War God Supreme

Chapter 909: Ancestor of Yin

Fengming Lake

Located in the territory of the original Tianyang Empire, tens of millions of miles away from Tianji Mountain.

This Fengming Lake is not well known on the Shenwu Continent, but it is famous among the countless strong people of the Tianyang Empire.

Because Fengming Lake is the strongest deal with the cold air of the entire Tianyang Empire, the horrible cold air is enough for Wu Sheng to destroy and die.

Even the warrior who practiced the ice system exercises did not dare to get close easily.

Fengming Lake is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and the front of the peak is high.

Surrounding the tall peaks, a lake is formed in the center. The lake is five hundred miles in size. The bottomless lake exudes cold air.

Above Fengming Lake, there is a layer of white frost all year round.

A hundred miles away from the lake, you can feel the icy air here. This place is completely two extremes from Tianji Mountain, one is burning flames, and the other is frost.

However, this kind of ice power cannot be cultivated, because here is the cold air, it can not be cultivated at all, unless it is a strong man who cultivates the cold power.

However, on this day, there was an old man hovering above the lake. The whole person was suspended like a leaf.

The entire body of the old man is covered with ice and cold air, and the cold air in the lake continuously enters the body of the old man, and the old man takes the refining of the cold air as his own.

"Damn, damn."

"Li Lingtian, if it weren't for you, the ancestor of this ancestor wouldn't fall down, and he wouldn't get caught in the evil spirit. Now the appearance of the ancestor of the ancestor is not a ghost or a ghost.

"As long as the deity is stabilized, you will be broken to pieces, and you will be slaughtered."

The old man opened his eyes, but now the old man's eyes are full of blood red light, his face is dry, there is no trace of flesh.

It's just a layer of skin. If it weren't for this layer of skin, it would definitely look like a skull. With **** eyes, the whole person was terrified.

Moreover, the breath of the old man was very disturbed, as if it were to be destroyed at any time.


At this time, the rage attacked the heart, and a blood donation spouted out.

Originally, some solid cultivation behaviors started to shake again, and the real elements on his body were also chaotic.

I don't know how long after that, Zhenyuan finally stabilized, and the look on the old man's face became relaxed, but the blood-red eyes became more and more terrifying.

If it weren’t for humans or human beings, it would be turned into a demon powerhouse.


The old man came out in shock, and the look on his face changed.

This old man is not who the Yin and Ming ancestors are, but the Yin and Ming ancestors at this time are more powerful than the avatars and Yuanshen avatars.

The cultivation of the whole person has also reached the Seventh Heaven of Wushen.

Moreover, the terrible breath on his body is much stronger than that of Wushen Seventh Heaven Strong.

This is the difference between deities and avatars. No matter how strong the avatar is, it will always be an avatar. Even if it is a primordial avatar, it is not as good as the avatar. Unless the practice can make the avatar stronger than the avatar, otherwise the avatar's opponent is impossible.

In this way, there is no need to worry that the avatar will be stronger than the deity one day.

The Yinzu ancestor felt a threat coming, and his **** eyes looked into the void.

However, there is no slight movement in the void, and no trace of the strong can be seen, but this threatening feeling is the sixth sense of his Wushen strong, which is absolutely not wrong.

Cultivation also stopped, the breath of the whole body condensed, and the whole person seemed to merge with this lake.

The surrounding mountains suddenly formed a terrifying battle with the lake and the ancestral ancestors, all of which blended together.




After a few minutes, a roaring sound finally appeared in the sky.

The roar of the earth shook the earth and earth. When the roar of the roar sounded, a silver-white light spot appeared in the sky, and the light spot was like a star.

In an instant, this silver-white light spot grew bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge object.

Ten light spots turned into ten huge mountain peaks.

These are the ten first Ares, each capital is ten miles in size and hundreds of meters high.

The huge Ares brings visual impact to people.

And there are endless formations on these God of War, the power of the formation stirs the world, and the momentum of destroying the world will constantly stir the space.



In a blink of an eye, the formation of the Ten Gods of War surrounded the Fengming Lake, and within a thousand miles, they were all surrounded by the God of War.

There is an endless mysterious connection between the ten Ares, and a faint halo flashes.

As long as it is a Daoist, you can see at a glance that these halos are mysterious and powerful formations. There are powerful formations among the ten Battle Gods, which makes the Battle Gods form ten battle flags.

A tremendous array formed at this time, and it was absolutely whimsical to want to leave this array.

At least, it is impossible to enter from the outside.

In this way, the outside helpers are isolated.

"Li Lingtian, I didn't expect you to come."

At this time, the ancestors of Yin and Ming did not understand that they were fools. The God of War appeared here out of thin air. Naturally, it was not a play, and the ten Warlords were all the power of the Happy Dynasty.

Ten God of War appeared here, certainly for him.

Looking at the terrifying power of the Ten Songs of God of War and the horrible formation, the Yin and Ming ancestors were shocked.

This situation is obviously Li Lingtian's use of the most powerful strength, plus his own cultivation strength to kill him.

In this Xuanzhou, Li Lingtian can use such a big battle, out of his ten venerable ancestors in the frozen snow, there is no one else.

It is normal for Li Lingtian to rush to kill, otherwise he will have to wait to die until he recovers.

I just didn't expect that Li Lingtian would come so fast. According to his ideas, after Li Lingtian unified Xuanzhou, he had to rebuild Xuanzhou at least, stabilize his power, and only deal with him after he was promoted to cultivation.

After all, Li Lingtian's evil spirits know that the strong man of Venerable Lord does not do things that are not sure.

It is also a matter of a few years to get started. Only a few years later Li Lingtian reached Wushen and his strength skyrocketed, so he had the opportunity to do something with him.

"This seat will come naturally."

"This seat always believes in one thing. If you come out and mix it up, sooner or later you will have to pay it back."

"You came to Xuanzhou from the frozen snow far away, and dealt with me as a saint as a Venerable Master, but you can think of it."

"This has always been the case. As long as this seat does not die, and people who have provoked this seat will disappear, even if this seat can't be big, you must wipe out the small ones."

"Xuanzhou has been quiet, and you should have disappeared. This seat does not want a restless person in Xuanzhou to stay, so your venerable age will become history after today."

Li Lingtian walked out of the Ares, the whole person suspended in front of the Ares and said aloud.

A cloud on the face was light and breezy, and the whole body exuded the atmosphere of dust and dust. If it were not the temperament of the body, the appearance of the rich and handsome girl dumping the world would definitely be regarded as a family son.

However, he is such a young man, but he is a supreme figure in charge of Xuanzhou-Emperor Xiaoyao.

The voice was very loud, and it was transmitted to the ears of the strong men who came from afar.

All the strong men listened to Li Lingtian's words, and they were shocked. Anyone can provoke them, but they cannot provoke this young man.

Although this young emperor is now, it was the same before he did not become an emperor.

This is not a question of status, nor a question of strength, but a heart, a strong heart, and a persistent heart. Provoking such a person is more terrifying than provoking God.

After Li Lingtian appeared, Huangfu Yuyan and others also came to the splint of the Ares.

At the same time, the orangutan, the silver-winged dragon, the ice and fire beast, and the spirit earth beast also appeared on the God of War.

The subordinates of Long Da, Yun Aotian, and Lin Zhirong also stood on the God of War.

Moreover, the 300,000 strong men on the Ares also appeared, and the terrifying situation made people see the trembling.

Such a situation has almost gathered the most powerful strength of Xuanzhou.

With this kind of strength, only the strong like Li Lingtian can gather.

Now, Li Lingtian gathers such forces in order to deal with a terrifying powerhouse.

The terrifying strongest, one of the ten great venerable people in the frozen snow-the ancestor of Yin and Ming!

"Li Lingtian, did not expect you to grow so fast."

"You have what we need, so, you must fall, every Xuanzhou, my frozen snow is nothing to look at."

"As long as you hand over the storage bag~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this ancestor can put you a horse, this ancestor will also leave Xuanzhou, Xuanzhou is still your world."

"Do you think you can deal with this ancestor with your battles?"

The ancestor of Yinming looked at the strength above the God of War, and he was extremely shocked.

I did not expect that Li Lingtian still has such a strong strength. If he is in the frozen snow, he really does not see these strengths in his eyes.

But in the current situation, even if he doesn't look at these strengths, these strengths can make him miserable.

If all of these strengths go all out, he will now be injured and furious, and if he does not recover, he will definitely be killed.

However, even so, now with his own strength, he is absolutely certain to kill Li Lingtian.

Only now, he doesn't want to do it, he doesn't want to take risks.

"Haha, haha."

"Yin Ming Patriarch, do you think this seat will believe you?"

"Even if what you said is true, do you think this seat will promise you? In this world, it is impossible to take a spirit stone from this seat."

"Today, I made a special trip to visit you. You'd better not let this seat down."

"However, you can rest assured that they will not do anything until this seat falls. This seat will give you the last fairness, and the strong will have the death of the strong."

"The strong man has the dignity of the strong man. I respect you in this seat, but you are the opponent of this seat. Today you and I are a battle of life and death."

Li Lingtian said loudly that when he spoke, his body's momentum quickly climbed.

Suddenly, the breath of the entire space is constantly twisted, and the momentum of destruction is like tearing this space.

The earth trembling constantly, trembling in front of Li Lingtian's terrifying momentum.

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