War God Supreme

Chapter 916: Transcendent sword

"Devil, good, good."

"After this seat left the Tianhe region, you dare to come here to find death, who will give you the courage."

"Since it is death, this seat will fulfill you. Today, each of you would like to leave the Tianhe Valley half a step."

If Li Lingtian had no Fengtian at all, his eyes withdrew from his parents.

His parents and relatives were almost destroyed. Fortunately, he came back in time, or he would be separated from each other.

I have never thought of such a terrible thing before, but now I have discovered the terrible things, the anger in my heart is so high, there are the first time and the second time, I am not able to come back in time every time, so, for my loved ones, He wanted to take out the iron-blooded means to make the world strong tremble.

Let the world's strongest understand that to provoke his Li Lingtian's relatives, it will have to bear a heavy price.

The voice fell, and his eyes looked coldly at the powerful Wushen who had just bombarded him.

The consciousness swept across the entire Tianhe region, and the strength here was clarified. Hundreds of martial saints and six martial arts strongmen.

Against a Tianhe holy city, actually using so many strong men, it is possible to imagine the importance of the demon clan to the demon **** array.

"Ling Tian, ​​you hurried away."

Xuanyuan Yunhe shouted loudly, he was puzzled now. With his Wu Sheng Jiu Tian's cultivation behavior, he could not see Li Lingtian's cultivation behavior, not to mention that Li Lingtian is now the realm of Wu Wang.

But he didn't believe it, because when Li Lingtian left, it was Emperor Wu Realm.

It is impossible to have the realm of Wu Wang now, and it must have hidden Xiu Wei, but even if Li Lingtian is more powerful, he is not an opponent of Wu Shen. Even if he is powerful, he is not an opponent of several Wu Shen.

"God, you go quickly."

"Don't worry about us."

Several people of Qin Susu also reacted. Now the only hope is to let Li Lingtian leave quickly, not to die here.

As long as Li Lingtian left, they would not regret it even if they fell.

However, after they shouted, Li Lingtian did not move at all.

"Father, mother."

"Old ancestors, you can rest assured that they dare to come to death, and I will let them remember this lesson forever. No one of my Li Lingtian's relatives can touch it. I dare to touch my Li Lingtian's relatives, and I will destroy his whole family."

Li Lingtian looked at his parents and the people of the Xuanyuan family, and his heart warmed up endlessly.

No matter how cruel this world is, or whether this is a world respected by the strong, there are still some people who care about and care for themselves, and this life has been content.

Give me a ray of warmth, I will give you the sunshine and care of a world.

Give me a touch of care, and I will pamper and love for the rest of my life.

In this world where the strongest is respected, I am the happiest person.

Li Lingtian's face showed a faint smile, a sincere smile, and he smiled happily, completely ignoring the tens of thousands of powerful demon.

"Give you three seconds, and do not hand over the Forbidden Demon God Array, let you watch the destruction of Tianhe Holy City with your own eyes."




Feng Tian looked at Li Lingtian ignoring them, and felt inexplicable in his heart. A young Wu Wang could come across the border, and now ignoring them, it is hard to imagine.

But here, no one is their opponent at all.

Do not Qingzhou is under the devil's world, Youzhou is under the devil's world, Cangzhou has no martial arts, even Xuanzhou, there is no martial arts triple power.

Of course, there will be no God of War, even if there is God of War.

The young man in front of him will definitely not be a strong man.

The sound was extremely cold, the monstrous devil qi soared into the sky, and the devil qi that destroyed immediately raged through the space.

"Since you like this, let you see this seat, let you watch these ants destroy in front of you, and then kill you one by one."

"This seat doesn't want to kill, why can there be a **** to seduce."

"This seat doesn't want to see the blood, but there are too many clowns."

The look on Li Lingtian's face gradually became flat, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

When the sound rang, a whole body burst into shocking momentum.

The momentum of destruction is constantly sublimating, and at the same time, a terrifying coercion is constantly erupting.

At this time, Li Lingtian had already activated the power of heaven and earth, and Shenwei and Demon Territory were also exhibited. The terrible coercion suppressed the death within a hundred miles.

None of the demons in this can move, feeling the appearance of this coercion, all the demons of martial saints and martial gods are horrified.

At this time, Li Lingtian's whole person became elegant, like a **** of war.

The coercion of destruction suppresses all the powerful demon clan to move.

"Wusheng Seventh Heaven!"

Xuanyuan Yunhe and others in the Tianhe Holy City felt Li Lingtian's terrifying and majestic power and pressure, and they were immediately horrified.

Li Lingtian's cultivation practice was also revealed at this time.

Seeing Li Lingtian's cultivation as a realm was horrified, but in just four years, Li Lingtian's cultivation practice actually went from Wudi Realm to Wusheng Seventh Heaven.

Moreover, this terrifying coercion and momentum has already exceeded the realm of Wusheng. Even the demon wind sky of the three gods of Wushen is affected by this coercion.

Feng Tian and others were shocked beyond recovery.

Unexpectedly, this ordinary young man was actually a Wusheng Seventh Heaven Powerhouse, and this coercion and momentum were even more terrifying than other Wushen Third Heaven.

No wonder this young man did not change his face in the face of his tens of thousands of powerful men.



In front of the terrifying pressure, Wu Zun Wu Emperor of the Demon Clan couldn't even move his fingers and looked at Li Lingtian in horror.

At this time, in their eyes, Li Lingtian was even more terrifying than the devil.

Now Li Lingtian has become their master, and life and death are between Li Lingtian's thoughts.

Nearly ten thousand demon clan strongmen were suppressed in front of a martial saint's coercion, and the whole scene was extremely strange.

The strong man of Tianhe Holy City was completely stunned at this time, and his face was excited except for horror.

"Do it yourself."

Feng Tian looked at Li Lingtian's horror, and there was a tremor in his heart. This feeling appeared, and suddenly felt bad. This young man was too strange and terrifying, and he must be killed immediately.

When the voice fell, six martial gods and hundreds of martial saints quickly flew towards Li Lingtian.

As long as Li Lingtian is exterminated, Tianhe Holy City can be slaughtered, and Li Lingtian's Forbidden Demon Array can be obtained.

However, when hundreds of Wu Sheng and six Wu Shen flew to Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian completely ignored it.


At this time, a shocking roar appeared, and the roar shook the world, and even the earth shook with shaking.

The space shook for a while, and the six martial gods and hundreds of martial saints flying to Li Lingtian were all planted at this time.

His eyes were horrified and looked at a horrible monster in the air that was 100 meters in size.

Tier IX, Level 3: Silver Winged Dragon!

The terrifying demon power shook all the strong men down, suspended magnificently in the air, and huge wings flickered.

The wind of destruction is like tearing the space.


Li Lingtian looked at nearly ten thousand demon clan powerhouses, and it was these devil clan powerhouses who wanted to kill their loved ones.

Thinking of this, my heart was cold, and there was no slight emotion on his face.

The corner of his mouth was wide, and he snorted.

Suddenly, the whole body's momentum changed, and the horror of the sword filled the space.

The ruined sword will ravage the world, but this sword will sublimate rapidly. In a blink of an eye, the sword will change into an endless sword, and the sword will turn into sword silk.

Fangyuanbaili's sword potential became sword silk. When Li Lingtian's voice fell, the sword silk was vertical and horizontal.

"Sisi, Sisi."

"Oh, yell."


Endless strange noises appeared, and the whole process was just in a blink of an eye.

Li Lingtian's coercion disappeared, and peace regained between heaven and earth.

"Bang, bang."


When Li Lingtian's coercion disappeared, tens of thousands of destructions broke out in the temporarily calm space.

Tens of thousands of demons fell at the same time, without the slightest escape.

In this situation, hundreds of martial saints and six martial gods were shocked.

Even if they are even more powerful, it is not a matter of a moment to kill so many Demon clan strongmen, but Li Lingtian did not do anything at all, completely destroying all Demon clan by magical means.

At this speed, they have no chance to react.

Just about to kill Li Lingtian, but was blocked by a terrifying monster, just when they were shocked by the powerful monster, Li Lingtian had instantly killed all the demons.

The people of Tianhe Holy City were also stunned by Li Lingtian's move.

Such means and power are completely beyond the scope of imagination.



All the strong men sighed with a sigh of relief, and suddenly there was an uproar.

This method is too magical and terrifying. With the terrible coercion, all the demons are suppressed, and then with the magical sword silk, all the demons are instantly killed.

At this speed, even Wushen Wusheng did not react.

"It's a terrifying coercion, a terrifying sword."

Feng Tian and others, seeing Li Lingtian's methods completely ignored all the demons that fell. For the demons, the falling were all weak, and they were not worthy of sympathy.

However, the youth's means in front of him were too horrible and miraculous, and even they were shocked by such means.

Unexpectedly, there is such a horrible sword power in this world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They don't know that Li Lingtian just displayed a sword power like the environment, and the stronger one is the sword domain.

Under normal circumstances, sword domain is not needed at all.

These Demon Races have just been killed. Although they are tens of thousands, these are the Demon Races of Wu Zun Wu Emperor level.

Xiuwei's strength reached his level, and the number of ants was already in front of him. No matter how many, he was killed.

However, these are all Wu Zun and Wu Di. If these demons are Wu Sheng, he is not so simple.

Unless it is the show of sword territory, when he was in Xuanzhou before, when he was Wusheng Erzhong, he was able to kill Wu Emperor in pieces, and Xuanzhou was naturally a breeze.

Besides, I just used the power of heaven and earth and Shenwei to quell these demons, otherwise it wouldn't be so easy.

The prestige of the devil's natural devil, after encountering the nemesis, the power of the devil is greatly reduced. ()

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