morals. At that time, the five elements of the morals will be fully improved, and his strength will also skyrocket."

"But Brother Ling Tian, ​​I'm afraid you can no longer destroy Wushen Triple Heaven."

"Xuanzhou's affairs have also been resolved, so accept a few, so you can relax."

A group of people flew quickly. While flying, Yun Yaoyao spoke to Li Lingtian.

During this time, Li Lingtian killed a total of several strong men. Although there are only nine strong men who want to leave this happy immortal palace, they have to leave a few strong men here.

Although the strength of the Xiaoyao dynasty is now strong, but it is necessary to fight against the sky blue empire and the sky yang empire, there are not a few strong against the sky, it simply cannot be done.

Even if Li Lingtian shot it in person, it was not so easy.

If there can be several Wushen triple sky, then it will be easy.

"Sister Yaoyao is right. From now on, the prosperous and the prosperous will die, and if they can submit, they will not die."

"In fact, I already had a plan for this matter. The nine strong men who can go out must be my people, otherwise all the people here will fall here."

The look on Li Lingtian's face was cold, and his breath was also cold.

He had planned for a long time, and he entered the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace for nine lives, not only for nine lives.

Ninety-nine block tokens Ninety-nine strong, only nine out.

Only when the last nine are left, will they gather together to open the fairy palace, otherwise they will stay in it.

He had already thought about it. The nine strong men who went out should have as much control as possible in their own hands, or else they should try to kill them.

Huangfu Yuyan and others can also replace other strong men, and going out is not a problem.

"Just leave it to do this thing."

"If it can't be solved in the next time, it's not too late for His Excellency Ling Tian."

Lin Zhirong asked Ying, the expression on his face was calm, but his heart was shocked.

If he did not chase that token last time and bet with Li Lingtian, he would never know the strength of Li Lingtian and others, nor the horror of Li Lingtian and others.

And maybe he will be killed by Li Lingtian sooner or later, and now I feel lucky.

He is lucky, the other strong men are not so lucky.

"Okay, there are thirteen martial gods in the triple sky. In addition to you, there are twelve, but four have been killed by this seat and eight."

"However, the remaining eight Martial Gods Triple Heaven, at most three or four can be conquered, the other will certainly not agree, so, Wu Shen Erzhong Heaven also barely accept it."

"Four Gods of Valkyrie Double Sky, Three Gods of Valkyrie Triple Sky."

Li Lingtian said lightly, the tone was extremely relaxed, and Lin Zhirong was numb by this time.

If other powerful people hear such a big tone from Li Lingtian, Wu Sheng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I don't know what to think.

A martial arts strong man, to conquer the martial arts strong man, still has to give others places, and others need surrender for places.

If this is said, it is simply regarded as a lunatic.

"it is good."

Lin Zhirong nodded and understood Li Lingtian's plan.

Four Martial Gods Double Heaven, three or four Martial Gods Triple Heaven, plus he is seven or eight people, and Li Lingtian himself is also counted in it.

It is also relatively safe for oneself to open the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace, no matter what matters are in their own hands, this is the real strong.

"Swoosh, swish."

"Swoosh, swish."

A group of people were flying fast. Although they could not fly to a height of 100 meters, they could fly close to the ground.

For Huangfu Yuyan and their emperor Wu, flying is also a simple matter.

"did not think of."

"Won't think of it, I didn't expect to pass the test of Diyagong so simply."

"Actually, there are two divinities. This is God's will."

In the depths of the void, the misty and vicissitudes voice said to himself.

Although the voice was dull and sighed, there was still surprise, but no matter how you listen, you can't hear the slightest feeling in this voice.

Just like this voice is mechanized, Icy has no emotions, no emotions in it.

From the beginning to the end, the master of this voice did not show up, like air, or a consciousness in this void.

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