War God Supreme

Chapter 915: Back across

Without hopeless despair, everyone can only wait to die.

The only thing that can be done is to escape after the formation is broken or to die with the demon.



The blast of the sky was constant, and the formation was so majestic. As long as the formation was broken, tens of millions of people and powerful people in Tianhe Holy City would fall.

In front of the demons, humans are not immune.

For a while, the morale of the strong men in Tianhe Holy City was extremely low.

In the face of Wu Sheng Wu God strong, even the opportunity to resist is gone, naturally desperate to the extreme.


A clear sound appeared. This sound was like the call of death in the ears of countless strong men in Tianhe Holy City.

The formation is broken and the Demon Race enters, which is even more terrifying than the death.

The shocking formation was finally destroyed after tens of thousands of demon strong attacked for a month.

The formation of tens of millions of miles disappeared in an instant.

All the powerful and people in the Tianhe Holy City are exposed to the Demon Race, and the devil qi of the sky constantly destroys the minds of the powerful people in the Tianhe Holy City.

The terrifying magical energy made countless low-level martial arts directly into puppets, or simply fell directly, and the clouds disappeared between heaven and earth.


The war has not yet begun, but the overwhelming demon qi is pressing towards the Holy City of Tianhe.

Wherever the magic energy passed, countless powerful men fell.

At this time, the decision in the hands of the Four Saints of Xuanyuan waved, and the four suddenly turned into four green lights.

There are signs of recovery of all things between heaven and earth, and countless demons are constantly being offset.

At the same time, countless demons are constantly being killed. The recovery of all things is innately compatible with the demons.

The peak of Wusheng Jiuzhongtian is complete. Although it is not an opponent of Wushen, but the four Wushengjiutian jointly teamed up to display mysterious magic powers, and the power is also shocking.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of powerful demon races competed with this magical power.

However, leaving a Wushen Mozu didn't do it at all, but looked at Tianhe Holy City's powerful men lightly.



"Ah, ah, ah."

"Ah, ah..."

The shocking sound of the sky, the sky of tacit understanding, the sound of countless screams.

Suddenly Tianhe Holy City is like **** on earth.

In the Holy City of Tianhe, tens of thousands of people and the strong fell in a blink of an eye, and the demon strong also continued to fall, but this demon was not the main force of the demon at all.

The resurgence of all things that Xuanyuan Four Saints turned into cannot completely destroy all Demon Races, let alone deal with the powerful Wushen.


A martial **** and a strong heavenly strongman beside Fengtian watched the attack of the Four Saints of Xuanyuan, and a look of disdain appeared in his eyes.

With a loud roar, the whole body's magical energy twisted, and he bombarded and recovered from everything.

Suddenly the world changed color, just like the end of the world.

In the blink of an eye, the shocking magical energy bombarded the recovery of everything.



The explosion appeared, the recovery of all things disappeared, Xuanyuan Four Saints threw out, and a blood donation spurted out.

Wusheng Jiuzhongtian teamed up, and it was not the opponent of Wushen Yizhongtian's casual blow.


"All killed, and find Li Lingtian three feet."

The expression on Feng Tian's face was extremely cold, and there was no slight expression fluctuation in his eyes.

Suddenly, the nearby Wusheng and Wushen strong men quickly rushed towards Chaotianhe Holy City.

"Tear it."

At this time, a strange voice appeared in the void.

The voice was not loud, but the strong men above Wu Sheng were found.

They all looked at the void, and when they saw the situation in the void, they all showed horror.

Seeing the void, a red dot appeared.

The red dots changed rapidly, and gradually formed a mesh grid.

A scarlet grid freezes in the air, and a grid with a radius of a hundred miles appears in the void.

"Crossover Boundary!"

Tianhe Holy City and the Demon Strong, looking at the situation in the air, stopped and exclaimed, with a puzzled look in their eyes.

Looking at the grid in the sky, all the demons and the people of Tianhe Holy City stopped.

Cross-border formations are the means of super powers. At this time, such cross-border formations are all looking forward to the sky.

When the grid appeared, a white figure appeared in the center of the grid.

There is no breath in the white figure, just like an ordinary person.

Such a situation makes everyone feel strange for a while. An ordinary young man actually came across the border, which is too weird.

In the distant void, the white figure is a little vague, and there is a faint mysterious atmosphere in front of the white figure, which prevents all the strong minds.


After the white figure appeared, the grid gradually disappeared.

At this time, the young man in white reacted and saw the following situation, and he was startled, but there was a trace of anger in this startling.

Feng Tian looked at the white figure in the void, his face showing a puzzled look, but the corner of his mouth showed a disdainful look.

"Pretend to be a ghost and find death."

I can't see this figure, but I know that in these places in the Tianhe region, it is impossible for Wushen to appear, even if it is Wushen, he can kill it.

Moreover, all who come here are human beings, and will not be demons, even if they are killed, they will die in vain.

When the sound fell, he waved with one hand, and a huge devil gas turned into a dark fist, and the dark fist bombarded the void.

The fist bombarded the white figure in the void with the power to tear the space.


The ruined fist tears the space and makes a roar.

The strong men of the Tianhe Holy City looked at the white figure in the air against the demon strong men, they were all surprised and worried about the figure in the air, because the person attacked by the demon must be human.

"It's God."

"It's God."

At this time, the Li Suifeng couple and the Tangzicheng couple exclaimed.

They are most familiar with Li Lingtian. Although Xiu is only Wu Zong, who can't clearly see who the white figure in the air is, but because he is too familiar with Li Lingtian, this time it can be seen that the white figure in the air is Li Lingtian.

Yes, the white figure in the air is Li Lingtian.

Crossing from the horizon of Xuanzhou skyline, with powerful cultivation and control of the space, he accurately crosses the boundary and comes over Tianhe Holy City, which is also because he left here before he left Tianhe Holy City. A lot of formation.

In this way, no matter how far away, the formation is clear.

For the super anti-Sky array masters, the arrays they cast, no matter how far apart, will become their coordinates.


"Is Ling Tian?"

"It's Ling Tian!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian's relatives, as well as Xuanyuan Tianming and others, heard Li Suifeng's couple and Tang Zicheng's couple exclaim at the same time. They were all surprised and looked into the air.

However, at this time Fengtian's Devil's Devil's Fist of Destruction had arrived in front of the white figure, and he was shocked when he found this situation.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to appear at this dangerous time. Isn't this death?

Seeing the destruction of their loved ones with their own eyes, the Xuanyuans, Li Suifeng and his wife, as well as Tangzicheng, all felt heartache and dull eyes.

But something unexpected happened, and when the attack of Wushen's destruction was shot down in front of Li Lingtian, a mysterious breath counteracted the attack.

In this situation, Fengtian's attack was like a breeze, and it was so weak that everyone was shocked.

Wushen's attack was so powerless that he felt extremely puzzled.

They would never think that the white figure in the air has a strong cultivation behavior, because that figure is a young man, and he does not have the slightest momentum, and he has not been destroyed in the face of the attack of the Wushen. It is shocking.

For a moment, Tianhe Holy City was extremely quiet, and all the strong men were stunned. Even Fengtian was shocked.

"very good."

Li Lingtian landed slowly, and finally suspended in midair. His eyes looked coldly at the Demon Strong, his mouth wide, and said lightly, his eyes were full of killing intent.

I was so angry in my heart that I didn't think that it was the time when I wasn't there, and the demon dared to deal with Tianhe Holy City.

If you come late, Tianhe Holy City will disappear and your parents and loved ones will disappear forever.

Thinking of this, I was terribly afraid. Fortunately, I didn't delay, otherwise we would never be separated.

However, the more angry you are in your heart, the calmer your face will be, because only by turning your anger into killing will the killing in your heart be eliminated.

"Mr. Ling Tian."

"Lord Ling Tian."

"Li Lingtian."

Suddenly, in Tianhe Holy City, countless people who knew Li Lingtian exclaimed.

I didn't expect Li Lingtian to appear at this time.

But the people of the Xuanyuan family showed a bitter smile on their faces.

Back at this time, facing the demons of Wushen and Wusheng, he just died.


Qin Susu looked at Li Lingtian and shouted excitedly.

In any case, I was most pleased to see that my son was safe.

"Mother, father."

"Uncle, aunt."

Li Lingtian, the cold breath all over her body, disappeared completely in front of Qin Susu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a light smile appeared on her face.

This smile made Qin Susu and others feel inexplicably relieved.

"Li Lingtian, you are Li Lingtian."

"I didn't expect to send myself to the door, hand over the Forbidden Demon God Array and take your life."

Seeing that his attack was counteracted strangely by the young man in front of him, Feng Tian was shocked.

Although the punch he just used did not use his full strength, but with such a blow, even the Wu Sheng strongman vanished, but the young man was intact.

Moreover, looking at the youth on the opposite side, there is only the realm of King Wu, and there is no such thing as concealing cultivation behavior.

Even he can't see Li Lingtian's real cultivation behavior. This young man can only have the realm of Wu Wang, but how can this realm resist his own attacks, which makes Feng Tian feel shocked.

However, when I heard that this young man was Li Lingtian, my heart was suddenly happy, the Lord found it, and the Forbidden God Array was also available. ()

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