War God Supreme

Chapter 908: Wusheng 7th Heaven

Between the destruction of the sword, Li Lingtian kept rolling in the sword.

However, the whole person was completely intoxicated by the sword, and the physical pain also disappeared.

In the sight of all the strong men, Li Lingtian was suspended in the air, the look on his face calmed down, but the horror of the sword continued to change.

"Sword intention."

"Sword momentum."

"Sword Domain."

At this time, Li Lingtian said softly in his mouth.

But at the end of the nagging, his eyes suddenly opened, and suddenly, the sword between heaven and earth changed strangely.

The weird sword power, quickly condensed, and in a blink of an eye the fusion is only a hundred miles in size.

On top of Li Lingtian's head, a long sword appeared strangely, and this long sword was the long sword that began to merge.

The long sword fell into Li Lingtian's hands. I saw the long sword in Li Lingtian's hand, and the change of the sword's power in a hundred miles was completely transformed into a ruinous atmosphere.

A space of a hundred miles in size completely formed a world of swords.

This is the territorial realm of swords in kendo, and the realms generally exist.


In the void, a hundred miles in size is gray, and within a hundred miles it becomes a void, with no breath, no air, and no matter.

In the same way, there was no sound, and I didn't know how long after that a slight wind sounded.

The long sword in Li Lingtian's hand had disappeared, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Wu Sheng Liu Chong Tian, ​​break it for me."

At this moment, Li Lingtian's breath changed, and with a roar, the sky shivered.

The voice spread hundreds of thousands of miles away, like the rage of the gods.

When this voice came out, Li Lingtian's momentum was even more terrifying, and the air in the space was twisted.

At the same time, the aura of the Five Elements, and some mysterious breath and material between heaven and earth, quickly rushed towards Li Lingtian. Suddenly, countless mysterious breath wrapped Li Lingtian.

I saw that in the void, a halo with a size of a few square circles kept rotating, and Li Lingtian was wrapped in the halo.

The halo is constantly refined and shrinking.

Gradually, the halo finally became a few meters in size.

This halo change, the world's strongest are shocked, eyes staring blankly at the halo in the sky, they all understand that there is Li Lingtian in the halo.

The situation in the air is not exactly what Wu Sheng broke through.

However, Li Lingtian's inferiority and evil spirits have been numb. Anything related to Li Lingtian is against the sky, and the impossible becomes possible.


Halo is like a silkworm cocoon, and Li Lingtian is the silkworm chrysalis.

At this time, a crack appeared on the silkworm cocoon, a crack appeared, and then appeared continuously, and suddenly the silkworm cocoon appeared a spider web-like crack.

Moreover, the appearance of cracks makes silkworm cocoons appear to be torn apart.

Just when this situation appeared, the cocoons burst into dazzling light, and the light burst out of countless cracks.

With a loud explosion, the cocoons turned into fragments, and Li Lingtian appeared in the void.

But at this time, his body exudes multicolored light, and the whole person is like a dazzling light.

Silkworm pupa rebirth, Li Lingtian is the rebirth butterfly.

Endless fragments are scattered in the air, but at this time, Li Lingtian's eyes flashed through his eyes, and his hands drew a mysterious embrace. The fragments scattered in the air returned to Li Lingtian as if pulled by suction.

At the same time, the light in Li Lingtian's body constantly engulfed these fragments, and in a blink of an eye, the fragments were consumed.

Between heaven and earth, Li Lingtian's colorful light shone across the world.

At this time, all the strong men looked at Li Lingtian blankly, with a horrified look in their eyes.

Because, Li Lingtian's breath has stabilized.

Wusheng Seventh Heaven!

I did not expect such a breakthrough.

"The sword of domination, the realm of swords!"

Li Lingtian, staring at the void, walked step by step toward the outside. His eyes were plain and calm, but his black and white eyes were like the stars shining in the night sky.

It seems that walking slowly step by step, but in a few steps, the whole person has left the outer edge of Tianji Mountain.

Leaving the center of Tianji Mountain, Li Lingtian's mouth showed a slight smile, his mouth widened, and he said to himself.

With one wave of one hand, the long sword that had disappeared appeared strangely in the hand.

After the long sword was swung out, the long sword disappeared again, and Li Lingtian stepped out again step by step.

The space is very calm, without any slight fluctuations.

This situation makes all the powerful people puzzled. With Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior, even if he waved his hand casually, he could destroy Wu San without killing the Wushen, and the space was also torn apart.

But after the sword was thrown, although it was not terrifying, it would not be so quiet.

However, when Li Lingtian left Tianji Mountain completely, his breath disappeared and the whole person became an ordinary person.



Behind Li Lingtian, the originally destroyed Tianji Mountain suddenly changed. The tens of thousands of miles of Tianji Mountain disappeared completely, and the Tianji Mountain was flattened to the ground. There is no Tianji Mountain here, not even a mound.



Countless strong men, all booed with a sigh of air, uproar.

They couldn't think of it, they couldn't think of Li Lingtian's sword.

Just like a sword, a mountain disappeared.

This is terrible, but at this time, I dare not be out of the atmosphere, staring blankly at Li Lingtian, this blow can be called God's means.


Li Lingtian's figure flickered, and the whole person disappeared.

When it appeared again, it had already arrived on the Ares.

Looking at the worried Huangfu Yuyan and others, Li Lingtian's face showed a happy look.

"Okay, everything is fine."

"Worried you."

With a faint smile on the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth, he stretched his arms and put Huangfu Yuyan in his arms, and reached out and patted on the back.

Then loosen Huangfu Yuyan and hug Tang Qingyue. The same is true, and hug one by one, which can be regarded as a comfort to them.

Some of his wives are natural, even Ji Yi and Xiaobai are normal.

Yun Yaoyao has a good relationship with him, and naturally has no worries.

But when he met Bei Mingxue, Li Lingtian was startled, and there was a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"Sister Xue."

The smile on Li Lingtian's face remained the same. After shouting Bei Mingxue, he reached out and hugged Bei Mingxue.

Hold it politely, but when you let go, when you turn around, a bright smile appears on your face.

"You bad guy."

Bei Mingxue saw Li Lingtian's smile and knew that Li Lingtian was intentional.

Li Lingtian was embarrassed himself, but he wanted to embarrass Bei Mingxue.

So she shouted Xue Xue intentionally, reminded her, and then hugged her again, this was intentional.

If it wasn't intentional, he could hug it directly, even if she was embarrassed, it passed.

"Giggle, hee hee."

Suddenly, a cheer of laughter sounded.

Li Lingtian and Bei Mingxue's feelings of worry originally disappeared.

Then a group of girls gathered around Li Lingtian to see if Li Lingtian was injured.

However, it was found that Li Lingtian was not injured, and finally he was relieved.

"Congratulations to the emperor's breakthrough to Wusheng Qizhongtian."

"Congratulations to Brother Ling Tian for the fusion of the five great swords, and the cultivation is soaring."

"Congratulations to Master Husband on getting the Sword of Domination."

All of a sudden, all girls are happy towards Li Lingtian, expressing their heartfelt joy.

Li Lingtian merged the five big swords, cultivated for a breakthrough, and also got mysterious power. His strength skyrocketed, and he was naturally very happy.

"Order, Ares to Fengming Lake."

Li Lingtian looked at these girls and said with a happy smile on his face.

After saying hello to a few girls, he ordered Long Da to send the God of War to Fengming Lake.

Suddenly, ten roars of the God of War were masterpieces, and quickly flew away into the distance.

When Li Lingtian ordered, although the voice was not loud, it was not small, and many strong men were quite clear.

Although these strong men do not know what Li Lingtian did to Fengming Lake, after seeing Li Lingtian's strength soaring, he not only did not return to the palace, but also went to Fengming Lake.

However, after the God of War left Tianji Mountain, there was news immediately, Li Lingtian, Emperor of Freedom ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ refining treasures is to deal with Yin and Ming ancestors.

"This time I watched a good show and got the news that the emperor refined treasures just to deal with the Yin and Ming ancestors."

"What, deal with Yin-Ying Ancestor?"

"Yin Ming Patriarch is one of the ten great Venerables in the frozen snow, but Venerable Venerable is the Super Xeon of Wushen Jiuzhongtian."

"You are stupid about this. The old ancestors of Yin and Ming came to Xuanzhou long ago to deal with the emperor. Both avatars were destroyed by the emperor, but the deity did not fall. The deity is in Xuanzhou. The emperor has unified Xuanzhou, naturally Will not let the most powerful enemy stay in Xuanzhou."

"Yeah, the emperor played against the Yin and Ming ancestor avatars, but shaking the Xuanzhou, both avatars were killed by the emperor."

"It seems that the emperor's refining of treasure is to deal with the Yin and Ming ancestors."

"Yin Ming Ancestor, the hiding place is Fengming Lake."

"The ancestors of Yin and Ming, one of the ten venerable people in the frozen snow, the existence of Wushen Jiuzhongtian, the emperor will kill him, and he will naturally refine the treasures, so there are some treasures.

"This is the god-class of martial arts, the venerable martial arts warrior, not to be missed."

"Let's go and see. At that time, even if you can't help the emperor, you must cheer the emperor."

"Xuanzhou is the world of Xuanzhou, that is, it will let the powerful people in the frozen snow see it."

The news spread across the ears of countless powerful people like wings.

Suddenly, the strong man in the air flew away into the distance like a locust, and the direction was exactly the direction of the Ares flying.

Tianji Mountain disappeared and became history.

But all the strong men were more excited and shocked, because the free emperor Li Lingtian had to deal with the Yin and Ming ancestors, the Wu Sheng strong men and the Venerable.

All of a sudden, this news spread throughout Xuanzhou, and countless powerful people rushed towards Fengming Lake.

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