War God Supreme

Chapter 907: Sky Sword merger


Just as the Five Great Swords and the two materials fused together, a mysterious breath suddenly broke out.

The mysterious breath rose into the sky, tearing the space, and even Li Lingtian had no time to prepare, and the whole person was thrown out.

The breath of the sky shook the sky, the entire Tianji Mountain shivered, and the flames of destruction were even more terrifying.

Each handle of the Five Great Swords itself is against the sky. When the five handles are together, the power and pressure are almost ruining the heavens and the earth, and during this period of time they are continuously quenched by flames, and the breath between them is gradually connected.

The power of terror was suppressed, but it did not erupt.

The magical degree of Gengjin and Seven-color make-up stone is not inferior to that of Sky Sword, and its power is astonishing.

Two kinds of materials, either one can be called a fetish, and now the fusion of the two materials, the power of destruction finally burst out, plus the power of the five-handed sword to suppress the explosion, and finally at this time, three kinds of shocking things burst out The power of destruction.

This power comes from Sky Sword, Colorful Patch Stone and Geng Jin.

The power tore the void, and a burst of colorful light appeared between heaven and earth.


Li Lingtian spit out blood, and a horrified look appeared on his face.

Wan Wan did not expect that this Tianjian merger would have such terrifying power. In fact, it has long been known that the fusion of Tianjian is terrifying. I already have a calculation in mind, but I can't think of the power of terror.

At the same time, horrible things were discovered in this power, that is, this power is divine power.

He merged the ice **** and the fire god, and gained divine power. Naturally, he knew this divine power a little.

When Gengjin, Qicaitiantianshi, and the five big sky swords were fused together, the breath they sent out was actually divine power, which shocked him beyond recognition.

The sky kept tearing in front of this power, and the flames were trembling.




At this moment, thunder appeared in the sky, and lightning flashed down.

Lightning cracked a crack in the space and directly bombarded Tianji Mountain. At the same time, the air in the sky was continuously twisted.

In this scene, all the strongmen and guards outside Tianji Mountain are terrified.

Li Lingtian looked at the situation in the sky, the flames in the bottomless abyss, and the Tianjian and the colorful Tianshi Gengjin. Without a chance to make him hesitate, his figure flashed and he came to the bottomless abyss.

The Fa-rule in hand is constantly being displayed, with the practice of the front line, and the means of turning against the sky.

And some time ago, the basic knowledge of the refining masters of those refining masters is now refining this Sky Sword, and they have specially practiced some techniques.

"Oh, yell."

A burst of rumbling sounds sounded, and the five-handed heavenly sword was continuously fused by the solution of colorful patchwork stone and Gengjin.

A breath of breath was continually radiating, and Li Lingtian's whole body showed cracks, as if to be torn.

However, the terrifying defense, the real dragon body and the body of the sky sword are constantly being repaired.


Above Jiuxiao, a purple arc descended, and at the same time, endless skyfire landed in the void.

The landing of the sky fire and thunder, directly pressed against the sky sword where Li Lingtian was.

When the purple arc and skyfire landed, the ground fire also erupted.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian and Tianjian, as well as the colorful patchwork stone and Geng Jin were also rushed up, and the whole person was suspended in the air.

In the place where the sky fire and the earth fire meet, the whole person is bombarded by the sky fire.


A blood donation was spurted out, but I never thought that the appearance of blood, Li Lingtian and Tian Jian, as well as colorful make up stone and Geng Jin, were immediately connected.

For a moment, a mysterious connection appeared between Tianjian, Gengjin, and colorful make-up stones.

Sky Sword continuously absorbed the solution of Gengjin and Colorful Bu Tian Shi, and Li Lingtian's sperm blood also appeared continuously, directly into Sky Sword.

Outside Tianji Mountain, the strong men on the God of War and countless lively strong men are watching Li Lingtian suspended in the air, with a shocked look on his face.

Huangfu Yuyan and others were all worried and shocked.

But at this time, they did not dare to speak out, staring at Li Lingtian in the distant flames.

Seeing Li Lingtian being tempered by the flames of heaven and earth, the five-handed heavenly sword revolved around Li Lingtian, the body of the heavenly sword issued a horrible sword, and the solution of Gengjin and the colorful make-up stone gradually disappeared.

However, what Li Lingtian could not imagine was that although 90% of these solutions entered Tianjian, a small part of them entered his body.


Li Lingtian looked at Wu Shan Tian Jian, and the expression on his face was shocked besides shock.

After half an hour, Wujian Tianjian quickly merged together, as if they were originally one. The instantaneous merger contradiction of Wushan Tianjian was that the world and the world exploded.

"Boom, boom."



"Click, click."

Immediately, the endless thunder and lightning landed on Jiuxiao, and the entire Tianji Mountain was in the thunder and lightning.

The terrifying flames, the terrifying fire of the world, the mysterious power of horror, the thunder and thunder and lightning, all of which form a terrifying world.

"Tear it."

At this time, the five-handed swords merged into a domineering long sword. The long sword was five centimeters wide and three feet long. The handle was even more domineering.

However, a golden halo appeared around the long sword. This halo was formed entirely by mysterious forces.

In this halo, mysterious characters flashed, and the characters were constantly connected with Li Lingtian's knowledge of the sea. Li Lingtian was completely stunned in this knowledge of the sea. His eyes were full of terror and shock.

Moreover, in addition to shock and terror, there is endless excitement in his eyes, just like seeing some magical baby.

However, this magical halo disappeared in an instant.

The sword also burst into a golden light at this time, the golden light turned red, and the red light turned purple again.

In a blink of an eye, the long sword burst into colorful light, and when it finally turned blue, the long sword's light formed a colorful light. The colorful light bombarded the void.

A tearing sound sounded.

Heaven and earth finally became quiet, thunder and lightning, and sky and earth, all of which stopped at this time.

However, the space in this world began to break apart, like a broken mirror.


The quiet and fragmented space burst into a roar at this time.

In the broken space between them, a black hole landed, but this black hole is full of tens of thousands of miles. The black hole of tens of thousands of miles directly swallows the center of Tianji Mountain.

Li Lingtian disappeared into the black hole, and the world was quiet.

The center of Tianji Mountain disappeared and was swallowed by black holes.

The entire Tianji Mountain began to break apart, the flames disappeared, and the entire Tianji Mountain disappeared, and from then on, Tianji Mountain became history.

The Ares quickly flew back into the distance.

All the strongmen and the guards of the Xiaoyao Dynasty were stunned to see all this.

I didn't expect this sword to have such power, beyond the imagination of the warrior.

At the same time, it was terrifying to see Li Lingtian swallowed by the black hole.

Huangfu Yuyan and others were completely stunned at this time, and mist appeared in their eyes.

They all know the mystery of the origin of the Tianyi sword and understand the horror of the fusion of the five major swords.

Now Li Lingtian has been swallowed by a black hole and is worried about his life, but he dare not speak out, expecting Li Lingtian's chic and elegant figure to appear, as long as Li Lingtian appears again, they would rather give their lives.

Time, one second and one second.

At this moment, the broken space finally recovered, but within a million miles of the whole circle, there was no more aura.

Because, all the auras are rushing towards the center of Tianji Mountain which has been devoured.

The aura, visible to the naked eye, twists and makes a whistling sound.


The black hole exploded with a loud noise, and the black hole disappeared, turning into a grayish breath.

A figure rose into the sky.

However, at this time, the figure was no longer a white shirt, there was no dashing dust, the whole body was black, as if it had been split by lightning.

However, this figure has a horrible and mysterious atmosphere, and a sword of destruction is exploding from his body.

The whole person is like a sharp sword, with a supreme sword intention.

Li Lingtian, yes, Li Lingtian.

I saw that the long sword in his hand had disappeared, but his whole person had the breath of starting the long sword. He was like the long sword at the beginning.


"The body of the sky sword."

After Li Lingtian appeared, there was a loud roar, with a trace of pain in his voice.

When the explosive roar appeared, the body of the sky sword had been turned to the extreme, and the whole person rolled in the air, as if suffering the pain of destruction.

Space, sword intentions raged, sword intentions tore this world.

Every time Li Lingtian rolls over, it stirs up the sword-shaking spirit, which is constantly changing.

Jianyi, Jianyi turned into a sword.

Sword power, the whole world is a shocking sword power, the sword power is invisible and powerful.

Sisi, Sisi!

Sisi, Sisi!

In the air, sword power is everywhere, and there are ruined sword filaments between heaven and earth, and the space is cut into pieces by this sword filament.

"Come back, hurry up."

"This is sword power, under the sword power destroys the world."

"Spark off a bit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Rewind, this is the sword of the emperor."

"The emperor actually cultivated the sword."

"This sword momentum, no matter how many martial arts strongmen, will be destroyed."

"If you use this sword to fight, one person will be able to destroy millions of troops for a moment."

"Rewind, or it's too late."

Looking at the ruined sword wire, the endless threat of death shuddered all the strong men and steadily backed away.

This sword silk can only be controlled after reaching the sword.

Within a radius of a million miles, there is the sword of destruction. In front of the sword, the martial arts strongmen will also be destroyed.

Suddenly, the Ares quickly retreated towards the back, and the other powerful people who watched the lively fled towards the distance, looking far above Tianji Mountain. ()

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