War God Supreme

Chapter 881: Land of yellow sand

Li Lingtian and others flew quickly. The direction of the flight was south.

However, Li Lingtian had countless doubts in his mind, that is, the Nine Palace in the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace is a bit different from the one in the array.

He discovered this problem long ago, not only him, but even the powerhouses who do not understand the lineup, also understand the problem here.

It's just that this place is really weird, and he couldn't figure it out for a while, so he could only take one step.

Now I have got the water morals and fire morals of the Qiangong, Kangong, Duigong and Kungong. Although the palace is somewhat different from the normal ninth palace, after getting the two morals, my own cultivation The strength has soared.

Only after all the ideas have been obtained, let's take a look at what this place really is.

In the next half month, Li Lingtian and others will get away from the palace, Zhen Palace, Gen Palace, and Sun Palace.

There is a strong warrior such as Lin Zhirong, it is totally trivial to conquer the double warrior of Wushen. Even in the triple war of Wushen, Li Lingtian and Lin Zhirong easily defeated.

Relying on Li Lingtian's horrible means, he suppressed it completely.

The four palaces received the golden and wooden morals, and now the five elements of the Taoist Great Consummation have gathered four types of morals, and there is no earthly morals.

As long as they gather in the Taoist ideas of the earth, they can complete the five elements of Taoism.

However, of the few strong men who are ready to conquer, Wushen Double Heaven is enough, and Mie Tian has also conquered one, and two or three are still missing.

"Brother Ling Tian's five elements of Taoism have already gathered four kinds of Taoism, and there is still a lack of soil Taoism. In the Nine Palace, there is still the last middle palace."

"As long as you get to the middle palace, you will get the idea of ​​the earth, and then your cultivation strength will increase."

Xuanyuan Yingying looked at Li Lingtian with a faint smile on his face. Although he met a lot of martial arts strongmen in the past half a month, there was no danger at all with Li Lingtian.

And Li Lingtian's strength is more and more terrifying, even she can't feel how strong Li Lingtian is.

"During this time, I met a lot of martial arts strongmen, and these people are all to get the Taoism in the palace."

"However, some people don't know what is in the palace, so naturally they didn't fight for it."

"The Palace is the most competitive place, so we have to be careful."

Li Lingtian's face was calm, but his heart was excited. Although he ran a lot of roads during this time, he got a lot of benefits.

The gathering of the four kinds of morality, the cultivation strength soared, the whole person sublimated, and reached a magical state.

But he understands that the most competitive place is in the middle house, because only in the middle house will open the last place of Xiaoyao fairy palace.

There were ninety-nine strong men in the room. There were more than twenty strong men who fell in his hands, but compared to ninety-nine people, it was only a small part.

Moreover, the most anticipated thing in his heart is to see why the Nine Palaces are disordered, because the attributes of the palace in each direction are different, and these attributes are disordered.

The nine palaces were originally six, two seven, three eight, four nine, and finally five, but these palaces were completely disorganized, and the attributes of the palace were wrong.

Fortunately, the Taoism of the Sifang Palace was gathered together, and finally the Taoism of the Five Elements Taoism was missing.

"Then let's go first and see what the middle palace looks like."

Huangfu Yuyan is also curious. Although he does not understand the formation method, Li Lingtian has spoken out the problems he has encountered in the past few days. They naturally understand some things in the Xiaoyao Immortal Palace.

The Nine Palaces should not be disordered, because the Nine Palaces are heaven and earth gossips, and they will not be disordered, but they will be disordered at this time. I don’t know what this indicates.


A group of people flew quickly, with curious faces on their faces.

It has been a month to enter the Xiaoyao Xian Palace, and five months before leaving the Xiaoyao Xian Palace.

However, in this month, there were ninety-nine strongmen, but now more than half have fallen.

There were more than a dozen or twenty people killed by Li Lingtian alone.



A shocking bang sounded in the center of Xiaoyao Immortal Palace, among which was the middle palace.

The middle palace belongs to the earth, the earth is earth, here is also the real happy immortal palace.

In this heaven and earth, all attributes are part of heaven and earth, and the same is true of the five elements. There are only five elements in heaven and earth.

Similarly, there are five elements in this world to be the real world.

In the center of Xiaoyao Immortal Palace, there is a vast expanse of yellow sand. There is a thin layer of gray mist outside the yellow sand.

This layer of mist carries the breath of death, but in the mist, it flashes the light of the yellowish color, and in the center of this light, there is a breath of the color of the yellowish yellow, which constantly flickers and flies.

I don't know when this popping noise appeared, and the popping noise continued.

At the same time, the thin mist becomes transparent, and you can see everything clearly inside.

I saw that there were already more than 30 martial arts strongmen, as well as a Wusheng Jiuzhongtian.

A Wusheng Jiuzhongtian, with more than 30 Wushen strongmen, seemed very strange, but no one dared to provoke this Wusheng strongman.

At this time, the eyes of all the strong men are extremely dignified, and they look at the void as if they are waiting for something.



A line of figures landed on the edge of the thin mist. Looking at the thin mist, the dark colors on everyone's faces were dignified.

"It's a strong earth system, it seems that the situation is not good."

Li Lingtian looked at the situation in front of him, and there was a surprised look on his face, because everything in front of him was so amazing.

The land of yellow sand can be seen clearly, as if it is transparent.

At the same time, you can also feel the terrible atmosphere of the earth system. You should have the meaning of the earth in it. If you want to get the meaning of the earth, you must enter it.

"This place is really magical. The Taoist idea of ​​the Lord Ling Tian should be inside. Depending on the situation, the Taoist idea of ​​the earth will land."

"It's just that the breath doesn't know what it is, and no one is chasing it."

Lin Zhirong saw more than 30 strong men in it, and now the remaining strong men in Xiaoyao Xian Palace have all come here. It seems that these people have been here for a short time.

I didn't know that I had searched for it, and I got a lot of things.

But now looking at the situation inside, I was also shocked.

"Let's go in."

Li Lingtian pondered a little, and he could see the things inside, but he couldn't know the breath inside, that is, he knew the earth breath.

The other strong men can only see everything inside, but cannot hear the sound, nor can they know the breath of the items inside.

After speaking, he called Huangfu Yuyan and others into the Dragon Ring, and flew away with Lin Zhirong and others in the mist.

In an instant, a group of people entered the mist like a water curtain and came to the land of yellow sand.

After entering the land of Huangsha, Li Lingtian single-handedly printed on the fog, but the next thing shocked everyone.

This mist did not come in at all when it came in, but Li Lingtian did not shake this mist in the slightest blow, just like a copper wall or iron wall.

Wanting to go out is not that simple.

Moreover, at first I could see the strong inside and the breath, but after entering, I could no longer see it.

Because when you see the outside, it is only a few miles in size, but when you enter the inside, the inside is vast.

The strong man I saw originally disappeared, it should be because of the distance.

"Go, we rush to the middle."

After coming to the land of Huangsha, the look on Li Lingtian's face was calm, but he was shocked. He had been to countless mysterious places, but he never saw such a magical place.

By virtue of the powerful cultivation method, the existence of the soil breath was sensed from afar. This soil breath should be the beginning of the breath of light.

And it also senses the change in the air. This change comes from the void. Those strong people should be shocked by this change in the void.

It's a pity that I can't hear the sound inside, otherwise I can know the general situation inside.



After Li Lingtian finished speaking, his figure flashed quickly and flew away into the distance.

Behind him was Lin Zhirong, who already had five martial arts strongmen.

This flight took a full two days. After two days, I finally felt the change in the sky.

And from time to time came a shocking popping noise, which was exactly the same as what was heard outside.

In the sky, the terrifying grey dust rose into the sky, and it looked terrifying.



The explosions continued, and the earth shivered.

Several people in Li Lingtian looked at this situation, and their faces were shocked. This voice was obviously the voice of the war.

I don't know if there are any treasures in the sky that actually fought so hard.

"This war is not a war of mankind."

Looking at the shocking changes in the air and feeling the breath in the air, Li Lingtian said lightly.

Several strong men listened to Li Lingtian's words and were shocked.

But I don't believe it very much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because they were conquered by Li Lingtian, but I haven't seen Li Lingtian really powerful.

Moreover, no matter how powerful a Wu Sheng is, it is impossible to know everything and know everything.

"Lord Ling Tian means?"

Lin Zhirong looked at Li Lingtian seriously and asked, since it is not a human war, what kind of strong war is human being fighting with?

They are all curious and want to know the situation of the war inside, so that when the time comes, there is a little precaution and preparation.

"It is the strong human beings fighting against the horror fairy beast."

Li Lingtian said lightly, staring at the void, the expression on his face was dignified.

Other powerhouses don't know what Li Lingtian is thinking at this time.

"Fairy beast?"

Lin Zhirong was shocked with several strong men at the same time, looking at Li Lingtian in a puzzled look, his face constantly changing. ()

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